Thursday, April 21, 2011

TOEIC-Study Material-2011

TOEIC- New TOEIC Version-Introduction

TOEIC is an acronym that stands for Test Of English for International Communication. It is the most widely used English language exam taken by more than 4 million business professionals worldwide. The TOEIC test measures your ability to use English in daily business situations covering such topics as corporate development, finance and budgeting, corporate property, IT, manufacturing, purchasing, offices, personnel, technical matters, health and business travel. A growing number of international companies recognize the TOEIC as an objective indicator of a person's proficiency in business English. It is important to understand that the TOEIC does not measure what have you learned in one particular English class but evaluates your general command of the English language in a business setting. This means, you have to use and explore as many materials, resources and methods as possible in order to improve your English. You should create an environment in which you are exposed to the English language on a daily basis. For example, you can listen to the Voice of America, watch television on CNN, SkyNews or BBC, read newspaper articles in English and write emails. In addition, the Internet provides you with a wide variety of learning tools such as electronic newsletters, discussion groups and forums. On you will find a large number of interactive tests that help you learn the core vocabulary of the TOEIC test. There is a total of 684 tests with 10 questions each. If you take all of our tests you will have learned 3420 words that frequently occur in the TOEIC.

Test of English for International Communication
TOEIC is a standardized test that measures your listening and reading skills, and or your speaking and writing skills. This exam evaluates your ability to function in international business and real-world settings rather than in an academic setting. Some students take the TOEIC because they want to improve their English. Other students take the TOEIC because they need it for an intensive English course or they want to apply for a job that requires a TOEIC score. Every institution expects a different standard of proficiency from its employees or students.
Here are some of the topics on the TOEIC:
Typical TOEIC Topics
Industry Jobs

Here is the format of the TOEIC:
TOEIC Format
Listening and Reading Test
100 questions, 45 minutes
Part I: Photographs (10 questions)
Part II: Question-Response (30 questions)
Part III: Short Conversations (30 questions)
Part IV: Short Talks (30 questions)

100 questions, 75 minutes
Part V: Incomplete Sentences (40 questions)
Part VI: Text completion (12 questions)
Part VII: Reading Comprehension-Single Passages (28 questions) Double Passages (20 questions)
Speaking and Writing Test
About 20 Minutes, 11 Questions
Various tasks including describing a photo, expressing an opinion, and providing a response or solution
About one hour, 8 questions
7 written responses and 1 opinion essay
The TOEIC is developed in the United States, but is used throughout the world. The test developers use American language and spelling. The voices in the listening section are American, European countries or Australian accents.

TOEIC Practice Session
(Short Model w/explanations)

Examples for each part of the TOEIC, and explanations concerning the right and wrong answers. These practice sessions contain questions that are similar to the real test.
Note: Text that appears in blue is what you will be able to read on the real test. Text that appears red is what you will only be able to hear.

Writing Practice
The writing section of the TOEIC takes approximately one hour to complete. You will have 8 questions to answer including one essay. Different types of writing skill are evaluated including grammar, vocabulary, organization, structure and content.
Try the following writing question examples. After you try to write your own answers, read the sample responses provided. Keep in mind that the sample answers are just ideas. Your answers may be very different.
Questions 1-5: Pictures
In questions 1-5 you will be asked to write sentences based on pictures. Each picture will have two words that you must use in your sentence. You can change the forms of the words. You will be scored on grammar as well as on the relevance of the sentence to the picture.
Question 1: fishing, at

Type a sentence:

Question 2: together, table

Type a sentence:

Question 3: beside, chatting

Type a sentence:

Question 4: frame, but

Type a sentence:

Question 5: baggage, open

Type a sentence:

Example Responses:
1. The men stare out at the lake as they take a fishing break.
2. Three employees have gathered together around an oval table to discuss their concerns of the day.
3. She is chatting on her cell phone while sitting beside a colleague in the taxi.
4. The frame of the building is almost done but construction has been called off.
5. When she got to the arrivals department, the tourist noticed that her belongings were falling out of her open baggage.
Questions 6-7: Written Requests
For these questions you will have to respond in writing to an email request. You will have ten minutes to read and respond to each question.
Example: Read the email
To: Home Owner
From: Taryn Kent
Subject: Your home
Sent: January 7

Hello. I've been looking at the photo gallery of your online home buyer's ad. Congratulations on trying to sell your home without a real estate agent. It is difficult (we have done it twice) but is worth the effort if you find a reasonable buyer. My sister is interested in buying a home in your region. Your home could be ideal if you are willing to negotiate the price. Your asking price is about $10, 000 above her budget. She also wants to live near an elementary school and a bus route. I'm not sure if your home is near these amenities. Could you let me know about these details? Most importantly, are you open to negotiation on the price? Please let me know when the house would be available for viewing.

Thank you.
Taryn Kent
Directions: Respond to the email as if you are trying to sell your house privately. Answer the questions and provide at least TWO details about the neighbourhood and ONE reason why you can or can't negotiate the price.

Sample response:
To: Taryn Kent
From: Home Owner
Subject: My home
Sent: January 8

Hi. Thank you for your message. We are excited about selling our home privately. Your sister is welcome to call me at 222-444-4444 222-444-4444 to schedule a time to see our home. We will be showing it this weekend. We are willing to negotiate but will not be able to drop the price too much. We have just spent $7000 on basement renovations.

There is an elementary school a few blocks from here. It has a very good reputation. The local bus stop is about a five minute walk down the hill. I look forward to meeting your sister. Thank you for reviewing the photos. We love this house and have lived here for twenty years.

Warm regards,
James Canyon
Question 8: Opinion Essay
In this part of the test you will be asked to write an opinion essay in which you state, explain, and support reasons about your opinion. You will have 30 minutes to plan and write your essay. Leave a little time to proofread and edit your essay. Your essay should be 4-5 paragraphs in length. It will be rated in terms of organization, grammar, vocabulary, and coherence.
Sample Question: Some companies block their employees from using social media networks and websites such as Facebook. Do you think managers should trust employees to use time wisely, or do you think it is smart of companies to block access to some sites? Provide reasons and examples to support your opinion.
Type your outline (5-10 minutes):

Type your essay (15 minutes):

Save five minutes to proofread your writing.
Sample opinion essay:
The average work day is seven to eight hours long. How much of this time is spent working? People who work on computers have many distractions due to the Internet. Some companies have been forced to restrict usage of certain sites, such as Facebook and Twitter due to concerns about productivity. It is a wise decision to remove these Internet temptations.
A boss is not a babysitter. Though some people only log onto Facebook or surf the Internet on their own time, other people cannot resist temptation. Having rules about Internet use is not enough. Some employees cannot stand to be stuck in their offices without social interaction. If they need a short break, they should be encouraged to stand up and stretch. Unlike chatting to friends on Facebook, this type of activity increases productivity. By blocking certain social sites from a system, the boss need not waste time monitoring those who cannot follow rules.
When time is wasted online it is the company that pays for the loss. Employees on salary still get paid no matter how productive they are. Those who waste time may not get raises or bonuses, but they still get a paycheque. It is only the employer that loses out when time is wasted online. Employers should not feel guilty about restricting Internet access. If surfing the Internet and sending out Tweets is not part of one's job description, these activities take away from true duties.
Some employees have lost their jobs because they wrote something online against their own company. It is too easy to press send, post, or publish these days. Preventing employees from using certain websites actually protects the employees as well.
There are many honest workers who can be trusted at work. They only check Facebook or Twitter during their break time or lunch, and they don't post any information that could damage the company's (or their own) reputation. Unfortunately, there are always a handful of workers who cannot be trusted. By eliminating the temptation, employers can prevent any problems related to Internet abuse in the workplace.

Speaking Practice
The speaking section of the TOEIC takes approximately 20 minutes to complete. You will be asked 11 speaking questions. Different types of speaking skills are evaluated including pronunciation, intonation, grammar, vocabulary, content, and cohesion.
Try the following speaking question examples. After you try to give your own response, listen to the recorded sample responses provided. Keep in mind that these are only examples. Your responses may be different.
Questions 1 and 2: Read Aloud
In Questions 1 and 2 you will be asked to read a piece of text out loud. You will be scored based on your pronunciation and intonation. Take a deep breath and try to read at a natural pace.
Preparation time: 45 seconds
Response time: 45 seconds

Example reading: A radio commercial

You don't need to spend all of your hard earned money on bakery bread. Making your own bread at home is easy with the new Double Duty Dough Mixer by Berring. Unlike other bread machines that can be difficult to clean and store, the Double Duty Dough Mixer breaks down into five parts that can go directly into your dishwasher. This stainless steal appliance will mix dough for you in a fraction of the time it takes to knead dough by hand. The automated delay feature at the beginning of the mix cycle gives your ingredients time to reach room temperature, ensuring that your breads will rise as high as bakery bread. We guarantee that the accompanying Berring Best Breads recipe book will be a family favourite.

Read the text out loud:
Listen to the sample response:

Question 3: Describe a Photo
In question 3 you will be asked to describe a picture. You need to provide as many details about the picture as you can in the time allowed. Describe the basic picture and then break down the details in a logical manner.
Preparation time: 30 seconds.
Response time: 45 Seconds

Describe the photo:

Sample response (transcript):
This is an image of a busy street in an Asian country. As well as bicycles there are motor vehicles on this street, so it is obviously a high traffic area. A few of the cyclists have bicycles attached to their baskets. This suggests that bicycles may be their primary source of transportation. From the architecture it appears to be a tourist or shopping district. There are two tall buildings in the distance, which is likely where the business district is located. There seems to be some confusion about direction of traffic flow. The cyclists are travelling on both sides of the centre line and are going in the same direction. The cars, on the other hand, are going two different ways.
Questions 4-6: Respond to Questions
In these questions you will be given a scenario and asked to answer three questions.

Preparation time: 0 seconds
Response time: 15 seconds for questions 4 and 5. 30 seconds for question 6.
Example Scenario:
A student training to be a teacher is applying for a job at the local library. Assist the student by answering her questions.

Question 4. Why do you want to work at the library?
Give an example answer:

Question 5. How will you balance working and studying?
Give an example answer:

Question 6. What will you do if we hire you and you don't end up liking the job?
Give an example answer:
Listen to the sample responses:
Example responses (transcripts):
4. I want to work at the library because I want to get some hands-on experience working with students. Also, I am very passionate about reading and I love the relaxing environment in libraries.

5. Balancing work and study time is important. I think it is a myth that students can't hold jobs. I study better when I have deadlines and time constraints. Unlike some other places where I could get a job, the library has reasonable hours. I can work on weekends and I won't have to work too late.

6. I am a dedicated employee and I will come to work even if I don't end up loving my job. I understand that it can takes months to feel comfortable in a new working environment. If I still have concerns about my job after a few months, I will ask for a meeting with a manager. Perhaps I would just need to try a different aspect of working in the library. Or maybe I'd need a little variety. For example, I might ask if I could read to children or help out with library programs. Finally, I would never leave a job without offering a two-week notice.
Questions 7-9: Respond to Questions (with provided information)
In these questions you will be given information to read. Then you will be asked to answer three questions related to the reading.

Preparation time: 0 seconds (the information will remain on the screen throughout)
Response time: 15 seconds for 7 and 8. 30 seconds for question 9.
Example information:
FREE Pet Grooming Training Session
Do you have a cat or a dog with a shaggy coat of fur? Would you like to learn how to groom your pet yourself? This weekend learn how to turn the anxiety of grooming into a bonding time for you and your pet. We will teach you how to:
• trim stubborn nails
• remove nasty knots
• brush your pet's teeth
• choose the perfect brush and scissors
• remove tear stains from your dog's face
• shampoo and bathe your pet
• give your pet a before and after massage
Who are we?
Tammy and Mike Power are an animal loving couple who have volunteered their time for the protection of animals for more than 20 years. Their Chicago based pet spa Paws 4 U was voted #1 in the animal care category for Chicago's Best Small Businesses two years in a row. For more information on this event visit the Pet Workshop website at or call Tammy Power directly at 1-800-tam-mike 1-800-tam-mike . No registration required.
Special Request: Though this event is offered free of charge, the organizers ask that you bring a pet food (or monetary) donation for the local animal shelter. Examples of other types of donations can be found on the Pet Workshop website.
Listen to the prompt:

Question 7: What kind of experience do you have with animals?
Give an example answer:

Question 8: My dog's face never looks clean. Will there be any tips for dealing with this?
Give an example answer:

Question 9: Is there any sort of fee for taking your workshop?
Give an example answer: Now listen to the sample responses:
Example responses (transcript):
7. My husband and I have volunteered our time for over 20 years working for the protection of animals. We also own a pet spa called Paws 4 U. I'm proud to say it was voted #1 small animal care business in Chicago for the past two years.

8. Yes, we will be showing our workshop participants how to shampoo and bathe their pets properly. We will also show you how to remove tear stains from your dog's face. I believe that is the problem you are referring to.

9. The workshop itself is free and we do not require registration. However, we do ask that participants bring a donation for the animal shelter. This could be pet food or money. There are some other ideas for donations on the Chicago Pet Workshop website. You can check them out at That's
Question 10: Propose a Solution
For this question you will listen to a problem and you will have to offer a solution.

Preparation time: 30 seconds (the information will remain on the screen throughout)
Response time: 60 seconds
Listen to the example problem:

Give an example solution:
Example problem (transcript):
Hi, this is Angelina Robinson. I'm calling from room 23 down the hall. We are a family of six, and there are only two small beds in this room. The man at the front desk said this was the only room available, and he must have assumed it was only for me and my husband. We can't possibly all fit on these two beds. We have two teenagers, a toddler and a baby. Are you sure there are no other rooms available? All of the other hotels in town are booked because of the marathon tomorrow. My husband is one of the competitors and he needs a good night's rest.
Example response (transcript):

Hi Angelina. I understand that the small room does not accommodate your family very well and I'm very sorry that we don't have any other rooms available at this time. We always recommend that guests book months in advance as this marathon attracts a lot of business from out of town. How about if I put you on our cancellation list and we call you if any of our larger rooms become available? In the meantime, we could bring you a cot for your baby as well as some extra pillows and sheets.
Question 11: Express an Opinion
For this question you will listen to a familiar issue and offer your opinion on it.

Preparation time: 15 seconds
Response time: 60 seconds
Example question 11:

Some people wish they could live in warm climates all year round. These places get very hot during certain months of the year. In fact, studies show that heat can lead to greater crime. Do you think that people in warm climates lead happier lives or not? State your opinion and provide reasons for your view.
Listen to the sample response:

Example response (transcript):
I think balance is the key to a happy life. This applies to everything, including the weather and climate. When it is sunny for too long, people head to the shade. But, if the sun hides for a few days, people flock to the beaches when it comes out. I think extreme weather can make people miserable, though. At least when it is too cold you can stay inside or dress in layers. When it is too hot the rain doesn't fall and crops don't grow. People go hungry and have difficulty keeping their family comfortable. Though we may wish for heat during a cold winter, we appreciate the summer days more when they finally come. So, as I mentioned, I think balance is the key to a happy life. And, I don't think there is any perfect climate out there.

Part V: Incomplete Sentences
Part V marks the beginning of the reading skills section. In this section you will read a sentence that has one blank spot. There will be four choices of words or phrases to choose from. You will have to choose the one that you think completes the sentence. When the sentence is complete it must be grammatically correct.
Example 1:
First you will read a sentence with a blank.
Despite having four years of experience in software programming, Mr. Jones hadn't used a word processing program __________.
Next you will read four choices. Choose the word or phrase that best fits into the blank.
A) prior
B) advanced
C) previous
D) before
Explanation 1:
• Choices A is an adjective.(I have a prior engagement.)
• Choice B is a verb.(I advanced the money to her.)
• Choice C is an adjective.(That was my previous job.)
The correct answer is D. The sentence requires an adverb.
Example 2:
The person who is taking the minutes will be seated __________ the chairman.

A) from
B) to
C) next
D) by
Explanation 2:
• Choice A indicates a source.(Water comes from the tap.)
• Choice B indicates destination.(I'm going to Hawaii.)
• Choice C requires an additional "to". (I am seated next to her).
The correct answer is D."By" means the same as "near" or "beside".
Example 3:
The employees __________ about the closure before the announcement was made public.

A) know
B) known
C) knew
D) have known
Explanation 3:
• Choice A is the present tense form of the verb used for "now" or "everyday". (I know your name.)
• Choice B is the passive form of the verb. (He was known by the police.=The police knew him.)
• Choice D is the present perfect plural tense used for something in the past that continues in the present. (They have known her for years.=They still know her now.)
The correct answer is C.The simple past tense is needed.
Example 4:
__________ it was a holiday, the doctor performed the emergency surgery on the heart patient.

A) During
B) Even
C) Although
D) So
Explanation 4:
• Choice A must be followed by a noun or noun clause. (During the holiday...)
• Choice B requires "though" to complete the phrase. (Even though it was a holiday...)
• Choice D is a coordinate conjunction. (I was hungry so I had a sandwich.)
The correct answer is C.
Part VI >
Part VI: Text Completion
In Part VI you will read four passages of text, such as an article, a letter, a form, and an e-mail. In each reading passage there will be three blanks to fill in. You will read four possible choices for each blank. You should read the entire passage to make sure you choose the correct choice in context.
Example 1: Letter
Sid's Stationery
2 Smythe St, Toronto, Canada M1B 5T6
Tel: (416) 295-1725 (416) 295-1725
December 1st, 20--
Kerry Michaels
1 Stevens Rd.
Scarborough, Ontario, Canada M1E 4H7
Dear Ms. Michaels:
Holiday Sale
Seasons Greetings. As a _______ customer, we wanted you to be among the first to know about our upcoming holiday sale. All craft paper, specialty printer paper, and decorative envelopes will be reduced by 50% for the month of December.
(A) value
(B) valued
(C) valid
(D) validated
As per tradition at Sid's Stationery, we will be having a Christmas raffle. This year the grand prize is a 2-night stay for two at the Meridian Inn _______ Toronto Island. The winner will receive a free double occupancy stay in the penthouse suite as well as a free dinner on the moonlit patio.
(A) through
(B) on
(C) over
(D) at
Money from ticket sales will be _______ to The Family Foundation, a local organization that provides food and clothing to those who need it most this Christmas.
(A) purchased
(B) donated
(C) funded
(D) collected
We look forward to seeing you this Christmas season.
Yours truly,
Sid and Sandy Chester
Explanation 1:
• Choice A is a noun.
• Choice C is an adjective that does not fit logically in context. This letter is from a stationery store, so anyone can purchase items there. Something that is "valid" is allowed or permitted.
• Choice D is the past tense of a verb.
The correct answer is B. An adjective is necessary. A "valued customer" is one who shops somewhere often.
Explanation 2:
• Choice A is a preposition that indicates going from one end to another. (I went through a tunnel.)
• Choice C is a preposition used when one is passing something to reach another thing. (I went over the bridge.)
• Choice D is a preposition used with times or specific venues. (I went at ten o'clock. We met at the mall.)
The correct answer is B. The preposition "on" is used with geographic places such as "island" or mountain.
Explanation 3:
• Choices A and C are incorrect because you can't "purchase" or "fund" money.
• Choice D is incorrect because "collected" is followed by the word "from" not "to".
The correct answer is B. "Donated" is the correct passive verb form used to describe money or items given to a good cause.
Example 2: Internal Memo

TO: Sales Staff
FROM: Management B.K.
DATE: OCTOBER 9th, 20--
Please be aware that there was a misprint in an advertisement for our store in this week's local free press. The ad states that on Saturday all men's formal footwear is on for 55% percent off rather _______ 15% off.
(A) that
(B) than
(C) then
(D) they're
If customers come in and ask about this sale, please _______ and explain the printing error. Offer them an additional 5% off coupon to thank them for coming into our store. The coupon can be given out even if the customer decides not to purchase any shoes.
(A) apologize
(B) compromise
(C) categorize
(D) analyze
Please call a manager to the sales floor _______ you encounter any customers who have the ad with them and demand to receive the 55% discount. These cases will be handled on an individual basis.
(A) because
(B) whether
(C) if
(D) before
Thank you.
Explanation 4:
• Choices A, C, and D do not follow "rather" when a comparison between two things is being made.
The correct answer is B. The phrase "rather than" is used in a comparison.
Explanation 5:
• Choice B does not fit in context. The verb means to agree to something in order to resolve a disagreement.
• Choice C does not fit in context. The verb means to organize according to a certain system.
• Choice D does not fit in context. The verb means to look into something in detail
The correct answer is A. The verb "apologise" means to say sorry.
Explanation 6:
• Choice A is an incorrect conjunction that is used in a result clause. (I called the manager because the customer was angry.) The sale hasn't happened yet.
• Choice B requires two things to occur. (Call the manager whether or not the customer complains.)
• Choice D is illogical in context, because a salesperson wouldn't call the manager to help before the customer complained.
The correct answer is C. The word "if" is required to complete the conditional clause.
Part VII >

Part VII: Reading Comprehension
In Part VII you will read passages in the form of letters, ads, memos, faxes, schedules, etc. The reading section has a number of single passages and 4 double passages. You will be asked 2-4 questions about each single passage, and 5 questions for each double passage. Sometimes you will be asked for specific
details. Other times you will be asked about what the passage implies. In the paired passages you will also be asked to make connections between the two related texts. On the real test you will not have time to read every word. You need to practice scanning and reading quickly for details.
Example 1: Memo

To: Supervisors
From: Judy Linquiest, Human Resource Manager
Sub: Probation periods

As of January 1st all new employees will be subject to a 3 month probationary period. Medical, holiday, and flextime benefits will not apply to new staff members until the full 3 months have expired. After the three months have been completed, please contact your employees and inform them that their probationary period has ended. The HR department will contact you by email 2 days in advance to remind you of the date. Thank you for your cooperation.

1. What is the main purpose of this memo?

A) To inform all employees of a new expiration date.
B) To put staff members on probation.
C) To introduce the HR department.
D) To inform supervisors of a change in policy.
Explanation 1:
• Choice A is incorrect because the memo is only for supervisors and the subject is probationary periods.
• Choice B is incorrect because it is only new employees that go on probation.
• Choice C is who will send the notice to remind supervisors of the date.
The correct answer is D.
2. When does the change come into effect?

A) Today.
B) In 2 days.
C) In 3 months.
D) On January 1st.
Explanation 2:
• Choice A is not mentioned.
• Choice B confuses "2 days in advance" (which is when the supervisors will get their notice) with "in 2 days".
• Choice C is how long the probationary period is.
The correct answer is D.
Example 2: Advertisement
Purchase a 12 month subscription to Vacation the Nation today and receive a free pair of Sunnies Sunglasses with your very own soft leather case.* To get your free Sunnies follow these 3 easy steps.
1. Purchase a copy of Vacation the Nation, New York's #1 Travel magazine.
2. Fill out the application card (found in the center of the magazine)
3. Mail the card and $21. 95 US to the address provided
*This is a limited time offer only. Application and funds must be received no later than Dec 1st 2004. Canadian residents should add $3 US for shipping. Offer not available for residents outside of North America.

3. What is this advertisement for?

A) A summer trip.
B) A travel company.
C) A special deal.
D) A free magazine.
Explanation 3:
• Choice A confuses travel magazine with trip. The picture of the sun might make you choose this one by mistake.
• Choice B confuses travel magazine with travel company.
• Choice D confuses which item is free. In this special offer the sunglasses are free. You have to buy a magazine subscription to get the glasses.
The correct answer is C.
4. How much do the sunglasses cost?

A) They are free with a subscription.
B) They cost $1.
C) They cost $3 Canadian.
D) They cost $21. 95 US.
Explanation 4:
• Choice B confuses $1 with #1 magazine.
• Choice C confuses $3 Canadian with 3$ US (the shipping charge for Canadian subscribers).
• Choice D is the cost of the magazine subscription.
The correct answer is A.
5. Who cannot benefit from this special deal?

A) Canadians.
B) UK residents.
C) North Americans.
D) US residents.
Explanation 5:
• Choice A can benefit from the deal, but they have to pay for shipping.
• Choice C confuses outside of North America and North America. Both Canada and the United States are in North America.
• Choice D can benefit.
The correct answer is B. (The UK is outside of North America.)
Example 3 (double passage): E-mail and Letter
To: "The Shoe People"
From: "John Trimbald"
Subject: Customer Complaint
To Whom it May Concern,
I have trusted the Shoe People to protect the feet of my employees for over ten years now. I recently purchased a few pairs of boots from your company for my crew. Though my men were initially satisfied with the boots, the soles began to fall apart on them after just twelve weeks. This was extremely surprising considering they came with a six year warranty. The boots are unsafe to wear because my men are pouring hot concrete. Please respond as soon as possible with instructions on how I can return the boots and receive a refund.
Thank you,
John Trimbald
John Trimbald, Foreman, JT Construction
The Shoe People
22 Circular Rd.
Castlerock, Northern Ireland
BT51 6TP
John Trimbald
JT Construction
22 Mark Lane Rd.
London, England
January 3rd, 2008
Dear Mr. Trimbald,

Thank you for your e-mail concerning the poor quality of our rubber soled black workboots. A representative will be by your office next week to pick up the damaged boots. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you and your crew. Along with five new pairs of workboots for your crew (we included one extra pair), we have enclosed a free year's supply of sole protector spray. In our retail stores, this spray is always recommended to buyers who work on heated floors. This should have been brought to your attention at the time of your initial order (received by telephone on October 12, 2007). Please excuse our oversight. To date we have had no complaints about these workboots from customers who have used the protector spray. However, should you use the spray and find that you are still unsatisfied with the boots, please return the boots and spray for a full refund. Thank you for supporting The Shoe People. Have a Happy New Year.


Stan Mason, President

6. Which company was unsatisfied?

A) Stan Mason's company.
B) The Shoe People.
C) JT Construction
D) The sole company.
Explanation 6:
• Choice A is the person who is apologizing.
• Choice B is the company that is apologizing.
• Choice D is not mentioned.
The correct answer is C.
7. How many people are on John Trimbald's crew?

A) Four.
B) Five.
C) Six.
D) Twelve.
Explanation 7:
• Choice B is how many pairs The Shoe People sent.
• Choice C confuses an extra pair of shoes with an extra person on the crew.
• Choice D confuses the date of the initial order with the number of people.
The correct answer is A. (John Trimbald only needed four, but they sent an extra pair.)
8. What is the spray used for?

A) To protect the boots from water.
B) To protect the soles from heat.
C) To protect the floors from soles.
D) To protect the boots from rubber.
Explanation 8:
• Choice A is not mentioned.
• Choice C is incorrect because it isn't the floors that need protection.
• Choice D confuses rubber soles with what needs to be protected.
The correct answer is B.
9. What should John Trimbald do if he remains unsatisfied?

A) Return just the spray.
B) Call the President.
C) Mail another letter.
D) Request a refund.
Explanation 9:
• Choice A is incorrect because the directions say to return both the spray and the boots.
• Choice B confuses the phone order with call the president.
• Choice C is not mentioned.
The correct answer is D.

Part I: Photographs
In Part I of the TOEIC you will look at ten photographs. For each photograph you will hear four statements. You will have to choose which statement has the best description of the picture.
Example 1:
First you will look at a photograph:

Next you will listen to four statements. Choose the one that best describes what you see in the picture.

Explanation 1:
• Choice A is incorrect because the glasses are on the table. Placement of objects is a common distractor in Part I.
• Choice B is incorrect because the note is on the monitor not the keyboard.
• Choice D is incorrect because the lamp is beside the computer. Prepositions are very common distractors found in Part I. Make sure to review your prepositions of location for the TOEIC.
The correct answer is C.

A) The woman is wearing glasses.
B) There is a note on the keyboard.
C) The woman is facing the monitor.
D) There is a lamp above the computer.
Example 2:

Explanation 2:
• Choice A is incorrect because the people are wearing life-jackets not coats. Types of clothing are often tested in Part I.
• Choice B is incorrect because the boat is not yet in the water. The people are pulling the boat into the water. When you are analysing a photo make sure that you note the main action that is taking place.
• Choice C is incorrect because the life-jackets are on the people, not in the boat. Be careful not to choose a statement just because you recognize a vocabulary word from the photo.
The correct answer is D.

A) The people are wearing coats.
B) The boat is in the water.
C) The life-jackets are on the boat.
D) The drum is in front of the chair.
Example 3:

Explanation 3:
• Choice B is incorrect because the mountains do not have any snow on them. It is summertime. You may be asked to distinguish between seasons in Part I.
• Choice C is incorrect because the man is wearing a cap. Remember you will not be able to read the choices in this section. Wearing and carrying sound similar. Listen carefully.
• Choice D is incorrect because the sandals are on the man's feet. Both vocabulary words are in the photo, but the context is incorrect.
The correct answer is A.

A) The man is on a pathway.
B) The mountains are covered with snow.
C) The man is carrying a cap.
D) The sandals are in the water.
Part II >

Part II: Question and Response
In Part II of the TOEIC you will be tested on your ability to respond to a question. It is very important that you can understand and identify wh-questions. You will listen to three possible responses. Only one of the responses is correct.
Example 1:
First you will hear a question. Then you will hear three answer choices.

Explanation 1:
• Choice A has a distractor called a related word. When you hear the words, "how many" your brain automatically looks for a response with a number in it. This is an error that the test maker expects you to make. Also, the response is in the past tense, but the question asks about the future.
• Choice B is a distractor called a repeated word. The word "coming" is in the question but the answer B does not make sense.This is another common error that the test maker expects you to make.
The correct answer choice is C.

How many people are coming to the conference?

A) There were 70 people there.
B) I don't think she is coming.
C) At least 150 people.
Example 2:

Explanation 2:
• Choice A contains related words. The test taker wants you to associate "lunch" with "hamburger and fries". Try not to get tricked this way!
• Choice C is a distractor called similar sounds. The word "boss" sounds similar to the word "bus". This is another common error that you need to watch out for.
The correct answer is B.

Do you think the boss will take us out for lunch today?

A) I had a hamburger and fries.
B) He's probably too busy today.
C) I didn't take the bus.
Example 3:

Explanation 3:
• Choice A contains a related word. You might have associated the word "letter" with "type".
• Choice C contains another distractor called a homonym. A homonym is a word that sounds the same but is spelled differently. On the real test you will not be able to read the answer choices. You have to be able to understand which word is which by the context. In this case the homonyms are "fax" and "facts". In the question, "fax" is a verb. In the answer choice it is a noun. You should make a list of all of the homonyms you come across.
Other homonyms
The correct answer is B.

Did you fax the letter to the client?

A) I'll type it after lunch.
B) No, I sent it by email.
C) I collected some important facts.
Example 4:

Explanation 4:
• Choice B is another common distractor that uses the same word with a different meaning. In the question, the word "long" refers to amount of time. In the answer choice, the word "long" refers to distance.
• Choice C associates the word "wait" (which could be confused for "weight") with "pounds". The test maker wants to trick you twice!
The correct answer is A.

Did you have to wait very long?

A) No more than an hour.
B) I hate long line-ups.
C) I've gained twenty pounds.
Part III >

Part III: Short Conversations
In this part of the test you will listen to a short conversation between a man and a woman. After the conversation, you will answer three questions about the dialogue. There will be four possible answers for each question. Typical questions include, who, what, where, when, why, and how. You may also be asked to make an inference.
Example 1:
First you will hear a short conversation:

Next you will read three questions with four possible answers:
1. What are the man and woman mainly discussing?

A) A vacation
B) A budget
C) A company policy
D) A conference

2. How is the woman traveling?

A) By plane
B) By bus
C) By taxi
D) By car

3. Why aren't the man and woman going together?

A) The woman needs to arrive earlier.
B) The man has to work overtime.
C) The woman dislikes air travel.
D) The man has to go to the bank first.
Explanation 1:
• Choice A is mentioned, but the man is asking if she needs to take a "vacation day". In Part III there is often one or two choices that are mentioned but are not correct.
• Choice B is related to saving money for the company, but this is not the main topic of the conversation. Be careful with main subject questions, because incorrect choices may be small details from the conversation.
• Choice C repeats the word "company," but no policy is mentioned. In Part III there is often one choice that includes a word from the conversation. You may have heard the word, but it is not the correct choice.
The correct answer is D.
Explanation 2:
• Choice A is how the man is getting to the conference. In Part III there is often one or two choices that are mentioned but are not correct.
• Choice C is how the man is getting to the airport. "Taxi" is mentioned but is not correct.
• Choice D is not mentioned. In Part III there is often one choice that is not mentioned at all.
The correct answer is B.
Explanation 3:
• Choice A confuses the idea of "leaving earlier" and "arriving earlier".
• Choice B repeats the word "overtime", but it was the woman who did overtime last week.
• Choice D uses the homonym bank, but in this conversation the term "bank" means to store up for later use, not a financial institution. In Part III there are often homonyms as distractors.
The correct answer is C.

Man: Do you want to share a taxi to the airport? We can save on expenses that way, and as you know the company is trying to cut costs.
Woman: Actually I'm not flying. I'm going to the conference by bus. I have to leave tomorrow because it's going to take two days to get there.
Man: That's right. I forgot that you are afraid of flying. Are you taking a vacation day tomorrow?
Woman: Well, I worked some overtime last week, so I just banked it instead of wasting a holiday day.
Example 2:

4. What does the man have to do today?

A) Visit his lawyer
B) Get a massage
C) Go to the doctor
D) Make an appointment
5. What can be inferred from the conversation?

A) The woman is the man's receptionist.
B) The lawyer works in the same building.
C) The woman has no deadlines today.
D)The man and woman have a meeting this afternoon.

6. What does the woman offer to do for the man?

A) Answer his phone
B) Call his lawyer
C) Pick up the newspaper
D) Take notes at the meeting
Explanation 4:
• Choice A is who the man is expecting a call from. He needs to go there next week.
• Choice B confuses the sound "message" with "massage". Similar sound is a common distractor in Part III.
• Choice D is not correct because the man has already made the appointment. If the question was in the past, then it could be correct. Tense is a common distractor used in Part III.
The correct answer is C.
Explanation 5:
• Choice A is incorrect because the woman doesn't normally answer the man's calls.
• Choice B is incorrect because the man mentions that he will have to go to a different location (downtown) to sign papers in front of his lawyer.
• Choice D is not correct because there is no mention of this. The man will be at the doctor's office.
The correct answer is C.
Explanation 6:
• Choice B is the opposite of what the woman offers to do. She offers to take the man's calls, not make them.
• Choice C repeats the word "paper," but the conversation does not mention newspaper. Similar sound is a common distractor in Part III.
• Choice D confuses the idea of taking notes at a meeting and taking a message from a phone call.
The correct answer is A.

Man: I have a doctor's appointment this afternoon. Are you going to be in the office, or do you have a meeting?
Woman: I'll be here. And, don't worry. I don't have much on for today, so I'll handle all of your calls.
Man: Thanks. I'm expecting a call from my lawyer. He's supposed to be sending me some changes to the contracts.
Woman: I'll make sure to take a detailed message if he calls. Is there anything you want to tell him?
Man: Well, you could remind him that I'm going to need to come downtown and sign a few papers in front of him. I'll have to set something up for next week.
Part IV >

Part IV: Short Talks
In Part IV you will listen to a short talk. It might be an announcement, a radio advertisement, or a telephone recording. You will listen to the talk and read a few questions about it.
Example 1:
First you will hear a short talk:

Next you will read a few questions with four answer choices:
1. What should the passengers do before exiting the ship?

A) Welcome the visitors
B) Check the time
C) Collect their personal items
D) Take a picture
2. What does the speaker imply?

A) The water was rough.
B) The weather was poor yesterday.
C) The tour went faster than usual.
D) There is only one way to exit.
3. What will happen in five minutes?

A) The ship will arrive at the dock.
B) The passengers will go shopping.
C) The passengers will take photos of the ship.
D) The market will open.
Explanation 1:
• Choice A has the word "welcome". This is a repeated word. This choice does not make sense because the visitors and passengers are the same people.
• Choice B distracts you because of the association you automatically make between time and "five minutes".
• Choice D is the wrong choice for two reasons. Firstly, because they are going to have a picture taken (passive). Secondly, because this will happen after they get off the ship.
The correct answer is C.
Explanation 2:
• Choice A is related to cruising on a ship, but is not mentioned.
• Choice C is related to time. The recording mentions that there is "five minutes" until docking, but there is no indication that the ship is docking early.
• Choice D is incorrect because the speaker suggests exiting to the right, implying that there is also an exit at the left.
The correct answer is B.
Explanation 3:
• Choice B will happen, but not in five minutes. The time is confused.
• Choice C confuses the passengers getting off the ship and taking photos of the ship.
• Choice D repeats the word "market" but does not answer the question.
The correct answer is A.

Good morning ladies and gentleman. This is your tour guide speaking. I hope you have enjoyed the cruise of the inner harbour today. We certainly had a nice day for it, especially compared to yesterday. The ship will be docking in approximately five minutes. Once we are docked, please collect all of your belongings and exit the ship. As a reminder, our group will be exiting to the right. Follow the north ramp all the way to the far end of the platform. Before heading to the farmer's market we will gather under the ferry terminal Welcome Sign for a group photo.
Example 2:

4. How often does this event take place?

A) Monthly
B) Four times a year
C) Once a year
D) Every four years
5. What will happen after the brunch?

A) The people will be served drinks.
B) An artist will show his drawings.
C) The guests will introduce themselves.
D) A poet will read a poem.
6. What do guests get to take home?

A) Lunch
B) A book of mythology
C) A collection of poems
D) A painting
Explanation 4:
• Choice A is how often the youth writers meet.
• Choices B and D confuse "fourth annual" or "every four years" with four times a year. This is very tricky and something you must watch out for.
The correct answer is C.
Explanation 5:
• Choice A is what will happen in a few minutes.
• Choice B confuses the idea of what an artist is. An artist can be many things; a poet, a painter, or a writer. This is a poet's brunch, so the artist is a poet.
• Choice C is what is going to happen now.
The correct answer is D.
Explanation 6:
• Choice A is confused with the similar sound "brunch" which is what the guests will eat at the function.
• Choice B confuses the similar sounds "anthology" and "mythology".
• Choice D is related to "artists", but is not the gift.
The correct answer is C.

I'd like to welcome you all to the fourth annual poet's brunch. In just a few minutes a server will be around to offer you coffee or tea. Please take a moment to fill out your name tag and introduce yourself to the other artists at your table. Lunch will be served at 11:00 am sharp, followed by a reading from last year's prize winner. If any of you did not receive your free gift at the door, please make sure to pick it up on your way out. This year's gift is a poetry anthology from local youth writers. You will be amazed at the emerging talent in our town. In fact, a group of young writers meet once a month around this very table.
Example 3:

7. Where would you hear this type of talk?

A) In an airport
B) At a bus station
C) On a telephone
D) On television
8. Who should visit the website?

A) Staff members of Speedy Reservations
B) Callers looking for special schedules
C) Callers looking for staff members
D) People looking for fight times
9. What is the quickest way to get connected to a representative?

A) Hang up and call again
B) Call back later
C) Wait patiently
D) Call a different number
Explanation 7:
• Choice A associates flights with airports.
• Choice B confuses the similar sounds busy and bus.
• Choice D does not make sense in context because the caller is instructed to press buttons or hold.
The correct answer is C.
Explanation 8:
• Choice A is who callers can find by pressing the correct extension number.
• Choice C is who should press the extension number.
• Choice D confuses the similar sounds flight and fight.
The correct answer is B.
Explanation 9:
• Choice A and B are incorrect because the calls are answered "in sequence," which means in order.
• Choice D is not mentioned.
The correct answer is C.

Thank you for calling Speedy Reservations. All of our operators are busy at this time. If you are looking for flight schedules, please visit our online booking service at If this is a personal call and you know the extension of the staff member you would like to speak to at this time, press the number now. All other inquiries please hold for the next available representative. Calls will be answered in sequence, so please do not hang up and try again.

20 TOEIC Tips
Hints and advice to help you. Follow these essential tips to improve your TOEIC score.
More information may be found at ETS.

Tips for the TOEIC® Test

The TOEIC® Test (Test of English for International Communication) assesses your ability to use the English language in a business setting.
I. Overview of the New TOEIC® Test

II. Listening Section

III. Reading Section

IV. Speaking Section

V. Writing Section

VI. TOEIC Test Study Resources


I. Overview of the New TOEIC® Test

Over ten years of research on the English language and how people actually communicate confirmed the need for a new proficiency test that better reflects English language tasks likely to be encountered in business contexts. Therefore, the TOEIC® Test has been redesigned to include authentic reading and listening tasks in addition to new Speaking and Writing sections.
The improved TOEIC® Test assesses proficiency by aligning questions with everyday language scenarios that happen in today’s workplace. Tasks are now more authentic. Not all tasks have been changed, but some tasks give test-takers the opportunity to respond with language that is appropriate to the situation; in other words, how would someone at work respond in this particular situation? The difficulty range is the same. Many of the question types are the also the same.
Changes to the Listening section:
A decrease in the number of photograph questions in Part I.
The use of recorded as well as written questions in Part 3 (short conversations) and Part 4 (short talks).
A shift from individual questions to sets of questions in Part 3 (short conversations).
The use of different English accents, such as those spoken in the U.S., Great Britain, Canada, and Australia, are used in the recordings.

Changes to the Reading section:
The elimination of Part 6 (error recognition questions) of the current test.
The inclusion of passage-based sentence completion questions (Part 6) to sentence completion items (Part 5).
The inclusion of some reading sets of questions based on two inter-related passages (Part 7).
The new Speaking test will measure a test taker’s ability to speak English in business contexts. Test-taker responses will be rated by online scorers who will evaluate the test taker's ability in language areas such as pronunciation, intonation, grammar, vocabulary, relevance, and completeness of response. The test will take 20 minutes to complete. Eleven questions will be used to measure different aspects of speaking ability.
The new Writing test will measure a test takers’ ability to use written English. The responses will be evaluated by raters who will consider overall organization, appropriate and precise use of grammar, and vocabulary. The test has eight questions and will take 60 minutes to complete.
The scoring system for the revised TOEIC® Test will remain almost the same: 5 to 495 for each section of the test and 10 to 990 for the total test score. However, a new scoring scale for the Speaking and Writing sections will be introduced. Additional improvements to the TOEIC® Test include enhanced score reports that will provide performance feedback within a test section and identify strengths and weaknesses in specific skill areas.
The new TOEIC® Test will begin to be administered:
May 2006
Japan and South Korea
January 2007
U.S. and Canada Test Dates
September 2007
Central America/South America
Southeast Asia


II. Listening Section

Testing time: 45 minutes
Number of questions: 100
Test administration: The exam will include an audio CD and a booklet. Your answers will be recorded with paper and pencil.
Scoring: Scored by ETS trained raters.

Part Topic Questions
1 Photographs 10
2 Question-Response 30
3 Short Conversations 30
4 Short Talks 30


III. Reading Section

Testing time: 75 minutes
Number of questions: 100
Test administration: The exam will include an audio CD and a booklet. Your answers will be recorded with paper and pencil.
Scoring: Scored by ETS trained raters.

Part Topic Questions
5 Incomplete Sentences 40
6 Reading Comprehension 60


IV. Speaking Section

Testing time: 20 minutes
Number of questions: 11
Test administration: Internet-based test administered at secure testing sites. Responses are recorded for rating later.
Scoring: Scored by ETS trained raters through the ETS Online Scoring Network
Scoring criteria: Pronunciation, intonation, grammar, vocabulary, relevance and completeness of response.
Score Scale: Questions 1-9: 0-3
Questions 10-11: 0-5

Question Task Assessment Criteria Prep Time Scale
1 - 2 Read text aloud Pronunciation, intonation, stress 45 seconds to prepare; 45 seconds to respond 0-3
3 Describe a picture Pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary 30 seconds to prepare; 45 seconds to respond 0-3
4-6 Respond to questions Pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, cohesion, relevance/completeness of content No prep time; 15 seconds to respond for questions 4 and 5, 30 seconds for question 6 0-3
7-9 Respond to questions (using information provided) Pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, cohesion, relevance/completeness of content 30 seconds to read; no prep time; 15 seconds for question7 and 8, 30 seconds for question 9 0-3
10 Propose a solution Pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, cohesion, relevance/completeness of content 30 seconds to prepare; 60 seconds to respond 0-5
11 Express an opinion Pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, cohesion, relevance/completeness of content 15 seconds to prepare; 60 seconds to respond 0-5


V. Writing Section

Testing time: 60 minutes
Number of questions: 8
Test administration: Internet-based test administered at secure testing sites.
Scoring: Scored by ETS trained raters through the ETS Online Scoring Network
Scoring criteria: Overall organization, appropriateness and precise use of grammar and vocabulary.
Score Scale: Questions 1-5; 0-3
Questions 6-7: 0-4
Question 8: 0-5

Question Task Assessment Criteria Preparation Time Scale
1-5 Write a sentence based on a picture Grammar, relevance of content 8 minutes 0-3
6-7 Respond to a written email request Quality and variety of sentences; vocabulary; organization 10 minutes each 0-4
8 Opinion essay Grammar, vocabulary, organization, support, cohesion 30 minutes 0-5


V. TOEIC® Test Study Resources

Free Downloadable E-Books:
Use our free e-books to prepare for the TOEIC® Test, or get extra practice on your speaking, writing, reading, or listening skills.
Getting Ready for the TOEIC® Test
Prepare yourself for the TOEIC® Test with our study tips and example questions. It also includes a section on how to read faster, which will greatly benefit you on this difficult exam.
Accent Reduction Workbook
Covers topics such as how to improve your pronunciation, phonics, speech articulation disorders, and North American English vs. British English.
Summarizing, Paraphrasing, & Basic Study Techniques
Includes tips on summarizing, paraphrasing, and some great study skills including a list of useful workbooks and resources.
How to Improve Your Listening Skills
Go through our checklist to see if you are a good listener, find out about some common listening problems, and get tips to become a better listener by using active listening techniques.

Software/Downloadable Resources:
We have developed several workbooks and study guides to help you prepare for the TOEIC® Test. All workbooks are available in CD-ROM format, or can be downloaded straight to your computer!
Click here for free TOEIC® Test preparation software from free-English. Shipping and handling costs still apply.

QuickStart Study Pack for the TOEIC® Test:
The most essential tool for anyone planning to take the TOEIC® exam! This bundle includes:

- Practice Test 1 for the TOEIC® Test
- Practice Test 2 for the TOEIC® Test
- Practice Test 3 for the TOEIC® Test
- Listening Workbook for the TOEIC® Test
- Reading Workbook for the TOEIC® Test
- Structure Workbook for the TOEIC® Test

Tips, Traps, & Strategies for the TOEIC® Test:
This 51-page printable workbooks provides valuable information and test-taking strategies for anyone interested in getting the best score possible on the TOEIC® exam. It has been designed as a fast-paced, clearly written introduction to the TOEIC® exam for people who may not have the time or resources to study in a classroom or with a costly preparation guide.
Grammar Study Guide for English Language Tests: This 100-page printable preparation guide covers the common types of questions that appear in the Structure section of English language proficiency tests, and offers mini-lessons and practice exercises for each type. This workbook is, of course, also suitable for people who are not planning to take a proficiency test but do want to be able to use English more accurately.
Learning English Advanced Study Skills: With this 46-page printable workbook you will learn how to listen effectively to lectures and talks, read faster, summarize and paraphrase, and take useful notes through practice exercises that cover a wide range of stimulating topics. After completing this workbook, you will be better prepared for the rigors of studying at the college or university level in English-speaking countries.


Exam Description: (Former/Shorter Version)
The TOEIC test is a two-hour, paper-and-pencil, multiple-choice test that consists of 200 questions divided into two separately-timed sections:
Section I: Listening: This section consists of 100 questions and is delivered by audiocassette. It is divided into four parts. Examinees listen to a variety of statements, questions, short conversations, and short talks recorded in English, then answer questions based on the listening segments. The Listening section takes approximately 45 minutes.
• Part 1: Photographs 20 items (4-choice)
• Part 2: Question-Response 30 items (3-choice)
• Part 3: Short Conversations 30 items (4-choice)
• Part 4: Short Talks 20 items (4-choice)
Section II: Reading. The Reading section consists of 100 questions presented in written format in the test booklet. Examinees read a variety of materials and respond at their own pace to questions based on the item content. The Reading section lasts approximately 75 minutes.
• Part 5: Incomplete Sentences 40 items (4-choice)
• Part 6: Error Recognition 20 items (4-choice)
• Part 7: Reading Comprehension 40 items (4-choice)
Examinees respond to test questions by marking one of the letters (A), (B), (C), or (D) with a pencil on a separate answer sheet. Although the actual testing time is approximately two hours, additional time is needed to allow examinees to complete the biographical questions on the answer sheet and to respond to a brief questionnaire about their educational and work history. Therefore, you should allow approximately 21/2 hours to take the test.

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