Wednesday, May 16, 2012

TED Talks-Kary Mullis´next -gen cure for killer infections

The following information is used for educational purposes only.


So it was about four years ago, five years ago,I was sitting on a stage in Philadelphia, I think it was,with a bag similar to this.And I was pulling a molecule out of this bag.And I was saying, you don't know this molecule really well,but your body knows it extremely well.And I was thinking that your body hated it, at the time,because we are very immune to this. This is called alpha-gal epitope.And the fact that pig heart valves have lots of these on themis the reason that you can't transplant a pig heart valve into a person easily.

Actually our body doesn't hate these.Our body loves these. It eats them.I mean, the cells in our immune system are always hungry.And if an antibody is stuck to one of these thingson the cell, it means "that's food."Now, I was thinking about that and I said, you know, we've got this immune response to this ridiculous moleculethat we don't make, and we see it a lot in other animals and stuff.But I said we can't get rid of it,because all the people who tried to transplant heart valvesfound out you can't get rid of that immunity.

And I said, why don't you use that?What if I could stick this molecule,slap it onto a bacteriathat was pathogenic to me, that had just invaded my lungs?I mean I could immediately tap into an immune response that was already there,where it was not going to take five or six days to develop it --it was going to immediately attack whatever this thing was on.It was kind of like the same thing that happens when you,like when you're getting stopped for a traffic ticket in L.A.,and the cop drops a bag of marijuana in the back of your car,and then charges you for possession of marijuana.It's like this very fast, very efficient way to get people off the street.


So you can take a bacteriathat really doesn't make these things at all,and if you could clamp these on it really wellyou have it taken off the street.And for certain bacteriawe don't have really efficient ways to do that anymore.Our antibiotics are running out.And, I mean, the world apparently is running out too.So probably it doesn't matter 50 years from now --streptococcus and stuff like that will be rampant --because we won't be here. But if we are --(Laughter)we're going to need something to do with the bacteria.

So I started working with this thing,with a bunch of collaborators.And trying to attach this to things that werethemselves attached to certain specific target zones,bacteria that we don't like.And I feel now like George Bush.It's like "mission accomplished."So I might be doing something dumb, just like he was doing at the time.But basically what I was talking about there we've now gotten to work.And it's killing bacteria. It's eating them.

This thing can be stuck, like that little green triangle up there,sort of symbolizing this right now.You can stick this to something called a DNA aptamer.And that DNA aptamer will attach specificallyto a target that you have selected for it.So you can find a little feature on a bacterium that you don't like,like Staphylococcus -- I don't like it in particular,because it killed a professor friend of mine last year.It doesn't respond to antibiotics. So I don't like it.And I'm making an aptamer that will have this attached to it.That will know how to find Staph when it's in your body,and will alert your immune system to go after it.

Here's what happened. See that line on the very topwith the little dots?That's a bunch of mice that had been poisonedby our scientist friends down in Texas,at Brooks Air Base, with anthrax.And they had also been treated with a drug that we madethat would attack anthrax in particular,and direct your immune system to it.You'll notice they all lived, the ones on the top line --that's a 100 percent survival rate.And they actually lived another 14 days,or 28 when we finally killed them,and took them apart and figured out what went wrong.Why did they not die?And they didn't die because they didn't have anthrax anymore.So we did it. Okay?


Mission accomplished!


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