Monday, September 5, 2011

Drug-loaded brain electrode could prevent seizures-The NSMag

The following information is used for educational purposes only.

Drug-loaded brain electrode could prevent seizures

June 2011 by Ferris Jabr

Talk about intelligent design: a new polymer-covered electrode has the potential to monitor and deliver drugs to out-of-sync brain cells. If trials in animals are successful, it could one day help people to control epilepsy.

Neuroscientists implant microelectrode arrays in brains to eavesdrop on – and sometimes influence – the electrical activity of neurons. Why not chemically influence the brain alongside this electrical manipulation, thought Xinyan Tracy Cui at the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and her colleagues.

So the team coated microelectrodes with an electrically conductive polypyrrole film. Then they loaded pockets within the film with different drugs and neurotransmitters such as glutamate, GABA and dopamine, and attached the arrays to samples of rat brain tissue.

Applying an electrical current to the polymer caused it to change shape and release its drug cargo, which then acted on surrounding cells. Cui is currently working on replicating this demonstration in living rodents.

Hits the spot

Polypyrrole-coated microelectrode arrays, like ordinary arrays, could not only monitor neurons for unusual electrical activity but also deliver electrical impulses to keep neurons firing at the right tempo, like the brain pacemakers sometimes used to treat epilepsy. With the polypyrrole coating, however, microelectrode arrays could release drugs when they detect unusual activity – such as the haphazard electrical firing that characterises a seizure. Because electrodes reach into specific regions of the brain, the drugs would affect only neighbouring neurons.

"Theoretically you could use the electrode arrays to monitor neural activity and once you detect a sign of a seizure you could pump anticonvulsive drugs at just the right location," Cui says.

One difficulty, however, is that once the polymer sheds its drugs it has no more to offer. One solution might be to add carbon nanotubes as drug reservoirs.

"We have the proof of concept for a simple but powerful technology that can be used with a variety of different drugs or biochemical molecules," Cui says. "Because of its versatility, the potential applications are limitless."

Saleem Nicola at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City says he is impressed with the study, but notes that in Cui's tests some of the powerful drugs that inhibit neural activity did not seem as effective as one might expect, although it is unclear why.

"In theory it's a great idea, but ultimately we want to see it working in electrodes implanted in the brain for a fair amount of time," he says. "This is a first pass, but it could be extremely powerful if it lives up to its promise."

Journal reference: Journal of Neural Engineering, DOI: 10.1088/1741-2560/8/4/044001

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