The following information is used for educational purposes only.
Una contradicción en la incesante crisis económica
Joaquín Morales Solá
29 de Agosto de 2018
Hay una contradicción notable en la incesante crisis económica. Mauricio Macri es el presidente de la democracia argentina con mayor nivel de apoyo en el mundo político internacional. Los gobiernos de los principales países del mundo han manifestado su respaldo explícito al mandatario argentino. No valoran solo lo que hace, sino también el contraste con el gobierno que existió en la Argentina hasta diciembre de 2015. Sin embargo, los mercados lo están castigando como si fuera una versión argentina de Nicolás Maduro o la continuidad de Cristina Kirchner.
¿Qué explica esa contradicción? Si bien la división que provocó la globalización entre el poder político mundial y los mercados (que tienen su propio poder) podría ser una razón, el argumento es muy parcial.
Los economistas ortodoxos se frotan las manos: la historia les dio la razón, dicen, porque ellos criticaron desde el principio la política gradualista, que debió ser modificada cuando resta poco más de un año para las elecciones que decidirán -o no- la reelección de Macri. La verdad no está nunca de un solo lado. Quizá el error de Macri haya sido el excesivo optimismo con que encaró los primeros años de su gestión.
Creyó que el crecimiento del país terminaría licuando el déficit fiscal con solo congelar el gasto público en valores constantes. Al aumentar el PBI, caería automáticamente el porcentaje del déficit sobre el PBI. El proyecto habría sido perfecto si todo hubiera ocurrido sin sobresaltos. El problema es que no hay nada más imprevisible que la economía internacional. Aquel programa se convirtió entonces en un riesgoso juego a suerte y verdad, a ganar o morir.
En aquellos planes no figuraba tampoco la profundidad de la sequía, que significó una pérdida para el país de entre 8000 y 10.000 millones de dólares. Ni incluían las dudas del expresidente del Banco Central Federico Sturzenegger, un académico brillante que dejó escapar unos 15.000 millones de dólares de las reservas cuando sucedió la crisis cambiaria de abril y mayo.
Encima, el dólar se fortaleció en el mundo y aumentaron las tasas de interés. Todos los países emergentes sufrieron sus consecuencias, pero la Argentina las padeció aún más porque el gradualismo necesitaba desesperadamente del financiamiento internacional. Los fondos se agotaron porque ya los mercados internacionales estaban hastiados de bonos argentinos en un momento en que los dólares volvían a las economías más seguras, sobre todo a la de los Estados Unidos.
Donald Trump no hizo nada que afectara a Macri, pero sus políticas dañaron la política y la solvencia del único presidente en el mundo que conocía al jefe de la Casa Blanca desde que los dos eran hombres de negocios. De hecho, el gobierno de Washington fue decisivo para que el Fondo Monetario Internacional le otorgara a la Argentina un crédito de un volumen inédito. Pero las peleas de Trump con China y con Turquía inyectaron más inestabilidad en la economía internacional y los capitales se encerraron en las economías solventes.
El caso de Turquía se parece mucho al de la Argentina por su déficit de cuenta corriente (en Ankara, como en Buenos Aires, gastan más dólares de los que producen). La política puede distinguir entre un presidente democrático y un sátrapa sin atenuantes, como es el presidente turco, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, pero los mercados no hacen esa clase de distinciones. La crisis de Turquía golpeó a una Argentina que se estaba levantando del último golpe. Ahora se le agregó también la inestabilidad electoral de Brasil (donde las preferencias oscilan entre un candidato preso y un neofascista), país que es el principal destino de las exportaciones industriales argentinas y el principal socio comercial de la Argentina.
El escandaloso caso de los cuadernos le agregó, además, una secuela inesperada a la economía. Muchas empresas involucradas en la investigación judicial proyectaban participar del programa de obras públicas con recursos estatales y privados. Las empresas privadas iban a recurrir al crédito bancario, pero el protocolo de la mayoría de los bancos les prohíbe darles créditos a empresas comprometidas en causas penales.
No se perjudicaron solo las empresas de la construcción, sino también otras que nada tienen que ver con el caso de los cuadernos. Son compañías que habían programado colocar bonos por varios miles de millones de dólares en el exterior para invertirlos en la Argentina, pero que decidieron postergar las operaciones por la suba del riesgo país, que significa un aumento considerable en la tasa de interés.
¿Es malo entonces que esté sucediendo la investigación judicial más importante de la historia por casos de corrupción? No es malo. Todo lo contrario: gran parte de la vieja Argentina corporativa y propensa a recurrir a los métodos corruptos explica también la constante crisis de su economía.
En ese contexto, nadie sabe ahora cuánto cuesta el dólar. Cualquier cifra es posible para grandes, pequeños o medianos inversores. En julio se compraron para atesorar 3350 millones de dólares, casi tanto como en el peor mes de Cristina Kirchner, octubre de 2011. No se trató de una corrida porque los pesos pasaron a dólares y se quedaron en cuentas de ahorro de los bancos. La sociedad o las empresas no desconfían de los bancos, sino del precio del dólar. Para peor, algunos economistas (y algunos cercanos al oficialismo) atizan el fuego pidiendo un dólar más caro todavía, como si eso no influyera en la inflación y no significara, en los hechos, una caída vertical del valor del salario.
El único mecanismo interno que le queda al Gobierno es la aprobación rápida del presupuesto para 2019. Puede pedir más ayuda externa, pero tanto en el exterior como en el interior del país están esperando un mensaje de sensatez de su dirigencia política.
El presupuesto no se aprobará sin el asentimiento de un sector importante del peronismo, como el que responde a Sergio Massa y los legisladores que tienen como referentes a sus gobernadores. Según el jefe del bloque justicialista del Senado, Miguel Pichetto, los gobernadores peronistas más importantes están dispuestos a contribuir a la aprobación del presupuesto. La cuestión más conflictiva será (o ya es) la propuesta del Gobierno de bajar por un tiempo el nivel de la coparticipación que distribuye entre las provincias.
Esa decisión necesita de una mayoría especial en el Congreso: la mayoría absoluta de las dos cámaras. Es decir, la mitad más uno de todos los integrantes de cada cuerpo, no solo de los que están presentes en el recinto. Son 138 diputados y 38 senadores los que deberán aprobar esa decisión. Al revés que otros años, el presupuesto requiere esta vez que el acuerdo sea previo a la presentación en el Congreso de esa ley fundamental del Estado.
En la era de Macri las provincias recibieron más recursos que durante toda la gestión de Cristina. Ahora casi todas están con superávit o con sus economías equilibradas. Pueden hacer un sacrificio. El conflicto de Macri no es el presupuesto de 2019, sino el de este año. El peronismo se lo enrostra. El presupuesto de 2018 preveía una inflación del 15,7 por ciento (será del 34, con suerte); un dólar a 19,3 pesos (ayer tocó los 32 pesos); un crecimiento del 3,5 por ciento (Nicolás Dujovne acaba de reconocer que habrá una caída del uno por ciento, en el mejor de los casos), y una expansión del consumo del 3,3 por ciento (hasta mayo el consumo cayó un 2 por ciento y se espera un descenso del 4 por ciento entre julio y septiembre).
Es la consecuencia de drásticos cambios en la economía internacional, de errores locales, de gestos de los opositores de Macri (como el proyecto de ley que congelaba las tarifas de servicios públicos) y de la siempre frágil economía de los argentinos. La democracia argentina divagó durante demasiado tiempo entre políticas e ideologías y creyó que todo era posible con simple voluntarismo. El tiempo de los charlatanes se agotó.
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Sunday, August 26, 2018
TED TALKS-Chetna Gala Sinha: How women in rural India turned courage into capital
The following information is used for educational purposes only.
TED2018 | April 2018
Chetna Gala Sinha: How women in rural India turned courage into capital
When bankers refused to serve her neighbors in rural India, Chetna Gala Sinha did the next best thing: she opened a bank of her own, the first ever for and by women in the country. In this inspiring talk, she shares stories of the women who encouraged her and continue to push her to come up with solutions for those denied traditional financial backing.
Chetna Gala Sinha · Banker, social entrepreneur
Chetna Gala Sinha is the founder and chair of the Mann Deshi Bank, aimed at the needs of rural women micro-entrepreneurs in India.
I'm here to tell you not just my story but stories of exceptional women from India whom I've met. They continue to inspire me, teach me, guide me in my journey of my life. These are incredible women. They never had an opportunity to go to school, they had no degrees, no travel, no exposure. Ordinary women who did extraordinary things with the greatest of their courage, wisdom and humility. These are my teachers.
For the last three decades, I've been working, staying and living in India and working with women in rural India. I was born and brought up in Mumbai. When I was in college, I met Jayaprakash Narayan, famous Gandhian leader who inspired youth to work in rural India. I went into the villages to work in rural India. I was part of land rights movement, farmers' movement and women's movement. On the same line, I ended up in a very small village, fell in love with a young, handsome, dynamic young farmer-leader who was not very educated, but he could pull the crowd. And so in the passion of youth, I married him and left Mumbai, and went to a small village which did not have running water and no toilet. Honestly, my family and friends were horrified.
I was staying with my family, with my three children in the village, and one day, a few years later one day, a woman called Kantabai came to me. Kantabai said, "I want to open a saving account. I want to save." I asked Kantabai: "You are doing business of blacksmith. Do you have enough money to save? You are staying on the street. Can you save?" Kantabai was insistent. She said, "I want to save because I want to buy a plastic sheet before the monsoons arrive. I want to save my family from rain." I went with Kantabai to the bank. Kantabai wanted to save 10 rupees a day -- less than 15 cents. Bank manager refused to open the account of Kantabai. He said Kantabai's amount is too small and it's not worth his time. Kantabai was not asking any loan from the bank. She was not asking any subsidy or grant from the government. What she was asking was to have a safe place to save her hard-earned money. And that was her right. And I went -- I said if banks are not opening the account of Kantabai, why not start the bank which will give an opportunity for women like Kantabai to save? And I applied for the banking license to Reserve Bank of India.
No, it was not an easy task. Our license was rejected --
on the grounds -- Reserve Bank said that we cannot issue a license to the bank who's promoting members who are nonliterate. I was terrified. I was crying. And by coming back home, I was continuously crying. I told Kantabai and other women that we couldn't get the license because our women are nonliterate. Our women said, "Stop crying. We will learn to read and write and apply again, so what?"
We started our literacy classes. Every day our women would come. They were so determined that after working the whole day, they would come to the class and learn to read and write. After five months, we applied again, but this time I didn't go alone. Fifteen women accompanied me to Reserve Bank of India. Our women told the officer of Reserve Bank, "You rejected the license because we cannot read and write. You rejected the license because we are nonliterate." But they said, "There were no schools when we were growing, so we are not responsible for our noneducation." And they said, "We cannot read and write, but we can count."
And they challenged the officer. "Then tell us to calculate the interest of any principal amount."
"If we are unable to do it, don't give us license. Tell your officers to do it without a calculator and see who can calculate faster."
Needless to say, we got the banking license.
Today, more than 100,000 women are banking with us and we have more than 20 million dollars of capital. This is all women's savings, women capital, no outside investors asking for a business plan. No. It's our own rural women's savings.
I also want to say that yes, after we got the license, today Kantabai has her own house and is staying with her family in her own house for herself and her family.
When we started our banking operations, I could see that our women were not able to come to the bank because they used to lose the working day. I thought if women are not coming to the bank, bank will go to them, and we started doorstep banking. Recently, we starting digital banking. Digital banking required to remember a PIN number. Our women said, "We don't want a PIN number. That's not a good idea." And we tried to explain to them that maybe you should remember the PIN number; we will help you to remember the PIN number. They were firm. They said, "suggest something else," and they --
and they said, "What about thumb?" I thought that's a great idea. We'll link that digital banking with biometric, and now women use the digital financial transaction by using the thumb. And you know what they said? They said, "Anybody can steal my PIN number and take away my hard-earned money, but nobody can steal my thumb."
That reinforced the teaching which I have always learned from women: never provide poor solutions to poor people. They are smart.
A few months later, another woman came to the bank -- Kerabai. She mortgaged her gold and took the loan. I asked Kerabai, "Why are you mortgaging your precious jewelry and taking a loan?" Kerabai said, "Don't you realize that it's a terrible drought? There's no food or fodder for the animals. No water. I'm mortgaging gold to buy food and fodder for my animals." And then she asks me, "Can I mortgage gold and get water?" I had no answer. Kerabai challenged me: "You're working in the village with women and finance, but what if one day there's no water? If you leave this village, with whom are you going to do banking?" Kerabai had a valid question, so in this drought, we decided to start the cattle camp in the area. It's where farmers can bring their animals to one place and get fodder and water. It didn't rain. Cattle camp was extended for 18 months. Kerabai used to move around in the cattle camp and sing the songs of encouragement. Kerabai became very popular. It rained and cattle camp was ended, but after cattle camp ended, Kerabai came to our radio -- we have community radio which has more than 100,000 listeners. She said, "I want to have a regular show on the radio." Our radio manager said, "Kerabai, you cannot read and write. How will you write the script?" You know what she replied? "I cannot read and write, but I can sing. What's the big deal?"
And today, Kerabai is doing a regular radio program, and not only that, she's become a famous radio jockey and she has been invited by all of the radios, even from Mumbai. She gets the invitation and she does the show.
Kerabai has become a local celebrity. One day I asked Kerabai, "How did you end up singing?" She said, "Shall I tell you the real fact? When I was pregnant with my first child, I was always hungry. I did not have enough food to eat. I did not have enough money to buy food, and so to forget my hunger, I started singing." So strong and wise, no? I always think that our women overcome so many obstacles -- cultural, social, financial -- and they find out their ways.
I would like to share another story: Sunita Kamble. She has taken a course in a business school, and she has become a veterinary doctor. She's Dalit; she comes from an untouchable caste, but she does artificial insemination in goats. It is a very male-dominated profession and it is all the more difficult for Sunita because Sunita comes from an untouchable caste. But she worked very hard. She did successful goat deliveries in the region and she became a famous goat doctor. Recently, she got a national award. I went to Sunita's house to celebrate -- to congratulate her. When I entered the village, I saw a big cutout of Sunita. Sunita was smiling on that picture. I was really surprised to see an untouchable, coming from the village, having a big cutout at the entrance of the village. When I went to her house, I was even more amazed because upper caste leaders -- men -- were sitting in the house, in her house, and having chai and water, which is very rare in India. Upper caste leaders do not go to an untouchable's house and have chai or water. And they were requesting her to come and address the gathering of the village. Sunita broke centuries-old caste conditioning in India.
Let me come to what the younger generations do. As I'm standing here -- I'm so proud as I stand here, from Mhaswad to Vancouver. Back home, Sarita Bhise -- she's not even 16 years old. She's preparing herself -- she's a part of our sports program, Champions' program. She's preparing herself to represent India in field hockey. And you know where she's going? She's going to represent in 2020 Olympics, Tokyo.
Sarita comes from a very poor shepherd community. I am just -- I couldn't be more proud of her.
There are millions of women like Sarita, Kerabai, Sunita, who can be around you also. They can be all over the world, but at first glance you may think that they do not have anything to say, they do not have anything to share. You would be so wrong. I am so lucky that I'm working with these women. They are sharing their stories with me, they are sharing their wisdom with me, and I'm just lucky to be with them. 20 years before -- and I'm so proud -- we went to Reserve Bank of India and we set up the first rural women's bank. Today they are pushing me to go to National Stock Exchange to set up the first fund dedicated to micro rural women entrepreneurs. They are pushing me to set up the first small finance women's bank in the world. And as one of them said, "My courage is my capital." And I say here, their courage is my capital. And if you want, it can be yours also.
Thank you.
TED2018 | April 2018
Chetna Gala Sinha: How women in rural India turned courage into capital
When bankers refused to serve her neighbors in rural India, Chetna Gala Sinha did the next best thing: she opened a bank of her own, the first ever for and by women in the country. In this inspiring talk, she shares stories of the women who encouraged her and continue to push her to come up with solutions for those denied traditional financial backing.
Chetna Gala Sinha · Banker, social entrepreneur
Chetna Gala Sinha is the founder and chair of the Mann Deshi Bank, aimed at the needs of rural women micro-entrepreneurs in India.
I'm here to tell you not just my story but stories of exceptional women from India whom I've met. They continue to inspire me, teach me, guide me in my journey of my life. These are incredible women. They never had an opportunity to go to school, they had no degrees, no travel, no exposure. Ordinary women who did extraordinary things with the greatest of their courage, wisdom and humility. These are my teachers.
For the last three decades, I've been working, staying and living in India and working with women in rural India. I was born and brought up in Mumbai. When I was in college, I met Jayaprakash Narayan, famous Gandhian leader who inspired youth to work in rural India. I went into the villages to work in rural India. I was part of land rights movement, farmers' movement and women's movement. On the same line, I ended up in a very small village, fell in love with a young, handsome, dynamic young farmer-leader who was not very educated, but he could pull the crowd. And so in the passion of youth, I married him and left Mumbai, and went to a small village which did not have running water and no toilet. Honestly, my family and friends were horrified.
I was staying with my family, with my three children in the village, and one day, a few years later one day, a woman called Kantabai came to me. Kantabai said, "I want to open a saving account. I want to save." I asked Kantabai: "You are doing business of blacksmith. Do you have enough money to save? You are staying on the street. Can you save?" Kantabai was insistent. She said, "I want to save because I want to buy a plastic sheet before the monsoons arrive. I want to save my family from rain." I went with Kantabai to the bank. Kantabai wanted to save 10 rupees a day -- less than 15 cents. Bank manager refused to open the account of Kantabai. He said Kantabai's amount is too small and it's not worth his time. Kantabai was not asking any loan from the bank. She was not asking any subsidy or grant from the government. What she was asking was to have a safe place to save her hard-earned money. And that was her right. And I went -- I said if banks are not opening the account of Kantabai, why not start the bank which will give an opportunity for women like Kantabai to save? And I applied for the banking license to Reserve Bank of India.
No, it was not an easy task. Our license was rejected --
on the grounds -- Reserve Bank said that we cannot issue a license to the bank who's promoting members who are nonliterate. I was terrified. I was crying. And by coming back home, I was continuously crying. I told Kantabai and other women that we couldn't get the license because our women are nonliterate. Our women said, "Stop crying. We will learn to read and write and apply again, so what?"
We started our literacy classes. Every day our women would come. They were so determined that after working the whole day, they would come to the class and learn to read and write. After five months, we applied again, but this time I didn't go alone. Fifteen women accompanied me to Reserve Bank of India. Our women told the officer of Reserve Bank, "You rejected the license because we cannot read and write. You rejected the license because we are nonliterate." But they said, "There were no schools when we were growing, so we are not responsible for our noneducation." And they said, "We cannot read and write, but we can count."
And they challenged the officer. "Then tell us to calculate the interest of any principal amount."
"If we are unable to do it, don't give us license. Tell your officers to do it without a calculator and see who can calculate faster."
Needless to say, we got the banking license.
Today, more than 100,000 women are banking with us and we have more than 20 million dollars of capital. This is all women's savings, women capital, no outside investors asking for a business plan. No. It's our own rural women's savings.
I also want to say that yes, after we got the license, today Kantabai has her own house and is staying with her family in her own house for herself and her family.
When we started our banking operations, I could see that our women were not able to come to the bank because they used to lose the working day. I thought if women are not coming to the bank, bank will go to them, and we started doorstep banking. Recently, we starting digital banking. Digital banking required to remember a PIN number. Our women said, "We don't want a PIN number. That's not a good idea." And we tried to explain to them that maybe you should remember the PIN number; we will help you to remember the PIN number. They were firm. They said, "suggest something else," and they --
and they said, "What about thumb?" I thought that's a great idea. We'll link that digital banking with biometric, and now women use the digital financial transaction by using the thumb. And you know what they said? They said, "Anybody can steal my PIN number and take away my hard-earned money, but nobody can steal my thumb."
That reinforced the teaching which I have always learned from women: never provide poor solutions to poor people. They are smart.
A few months later, another woman came to the bank -- Kerabai. She mortgaged her gold and took the loan. I asked Kerabai, "Why are you mortgaging your precious jewelry and taking a loan?" Kerabai said, "Don't you realize that it's a terrible drought? There's no food or fodder for the animals. No water. I'm mortgaging gold to buy food and fodder for my animals." And then she asks me, "Can I mortgage gold and get water?" I had no answer. Kerabai challenged me: "You're working in the village with women and finance, but what if one day there's no water? If you leave this village, with whom are you going to do banking?" Kerabai had a valid question, so in this drought, we decided to start the cattle camp in the area. It's where farmers can bring their animals to one place and get fodder and water. It didn't rain. Cattle camp was extended for 18 months. Kerabai used to move around in the cattle camp and sing the songs of encouragement. Kerabai became very popular. It rained and cattle camp was ended, but after cattle camp ended, Kerabai came to our radio -- we have community radio which has more than 100,000 listeners. She said, "I want to have a regular show on the radio." Our radio manager said, "Kerabai, you cannot read and write. How will you write the script?" You know what she replied? "I cannot read and write, but I can sing. What's the big deal?"
And today, Kerabai is doing a regular radio program, and not only that, she's become a famous radio jockey and she has been invited by all of the radios, even from Mumbai. She gets the invitation and she does the show.
Kerabai has become a local celebrity. One day I asked Kerabai, "How did you end up singing?" She said, "Shall I tell you the real fact? When I was pregnant with my first child, I was always hungry. I did not have enough food to eat. I did not have enough money to buy food, and so to forget my hunger, I started singing." So strong and wise, no? I always think that our women overcome so many obstacles -- cultural, social, financial -- and they find out their ways.
I would like to share another story: Sunita Kamble. She has taken a course in a business school, and she has become a veterinary doctor. She's Dalit; she comes from an untouchable caste, but she does artificial insemination in goats. It is a very male-dominated profession and it is all the more difficult for Sunita because Sunita comes from an untouchable caste. But she worked very hard. She did successful goat deliveries in the region and she became a famous goat doctor. Recently, she got a national award. I went to Sunita's house to celebrate -- to congratulate her. When I entered the village, I saw a big cutout of Sunita. Sunita was smiling on that picture. I was really surprised to see an untouchable, coming from the village, having a big cutout at the entrance of the village. When I went to her house, I was even more amazed because upper caste leaders -- men -- were sitting in the house, in her house, and having chai and water, which is very rare in India. Upper caste leaders do not go to an untouchable's house and have chai or water. And they were requesting her to come and address the gathering of the village. Sunita broke centuries-old caste conditioning in India.
Let me come to what the younger generations do. As I'm standing here -- I'm so proud as I stand here, from Mhaswad to Vancouver. Back home, Sarita Bhise -- she's not even 16 years old. She's preparing herself -- she's a part of our sports program, Champions' program. She's preparing herself to represent India in field hockey. And you know where she's going? She's going to represent in 2020 Olympics, Tokyo.
Sarita comes from a very poor shepherd community. I am just -- I couldn't be more proud of her.
There are millions of women like Sarita, Kerabai, Sunita, who can be around you also. They can be all over the world, but at first glance you may think that they do not have anything to say, they do not have anything to share. You would be so wrong. I am so lucky that I'm working with these women. They are sharing their stories with me, they are sharing their wisdom with me, and I'm just lucky to be with them. 20 years before -- and I'm so proud -- we went to Reserve Bank of India and we set up the first rural women's bank. Today they are pushing me to go to National Stock Exchange to set up the first fund dedicated to micro rural women entrepreneurs. They are pushing me to set up the first small finance women's bank in the world. And as one of them said, "My courage is my capital." And I say here, their courage is my capital. And if you want, it can be yours also.
Thank you.
TED TALKS-Leticia Gasca:Don´t fail fast-fail mindfully
The following information is used for educational purposes only.
TED Salon: Brightline Initiative | June 2018
Leticia Gasca:Don´t fail fast-fail mindfully
We celebrate bold entrepreneurs whose ingenuity led them to success, but what happens to those who fail? Far too often, they bury their stories out of shame or humiliation -- and miss out on a valuable opportunity for growth, says author and entrepreneur Leticia Gasca. In this thoughtful talk, Gasca calls for business owners to open up about their failures and makes the case for replacing the idea of "failing fast" with a new mantra: fail mindfully.
Leticia Gasca · Author, entrepreneur
Leticia Gasca is co-founder of the movement Fuckup Nights and Executive Director for the Failure Institute, the first think tank in the world devoted to studying business failure and the reasons behind it.
[This talk contains mature language Viewer discretion is advised]
If we traveled back to the year 800 BC, in Greece, we would see that merchants whose businesses failed were forced to sit in the marketplace with a basket over their heads. In premodern Italy, failed business owners, who had outstanding debts, were taken totally naked to the public square where they had to bang their butts against a special stone while a crowd jeered at them. In the 17th century in France, failed business owners were taken to the center of the market, where the beginning of their bankruptcy was publicly announced. And in order to avoid immediate imprisonment, they had to wear a green bonnet so that everyone knew they were a failure. Of course, these are extreme examples. But it is important to remember that when we excessively punish those who fail, we stifle innovation and business creation, the engines of economic growth in any country.
Time has passed, and today we don't publicly humiliate failed entrepreneurs. And they don't broadcast their failures on social media. In fact, I think that all of us can relate with the pain of failure. But we don't share the details of those experiences. And I totally get it, my friends, I have also been there.
I had a business that failed and sharing that story was incredibly hard. In fact, it required seven years, a good dose of vulnerability and the company of my friends. This is my failure story.
When I was in college, studying business, I met a group of indigenous women. They lived in a poor rural community in the state of Puebla, in central Mexico. They made beautiful handmade products. And when I met them and I saw their work, I decided I wanted to help.
With some friends, I cofounded a social enterprise with the mission to help the women create an income stream and improve their quality of life. We did everything by the book, as we had learned in business school. We got investors, we spent a lot of time building the business and training the women. But soon we realized we were novices. The handmade products were not selling, and the financial plan we had made was totally unrealistic. In fact, we worked for years without a salary, hoping that a miracle would happen, that magically a great buyer would arrive and she would make the business profitable. But that miracle never happened.
In the end, we had to close the business, and that broke my heart. I started everything to create a positive impact on the life of the artisans. And I felt that I have done the opposite. I felt so guilty that I decided to hide this failure from my conversations and my resume for years. I didn't know other failed entrepreneurs, and I thought I was the only loser in the world.
One night, seven years later, I was out with some friends and we were talking about the life of the entrepreneur. And of course, the issue of failure came out. I decided to confess to my friends the story of my failed business. And they shared similar stories. In that moment, a thought became really clear in my mind: all of my friends were failures.
Being more serious, that night I realized that A: I wasn't the only loser in the world, and B: we all have hidden failures. Please tell me if that is not true. That night was like an exorcism for me. I realized that sharing your failures makes you stronger, not weaker. And being open to my vulnerability helped me connect with others in a deeper and more meaningful way and embrace life lessons I wouldn't have learned previously. As a consequence of this experience of sharing stories of businesses that didn't work, we decided to create a platform of events to help others share their failure stories. And we called it Fuckup Nights.
Years later, we also created a research center devoted to the story of failure and its implications on business, people and society and as we love cool names, we called it the Failure Institute. It has been surprising to see that when an entrepreneur stands on a stage and shares a story of failure, she can actually enjoy that experience. It doesn't have to be a moment of shame and embarrassment, as it used to be in the past. It is an opportunity to share lessons learned and build empathy. We have also discovered that when the members of a team share their failures, magic happens. Bonds grow stronger and collaboration becomes easier.
Through our events and research projects, we have found some interesting facts. For instance, that men and women react in a different way after the failure of a business. The most common reaction among men is to start a new business within one year of failure, but in a different sector, while women decide to look for a job and postpone the creation of a new business. Our hypothesis is that this happens because women tend to suffer more from the impostor syndrome. We feel that we need something else to be a good entrepreneur. But I have seen that in many, many cases women have everything that's needed. We just need to take the step. And in the case of men, it is more common to see that they feel they have enough knowledge and just need to put it in practice in another place with better luck.
Another interesting finding has been that there are regional differences on how entrepreneurs cope with failure. For instance, the most common reaction after the failure of a business in the American continent is to go back to school. While in Europe, the most common reaction is to look for a therapist.
We're not sure which is a better reaction after the failure of a business, but this is something we will study in the future. Another interesting finding has been the profound impact that public policy has on failed entrepreneurs. For instance, in my country, in Mexico, the regulatory environment is so hard, that closing a business can take you a lot of time and a lot of money.
Let's begin with the money. In the best possible scenario, meaning you don't have problems with partners, providers, clients, employees, in the best possible scenario, officially closing a business will cost you 2,000 dollars. Which is a lot of money in Mexico. Someone who earns the minimum wage would have to work for 15 months to save this amount. Now, let's talk about the time. As you may know, in most of the developing world, the average life expectancy of a business is two years. In Mexico, the process of officially closing a business takes two years. What happens when the average life expectancy of a business is so similar to the time it will take you to close it if it doesn't work? Of course, this discourages business creation and promotes informal economy.
In fact, econometric research has proved that if the process of declaring bankruptcy takes less time and less money, more new firms will enter the market. For this reason, in 2017, we proposed a series of public policy recommendations for the procedure of officially closing businesses in Mexico. For a whole year, we worked with entrepreneurs from all over the country and with Congress. And the good news is that we managed to help change the law. Yay!
The idea is that when the new regulation comes into force, entrepreneurs will be able to close their businesses in an online procedure that is faster and inexpensive.
On the night we invented Fuckup Nights, we never imagined that the movement would grow this big. We are in 80 countries now. In that moment, our only intention was to put the topic of failure on the table. To help our friends see that failure is something we must talk about. It is not a cause of humiliation, as it used to be in the past, or a cause of celebration, as some people say. In fact, I want to confess something. Every time I listen to Silicon Valley types or students bragging about failing fast and often like it's no big deal, I cringe. Because I think that there is a dark side on the mantra "fail fast."
Of course, failing fast is a great way to accelerate learning and avoid wasting time. But I fear that when we present rapid failure to entrepreneurs as their one and only option, we might be promoting laziness. We might be promoting that entrepreneurs give up too easily. I also fear that the culture of rapid failure could be minimizing the devastating consequences of the failure of a business. For instance, when my social enterprise died, the worst part was that I had to go back to the indigenous community and tell the women that the business had failed and it was my fault. For some people this could be seen like a great learning opportunity for me, but the truth is that the closure of this business represented much more than that. It meant that the women would stop receiving an income that they really needed.
For this reason, I want to propose something. I want to propose that just as we put aside the idea of publicly humiliating failed entrepreneurs, we must put aside the idea that failing fast is always the best. And I want to propose a new mantra: fail mindfully. We must remember that businesses are made of people, businesses are not entities that appear and disappear magically without consequences. When a firm dies, some people will lose their jobs. And others will lose their money. And in the case of social and green enterprises, the death of this business can have a negative impact on the ecosystems or communities they were trying to serve.
But what does it mean to fail mindfully? It means being aware of the impact, of the consequences of the failure of that business. Being aware of the lessons learned. And being aware of the responsibility to share those learnings with the world.Thank you.
TED Salon: Brightline Initiative | June 2018
Leticia Gasca:Don´t fail fast-fail mindfully
We celebrate bold entrepreneurs whose ingenuity led them to success, but what happens to those who fail? Far too often, they bury their stories out of shame or humiliation -- and miss out on a valuable opportunity for growth, says author and entrepreneur Leticia Gasca. In this thoughtful talk, Gasca calls for business owners to open up about their failures and makes the case for replacing the idea of "failing fast" with a new mantra: fail mindfully.
Leticia Gasca · Author, entrepreneur
Leticia Gasca is co-founder of the movement Fuckup Nights and Executive Director for the Failure Institute, the first think tank in the world devoted to studying business failure and the reasons behind it.
[This talk contains mature language Viewer discretion is advised]
If we traveled back to the year 800 BC, in Greece, we would see that merchants whose businesses failed were forced to sit in the marketplace with a basket over their heads. In premodern Italy, failed business owners, who had outstanding debts, were taken totally naked to the public square where they had to bang their butts against a special stone while a crowd jeered at them. In the 17th century in France, failed business owners were taken to the center of the market, where the beginning of their bankruptcy was publicly announced. And in order to avoid immediate imprisonment, they had to wear a green bonnet so that everyone knew they were a failure. Of course, these are extreme examples. But it is important to remember that when we excessively punish those who fail, we stifle innovation and business creation, the engines of economic growth in any country.
Time has passed, and today we don't publicly humiliate failed entrepreneurs. And they don't broadcast their failures on social media. In fact, I think that all of us can relate with the pain of failure. But we don't share the details of those experiences. And I totally get it, my friends, I have also been there.
I had a business that failed and sharing that story was incredibly hard. In fact, it required seven years, a good dose of vulnerability and the company of my friends. This is my failure story.
When I was in college, studying business, I met a group of indigenous women. They lived in a poor rural community in the state of Puebla, in central Mexico. They made beautiful handmade products. And when I met them and I saw their work, I decided I wanted to help.
With some friends, I cofounded a social enterprise with the mission to help the women create an income stream and improve their quality of life. We did everything by the book, as we had learned in business school. We got investors, we spent a lot of time building the business and training the women. But soon we realized we were novices. The handmade products were not selling, and the financial plan we had made was totally unrealistic. In fact, we worked for years without a salary, hoping that a miracle would happen, that magically a great buyer would arrive and she would make the business profitable. But that miracle never happened.
In the end, we had to close the business, and that broke my heart. I started everything to create a positive impact on the life of the artisans. And I felt that I have done the opposite. I felt so guilty that I decided to hide this failure from my conversations and my resume for years. I didn't know other failed entrepreneurs, and I thought I was the only loser in the world.
One night, seven years later, I was out with some friends and we were talking about the life of the entrepreneur. And of course, the issue of failure came out. I decided to confess to my friends the story of my failed business. And they shared similar stories. In that moment, a thought became really clear in my mind: all of my friends were failures.
Being more serious, that night I realized that A: I wasn't the only loser in the world, and B: we all have hidden failures. Please tell me if that is not true. That night was like an exorcism for me. I realized that sharing your failures makes you stronger, not weaker. And being open to my vulnerability helped me connect with others in a deeper and more meaningful way and embrace life lessons I wouldn't have learned previously. As a consequence of this experience of sharing stories of businesses that didn't work, we decided to create a platform of events to help others share their failure stories. And we called it Fuckup Nights.
Years later, we also created a research center devoted to the story of failure and its implications on business, people and society and as we love cool names, we called it the Failure Institute. It has been surprising to see that when an entrepreneur stands on a stage and shares a story of failure, she can actually enjoy that experience. It doesn't have to be a moment of shame and embarrassment, as it used to be in the past. It is an opportunity to share lessons learned and build empathy. We have also discovered that when the members of a team share their failures, magic happens. Bonds grow stronger and collaboration becomes easier.
Through our events and research projects, we have found some interesting facts. For instance, that men and women react in a different way after the failure of a business. The most common reaction among men is to start a new business within one year of failure, but in a different sector, while women decide to look for a job and postpone the creation of a new business. Our hypothesis is that this happens because women tend to suffer more from the impostor syndrome. We feel that we need something else to be a good entrepreneur. But I have seen that in many, many cases women have everything that's needed. We just need to take the step. And in the case of men, it is more common to see that they feel they have enough knowledge and just need to put it in practice in another place with better luck.
Another interesting finding has been that there are regional differences on how entrepreneurs cope with failure. For instance, the most common reaction after the failure of a business in the American continent is to go back to school. While in Europe, the most common reaction is to look for a therapist.
We're not sure which is a better reaction after the failure of a business, but this is something we will study in the future. Another interesting finding has been the profound impact that public policy has on failed entrepreneurs. For instance, in my country, in Mexico, the regulatory environment is so hard, that closing a business can take you a lot of time and a lot of money.
Let's begin with the money. In the best possible scenario, meaning you don't have problems with partners, providers, clients, employees, in the best possible scenario, officially closing a business will cost you 2,000 dollars. Which is a lot of money in Mexico. Someone who earns the minimum wage would have to work for 15 months to save this amount. Now, let's talk about the time. As you may know, in most of the developing world, the average life expectancy of a business is two years. In Mexico, the process of officially closing a business takes two years. What happens when the average life expectancy of a business is so similar to the time it will take you to close it if it doesn't work? Of course, this discourages business creation and promotes informal economy.
In fact, econometric research has proved that if the process of declaring bankruptcy takes less time and less money, more new firms will enter the market. For this reason, in 2017, we proposed a series of public policy recommendations for the procedure of officially closing businesses in Mexico. For a whole year, we worked with entrepreneurs from all over the country and with Congress. And the good news is that we managed to help change the law. Yay!
The idea is that when the new regulation comes into force, entrepreneurs will be able to close their businesses in an online procedure that is faster and inexpensive.
On the night we invented Fuckup Nights, we never imagined that the movement would grow this big. We are in 80 countries now. In that moment, our only intention was to put the topic of failure on the table. To help our friends see that failure is something we must talk about. It is not a cause of humiliation, as it used to be in the past, or a cause of celebration, as some people say. In fact, I want to confess something. Every time I listen to Silicon Valley types or students bragging about failing fast and often like it's no big deal, I cringe. Because I think that there is a dark side on the mantra "fail fast."
Of course, failing fast is a great way to accelerate learning and avoid wasting time. But I fear that when we present rapid failure to entrepreneurs as their one and only option, we might be promoting laziness. We might be promoting that entrepreneurs give up too easily. I also fear that the culture of rapid failure could be minimizing the devastating consequences of the failure of a business. For instance, when my social enterprise died, the worst part was that I had to go back to the indigenous community and tell the women that the business had failed and it was my fault. For some people this could be seen like a great learning opportunity for me, but the truth is that the closure of this business represented much more than that. It meant that the women would stop receiving an income that they really needed.
For this reason, I want to propose something. I want to propose that just as we put aside the idea of publicly humiliating failed entrepreneurs, we must put aside the idea that failing fast is always the best. And I want to propose a new mantra: fail mindfully. We must remember that businesses are made of people, businesses are not entities that appear and disappear magically without consequences. When a firm dies, some people will lose their jobs. And others will lose their money. And in the case of social and green enterprises, the death of this business can have a negative impact on the ecosystems or communities they were trying to serve.
But what does it mean to fail mindfully? It means being aware of the impact, of the consequences of the failure of that business. Being aware of the lessons learned. And being aware of the responsibility to share those learnings with the world.Thank you.
Saturday, August 25, 2018
Las causas de corrupción-Bomberos que se están pisando la manguera, por Jorge Lanata
The following information is used for educational purposes only.
Las causas de corrupción
Bomberos que se están pisando la manguera
Las revelaciones de José López inquietan a gobernadores e intendentes en ejercicio.
Jorge Lanata
Acontinuación, transcribo una conversación de trasnoche durante un programa de televisión.
-¡¡¡Establezcan una línea de corte!!!, se exaltó Jorge Asís en el diálogo con Alejandro Fantino. Ambos reproducen, en la noche de América TV, un remedo de los diálogos platónicos pero en estilo mesa de saldos. El Maestro ilumina, el alumno se atora y la verdad sale a la luz.
-Establezcan una línea de corte, dijo el Maestro. Se refiere al desbande producido por las declaraciones de los arrepentidos en el caso de las coimas K.
-¿Vos me decís que arreglen hasta dónde van a llegar?, le preguntó Fantino.
-Sí, querido. Ya estuvo bien, se divirtieron, se sacaron a algunos socios molestos de encima, pero ahora que vean dónde se apaga el ventilador.
Esta apología de la aplicación del derecho penal hecha por Asís es -desde su lógica de parte- correcta. Cuando todos son culpables alguien debe empezar a callarse la boca.
Ambos, alumno y maestro, hablan de la epidemia de arrepentidos, del periodismo patrullero. “Al delator en veinte días no lo respeta ni la amante”, sentencia Asís dedicándoselo al colectivo feminista.
La conversación fluye divertida porque, después de todo, ambos tienen una lejana simpatía por “los que la hicieron”. En realidad, por “los que la hicieron bien”.
El héroe nacional argentino legado por la literatura fue un desertor. La historia de Martin Fierro es el relato de una fuga, un gaucho que escapa del servicio militar y que le recomienda al lector hacerse amigo del juez.
¿La versión política de la omertá será la lealtad, festejada por el peronismo como su valor fundacional?
El consejo de Asís de ponerle un paraguas protector a la tormenta de denuncias coincide con el de gobernadores e intendentes, literalmente muertos de miedo ante las próximas declaraciones de José Bolsos López, el que negociaba con gobernadores e intendentes. La idea de que “ya jugamos un poco al poliladron, es suficiente”, toma fuerza entre los políticos y empresarios ante el temor concreto de que llamen a su puerta.
Durante el debate por los allanamientos a Cristina Fernández de Kirchner esta idea fue expresada del modo más brutal por la senadora kirchnerista por el Chaco, María Inés Pilatti Vergara.
-Las cosas se dan vuelta, amenazó, admonitoria. -¿Ustedes creen que esto no les va a tocar alguna vez? Excavaciones, escaners en los departamentos vecinos...
(…) Ustedes quieren quedar bien con las señoras gordas. Pero tenga presente, señor juez, que no hay escritorio que no gire 180 grados.
Dueña de una sintaxis desagradable que coincidía con su aspecto, la señora Pilatti Vergara largó varios párrafos dignos de la saga de El Padrino.
El argumento “nosotros somos chorros, pero ustedes también”, sigue siendo utilizado por el kirchnerismo que no advierte que, aunque así fuera, los delitos de Cambiemos no los absuelven de las responsabilidades propias.
Se trata de llenar a los demás de barro propio. Al final, todo el barro llegara a confundirse. Bomberos pisándose la manguera.
Las causas de corrupción
Bomberos que se están pisando la manguera
Las revelaciones de José López inquietan a gobernadores e intendentes en ejercicio.
Jorge Lanata
Acontinuación, transcribo una conversación de trasnoche durante un programa de televisión.
-¡¡¡Establezcan una línea de corte!!!, se exaltó Jorge Asís en el diálogo con Alejandro Fantino. Ambos reproducen, en la noche de América TV, un remedo de los diálogos platónicos pero en estilo mesa de saldos. El Maestro ilumina, el alumno se atora y la verdad sale a la luz.
-Establezcan una línea de corte, dijo el Maestro. Se refiere al desbande producido por las declaraciones de los arrepentidos en el caso de las coimas K.
-¿Vos me decís que arreglen hasta dónde van a llegar?, le preguntó Fantino.
-Sí, querido. Ya estuvo bien, se divirtieron, se sacaron a algunos socios molestos de encima, pero ahora que vean dónde se apaga el ventilador.
Esta apología de la aplicación del derecho penal hecha por Asís es -desde su lógica de parte- correcta. Cuando todos son culpables alguien debe empezar a callarse la boca.
Ambos, alumno y maestro, hablan de la epidemia de arrepentidos, del periodismo patrullero. “Al delator en veinte días no lo respeta ni la amante”, sentencia Asís dedicándoselo al colectivo feminista.
La conversación fluye divertida porque, después de todo, ambos tienen una lejana simpatía por “los que la hicieron”. En realidad, por “los que la hicieron bien”.
El héroe nacional argentino legado por la literatura fue un desertor. La historia de Martin Fierro es el relato de una fuga, un gaucho que escapa del servicio militar y que le recomienda al lector hacerse amigo del juez.
¿La versión política de la omertá será la lealtad, festejada por el peronismo como su valor fundacional?
El consejo de Asís de ponerle un paraguas protector a la tormenta de denuncias coincide con el de gobernadores e intendentes, literalmente muertos de miedo ante las próximas declaraciones de José Bolsos López, el que negociaba con gobernadores e intendentes. La idea de que “ya jugamos un poco al poliladron, es suficiente”, toma fuerza entre los políticos y empresarios ante el temor concreto de que llamen a su puerta.
Durante el debate por los allanamientos a Cristina Fernández de Kirchner esta idea fue expresada del modo más brutal por la senadora kirchnerista por el Chaco, María Inés Pilatti Vergara.
-Las cosas se dan vuelta, amenazó, admonitoria. -¿Ustedes creen que esto no les va a tocar alguna vez? Excavaciones, escaners en los departamentos vecinos...
(…) Ustedes quieren quedar bien con las señoras gordas. Pero tenga presente, señor juez, que no hay escritorio que no gire 180 grados.
Dueña de una sintaxis desagradable que coincidía con su aspecto, la señora Pilatti Vergara largó varios párrafos dignos de la saga de El Padrino.
El argumento “nosotros somos chorros, pero ustedes también”, sigue siendo utilizado por el kirchnerismo que no advierte que, aunque así fuera, los delitos de Cambiemos no los absuelven de las responsabilidades propias.
Se trata de llenar a los demás de barro propio. Al final, todo el barro llegara a confundirse. Bomberos pisándose la manguera.
Opinión-Humor Político-La búsqueda del tesoro, por Alejandro Borensztein
The following information is used for educational purposes only.
Humor Político
La búsqueda del tesoro
¿Será éste un momento histórico para el país, para sacarnos de encima a todos lo que lo arruinaron?
Alejandro Borensztein
Cuando el portero del edificio de la calle Juncal donde vive Cristina se enteró de que el gobierno ofrece a quienes aporten datos concretos sobre el dinero y los bienes choreados una recompensa del 5% sobre el monto recuperado, lo primero que hizo fue llamar a California y señar una casa en Malibú, frente al mar.
Después se sirvió un whisky, se tiró en el sillón, se prendió un faso y llamó al Juez Bonadio.
Lo mismo soñamos hacer millones de argentinos. Más allá de putear una y otra vez contra el licuado de inútiles y malandras que nos gobernó, y de entretenernos con los choferes, los arrepentidos, los que se quiebran y demás, ahora la nueva locura es encontrar algo del tesoro y quedarse con un pedacito.
El gobierno sacó una resolución para incentivar el recupero de lo choreado. El procedimiento es muy simple. El afortunado que encuentre un par de millones de dólares, por ejemplo en el taparrollo de la casa un ex secretario de estado kirchnerista, deberá comunicarse al Ministerio de Seguridad llamando a un número telefónico de acceso rápido: el 134.
Una vez constatada la veracidad de la denuncia, el cazafortunas deberá empezar con los trámites y seguramente en dos o tres años recibirá el cheque por el 5%. Si para patentar un ciclomotor tenés que hacer un trámite de novela, imaginate el quilombo que va a ser cobrar un cheque del Estado por haber recuperado guita choreada por un Kirchner.
De última contratás un gestor, vas aceitando a los funcionarios que se te cruzan en el camino y a la larga vas a cobrar tu recompensa por ayudar a encontrar la guita de las coimas.
En principio, esto movilizó a miles de personas por todo el país en busca del tesoro perdido. Muchos viajan al sur a recorrer campos, alquilan tractores, excavadoras, contratan cuadrillas de obreros, compran carpas, camperas, bolsas de dormir, etc. Otros salen a la noche por las ciudades a revisar departamentos, autos, garages. La gente se traslada, viaja, compra sogas para trepar por los edificios, arneses, linternas para meterse en los departamentos, dardos con cloroformo para dormir perros, herramientas para abrir cajas de seguridad. En fin, como medida para reactivar un poco la economía no está mal.
Sin embargo, la cosa no da para entusiasmarse demasiado porque este gobierno es tan miserable que le puso un tope de 2 millones de pesos a la recompensa. Así es muy difícil que funcione.
Supongamos que usted tiene la data posta del lugar donde Julio De Vido guarda el canuto. ¿Se va a arriesgar a meterse de noche en la chacra de los De Vido a revisar el galpón donde duermen los pájaros que coleccionaba el ex ministro, por dos palitos pesos de morondanga? Hoy son unos 65.000 dólares. Apenas te alcanza para comprarte el BMW que tenía Aníbal Fernández y que le robaron en Gerli, en un hecho de sensación de inseguridad ocurrido durante la época en que los kirchneristas todavía vendían que eran progresistas y honestos. Despúes aparecieron Milani, José López y ya no la pudieron dibujar más.
La realidad es que el tope de 2 millones de pesos significa una recompensa del 5% sobre 40 palos. Un vuelto. Nada.
Pensemos que Cristóbal López, él solito, se choreó 10.000 palos del impuesto a los combustibles no liquidados al Estado. Y además es guita fácil de encontrar ¿Donde está? En todos lados. Prendé la tele, poné C5N y ahí ya tenés 500 o 600 palos por abajo de las patas. A eso le tenés que sumar todo lo que le chorearon a los trabajadores del Sindicato de Televisión. Una fortuna. Llamá al 134, deciles que haciendo zapping te encontraste con una parte del botín de López y De Sousa y algo te tienen que dar.
Podés hacer una más fácil aún. Llamás al 134 y decís que Aldo Roggio tiene guita escondida en el placarcito del dormitorio. No te vas a equivocar.
Después, si esa guita es la que sobró de un bolso que mandó a la Casa Rosada hace tres años o es la que tiene guardada para llevarse la semana que viene cuando se vaya a tomar sol a Saint-Tropez, es un tema que él deberá explicarle a Bonadio. No es asunto tuyo. Los billetes de la corrupción y los de la dolce far niente son todos iguales. Y los encontraste vos. Te corresponde el 5%.
A todo esto, y abrumada por la situación, Cristina salió a desmentir las denuncias y dijo que lo del chofer que la vio en pijama no es cierto. En esa estoy con Ella. Imaginemos la escena. Centeno entra a Olivos cargando un bolso con diez palos verdes. De repente se le cruza Cristina en camisón y mientras ella se acerca a saludarlo, por atrás se aparece Néstor de traje cruzado y mocasines. ¿Cómo le explica? ¿Qué le dice? “Hola, yo soy el del bolso, nomás”. Situación Imposible.
También le creo a ExElla cuando niega haber cobrado una coima de 600 lucas verdes para firmar el decreto que extendía la concesión de la hidrovía, tal como confesó el empresario arrepentido Gabriel Romero. No dan los números. No prorrogás un negocio de cientos de millones de dólares con una cometita de 600 lucas. No es digno de un gobierno corrupto como Dios manda.
En este caso, sospecho que los dos tienen razón. El tipo efectivamente pagó y Ella seguramente jamás cobró. En el revoleo de los bolsos, la mejicaneada de pequeños vivillos debe haber sido una constante de la década ganada.
Para el núcleo duro kirchnerista, los cuadernos son unas fotocopias truchas que no sirven para nada cuando acusan a Cristina y son una prueba irrefutable cuando involucran a Calcaterra. Así de ciegos están estos muchachos.
Refutan diciendo que todo esto es para tapar la crisis, que el pueblo se va a levantar contra los antipatrias, que va a correr sangre (de verdad lo dicen y lo escriben), que los verdaderos corruptos son los de este gobierno y te ponen como ejemplo el caso del intendente de Villa Río Bermejito en el Chaco, de Cambiemos, al que le encontraron 2 millones de pesos escondidos arriba del cielorraso y otro millón repartido en el resto de la casa.
Lo curioso del caso es que el tipo ganó las elecciones como radical en 2003 (ahí era un chorro), después ganó en 2007 con la boleta de Capitanich (ahí ya empezaba a ser honesto), luego fue nuevamente reelecto en 2011 en la boleta kirchnerista (ahí fue un ejemplo de la causa nacional y popular) y finalmente en 2015 se subió a Cambiemos y volvió a ganar como un chorro de esta oligarquía que está entregando el país.
Si este ñato que gobernaba una localidad de 3.800 habitantes tenía esa guita encanutada, no quiero ni pensar la que debe haber en la casa de más de un intendente del conurbano bonaerense.
¿Será este un momento histórico para el país? ¿Lograremos sacarnos de encima a todos los que lo arruinaron?
Ojo. Hoy es fundamental reivindicar a los políticos honestos y a la política en general como única manera de organizar una sociedad. No sea cosa que en la confusión terminemos votando al Chiqui Tapia. O a Tinelli.
Párrafo aparte para los empresarios argentinos. En 2013 Moreno llamó a los dueños y ejecutivos de supermercados y cadenas de electrodomésticos y les ordenó no publicar avisos en Clarín y La Nación. Y los tipos… ¡¡¡obedecieron!!!
A la luz de los hechos, muchos de nuestros empresarios, antes que corruptos fueron patéticamente cobardes. En un país que alguna vez fue gobernado por Videla y Massera, a que le tenían miedo? ¿A Moreno???!! ¿De verdad?
El viernes fue 17 agosto y se conmemoró la muerte del General San Martin. Sin embargo el feriado se pasó para mañana. Por más que le dé vueltas al asunto, no termino de entender porqué para que sea fin de semana largo, un feriado que cae viernes hay que pasarlo al lunes. Aunque sea esta simple pavada, alguna vez alguien debería explicar algo en este bendito país.
Por suerte el cruce de los Andes y la liberación de Chile y Perú no estuvo a cargo ni de estos empresarios ni de estos kirchneristas. Seguiríamos siendo una colonia española.
Humor Político
La búsqueda del tesoro
¿Será éste un momento histórico para el país, para sacarnos de encima a todos lo que lo arruinaron?
Alejandro Borensztein
Cuando el portero del edificio de la calle Juncal donde vive Cristina se enteró de que el gobierno ofrece a quienes aporten datos concretos sobre el dinero y los bienes choreados una recompensa del 5% sobre el monto recuperado, lo primero que hizo fue llamar a California y señar una casa en Malibú, frente al mar.
Después se sirvió un whisky, se tiró en el sillón, se prendió un faso y llamó al Juez Bonadio.
Lo mismo soñamos hacer millones de argentinos. Más allá de putear una y otra vez contra el licuado de inútiles y malandras que nos gobernó, y de entretenernos con los choferes, los arrepentidos, los que se quiebran y demás, ahora la nueva locura es encontrar algo del tesoro y quedarse con un pedacito.
El gobierno sacó una resolución para incentivar el recupero de lo choreado. El procedimiento es muy simple. El afortunado que encuentre un par de millones de dólares, por ejemplo en el taparrollo de la casa un ex secretario de estado kirchnerista, deberá comunicarse al Ministerio de Seguridad llamando a un número telefónico de acceso rápido: el 134.
Una vez constatada la veracidad de la denuncia, el cazafortunas deberá empezar con los trámites y seguramente en dos o tres años recibirá el cheque por el 5%. Si para patentar un ciclomotor tenés que hacer un trámite de novela, imaginate el quilombo que va a ser cobrar un cheque del Estado por haber recuperado guita choreada por un Kirchner.
De última contratás un gestor, vas aceitando a los funcionarios que se te cruzan en el camino y a la larga vas a cobrar tu recompensa por ayudar a encontrar la guita de las coimas.
En principio, esto movilizó a miles de personas por todo el país en busca del tesoro perdido. Muchos viajan al sur a recorrer campos, alquilan tractores, excavadoras, contratan cuadrillas de obreros, compran carpas, camperas, bolsas de dormir, etc. Otros salen a la noche por las ciudades a revisar departamentos, autos, garages. La gente se traslada, viaja, compra sogas para trepar por los edificios, arneses, linternas para meterse en los departamentos, dardos con cloroformo para dormir perros, herramientas para abrir cajas de seguridad. En fin, como medida para reactivar un poco la economía no está mal.
Sin embargo, la cosa no da para entusiasmarse demasiado porque este gobierno es tan miserable que le puso un tope de 2 millones de pesos a la recompensa. Así es muy difícil que funcione.
Supongamos que usted tiene la data posta del lugar donde Julio De Vido guarda el canuto. ¿Se va a arriesgar a meterse de noche en la chacra de los De Vido a revisar el galpón donde duermen los pájaros que coleccionaba el ex ministro, por dos palitos pesos de morondanga? Hoy son unos 65.000 dólares. Apenas te alcanza para comprarte el BMW que tenía Aníbal Fernández y que le robaron en Gerli, en un hecho de sensación de inseguridad ocurrido durante la época en que los kirchneristas todavía vendían que eran progresistas y honestos. Despúes aparecieron Milani, José López y ya no la pudieron dibujar más.
La realidad es que el tope de 2 millones de pesos significa una recompensa del 5% sobre 40 palos. Un vuelto. Nada.
Pensemos que Cristóbal López, él solito, se choreó 10.000 palos del impuesto a los combustibles no liquidados al Estado. Y además es guita fácil de encontrar ¿Donde está? En todos lados. Prendé la tele, poné C5N y ahí ya tenés 500 o 600 palos por abajo de las patas. A eso le tenés que sumar todo lo que le chorearon a los trabajadores del Sindicato de Televisión. Una fortuna. Llamá al 134, deciles que haciendo zapping te encontraste con una parte del botín de López y De Sousa y algo te tienen que dar.
Podés hacer una más fácil aún. Llamás al 134 y decís que Aldo Roggio tiene guita escondida en el placarcito del dormitorio. No te vas a equivocar.
Después, si esa guita es la que sobró de un bolso que mandó a la Casa Rosada hace tres años o es la que tiene guardada para llevarse la semana que viene cuando se vaya a tomar sol a Saint-Tropez, es un tema que él deberá explicarle a Bonadio. No es asunto tuyo. Los billetes de la corrupción y los de la dolce far niente son todos iguales. Y los encontraste vos. Te corresponde el 5%.
A todo esto, y abrumada por la situación, Cristina salió a desmentir las denuncias y dijo que lo del chofer que la vio en pijama no es cierto. En esa estoy con Ella. Imaginemos la escena. Centeno entra a Olivos cargando un bolso con diez palos verdes. De repente se le cruza Cristina en camisón y mientras ella se acerca a saludarlo, por atrás se aparece Néstor de traje cruzado y mocasines. ¿Cómo le explica? ¿Qué le dice? “Hola, yo soy el del bolso, nomás”. Situación Imposible.
También le creo a ExElla cuando niega haber cobrado una coima de 600 lucas verdes para firmar el decreto que extendía la concesión de la hidrovía, tal como confesó el empresario arrepentido Gabriel Romero. No dan los números. No prorrogás un negocio de cientos de millones de dólares con una cometita de 600 lucas. No es digno de un gobierno corrupto como Dios manda.
En este caso, sospecho que los dos tienen razón. El tipo efectivamente pagó y Ella seguramente jamás cobró. En el revoleo de los bolsos, la mejicaneada de pequeños vivillos debe haber sido una constante de la década ganada.
Para el núcleo duro kirchnerista, los cuadernos son unas fotocopias truchas que no sirven para nada cuando acusan a Cristina y son una prueba irrefutable cuando involucran a Calcaterra. Así de ciegos están estos muchachos.
Refutan diciendo que todo esto es para tapar la crisis, que el pueblo se va a levantar contra los antipatrias, que va a correr sangre (de verdad lo dicen y lo escriben), que los verdaderos corruptos son los de este gobierno y te ponen como ejemplo el caso del intendente de Villa Río Bermejito en el Chaco, de Cambiemos, al que le encontraron 2 millones de pesos escondidos arriba del cielorraso y otro millón repartido en el resto de la casa.
Lo curioso del caso es que el tipo ganó las elecciones como radical en 2003 (ahí era un chorro), después ganó en 2007 con la boleta de Capitanich (ahí ya empezaba a ser honesto), luego fue nuevamente reelecto en 2011 en la boleta kirchnerista (ahí fue un ejemplo de la causa nacional y popular) y finalmente en 2015 se subió a Cambiemos y volvió a ganar como un chorro de esta oligarquía que está entregando el país.
Si este ñato que gobernaba una localidad de 3.800 habitantes tenía esa guita encanutada, no quiero ni pensar la que debe haber en la casa de más de un intendente del conurbano bonaerense.
¿Será este un momento histórico para el país? ¿Lograremos sacarnos de encima a todos los que lo arruinaron?
Ojo. Hoy es fundamental reivindicar a los políticos honestos y a la política en general como única manera de organizar una sociedad. No sea cosa que en la confusión terminemos votando al Chiqui Tapia. O a Tinelli.
Párrafo aparte para los empresarios argentinos. En 2013 Moreno llamó a los dueños y ejecutivos de supermercados y cadenas de electrodomésticos y les ordenó no publicar avisos en Clarín y La Nación. Y los tipos… ¡¡¡obedecieron!!!
A la luz de los hechos, muchos de nuestros empresarios, antes que corruptos fueron patéticamente cobardes. En un país que alguna vez fue gobernado por Videla y Massera, a que le tenían miedo? ¿A Moreno???!! ¿De verdad?
El viernes fue 17 agosto y se conmemoró la muerte del General San Martin. Sin embargo el feriado se pasó para mañana. Por más que le dé vueltas al asunto, no termino de entender porqué para que sea fin de semana largo, un feriado que cae viernes hay que pasarlo al lunes. Aunque sea esta simple pavada, alguna vez alguien debería explicar algo en este bendito país.
Por suerte el cruce de los Andes y la liberación de Chile y Perú no estuvo a cargo ni de estos empresarios ni de estos kirchneristas. Seguiríamos siendo una colonia española.
Monday, August 20, 2018
OPINIÓN | MANUSCRITO-Ángeles, punguistas y otras delicias, por Hugo Beccacece
The following information is used for educational purposes only.
Ángeles, punguistas y otras delicias
Hugo Beccacece
20 de Agosto de 2018
Así como los delitos de la vida real duelen e indignan, los delitos contados en libros y diarios, los del cine y la TV, cautivan sin importar los límites morales: baste citar el éxito de El ángel, la película de Luis Ortega sobre el asesino serial Carlos Robledo Puch. Quienes hayan leído en la adolescencia las novelas de misterio y acción que tienen como protagonistas a Arsène Lupin o a Rocambole, el extravagante personaje, mitad delincuente, mitad héroe, creado por Ponson du Terrail en el siglo XIX, conocen el placer de ponerse, al fin, del lado del "malo" (que ayuda al desvalido) o del "ingenioso" que, sin violencia, comete "picardías" con joyas y cajas de seguridad ajenas. Más recientemente, otro delincuente literario de guante blanco, El Santo, conquistó millones de espectadores televisivos hipnotizados por el Simon Templar encarnado por Roger Moore.
Esas evocaciones surgieron el jueves pasado mientras leía, título irresistible, Delincuentes viajeros. Estafadores, punguistas y policías en el Atlántico sudamericano (Siglo XXI), del historiador social argentino Diego Galeano.
El período estudiado va desde 1870 hasta la década de 1930. En ese lapso, Buenos Aires y Río de Janeiro se convirtieron en grandes ciudades. El aluvión inmigratorio las había colmado de desconocidos. La Bolsa era el escenario de especulaciones donde se movían advenedizos y aventureros que urdían operaciones colosales aprovechando o agravando, por ejemplo, la crisis de 1890 en la capital argentina. Se multiplicaron los falsificadores de dinero, los cuenteros del tío y los tratantes de blancas, pero veinte años después, para la celebración del Centenario, las calles y avenidas porteñas exhibían un lujo que asombraba a los europeos.
Sin embargo, el periodista español Miguel Toledano (cuyo seudónimo era Manuel Gil de Oto) señaló que la Argentina era el país de la quimera y la mentira, donde "todos fingían un bienestar inexistente para inspirar confianza y conseguir plata en relación con su solvencia aparente".
Los numerosos estafadores, punguistas y ladrones de guante blanco eran perseguidos por la policía y, cuando eran identificados, terminaban en la cárcel. Salían al poco tiempo. Llegaban a tener múltiples entradas sirviéndose de documentos falsos, hasta que no les quedaba otra opción que el viaje al extranjero. Los argentinos iban a Brasil y los brasileños, a la Argentina. Pero las policías de los dos países empezaron a pasarse las fichas de los criminales.
La nueva tecnología ayudaba a los detectives, pero también a los ladrones, que fueron aplicando los adelantos científicos a sus propias actividades. Cuando a un estafador se le ocurría un nuevo engaño, este no tardaba demasiado en diseminarse gracias a los delincuentes viajeros.
Los hoteles de lujo de todo el mundo se convirtieron en el espacio ideal de los criminales de guante blanco, que debían tener muy buena presencia, cierta cultura, ser elegantes y saber varias lenguas para infiltrarse entre los huéspedes ricos y aristocráticos.
En el epílogo de Delincuentes viajeros, Galeano pone como epígrafe una cita del sociólogo y economista noruego Thorstein Veblen, tomada de su libro Theory of the Leisure Class (de 1899). Es una comparación inquietante.
"El tipo ideal de hombre de negocio es como el ideal de delincuente: por su aprovechamiento inescrupuloso de bienes y personas para sus propios fines, por la insensibilidad con los sentimientos y deseos de los otros y con los efectos futuros de sus acciones".
Es curioso cómo ese crudo párrafo escrito por un extranjero hace casi ciento veinte años parece describir la catadura moral de los poderosos personajes que circulan por Comodoro Py desde hace veinte días (¿o que existen desde 1880, para poner un límite?).
Ángeles, punguistas y otras delicias
Hugo Beccacece
20 de Agosto de 2018
Así como los delitos de la vida real duelen e indignan, los delitos contados en libros y diarios, los del cine y la TV, cautivan sin importar los límites morales: baste citar el éxito de El ángel, la película de Luis Ortega sobre el asesino serial Carlos Robledo Puch. Quienes hayan leído en la adolescencia las novelas de misterio y acción que tienen como protagonistas a Arsène Lupin o a Rocambole, el extravagante personaje, mitad delincuente, mitad héroe, creado por Ponson du Terrail en el siglo XIX, conocen el placer de ponerse, al fin, del lado del "malo" (que ayuda al desvalido) o del "ingenioso" que, sin violencia, comete "picardías" con joyas y cajas de seguridad ajenas. Más recientemente, otro delincuente literario de guante blanco, El Santo, conquistó millones de espectadores televisivos hipnotizados por el Simon Templar encarnado por Roger Moore.
Esas evocaciones surgieron el jueves pasado mientras leía, título irresistible, Delincuentes viajeros. Estafadores, punguistas y policías en el Atlántico sudamericano (Siglo XXI), del historiador social argentino Diego Galeano.
El período estudiado va desde 1870 hasta la década de 1930. En ese lapso, Buenos Aires y Río de Janeiro se convirtieron en grandes ciudades. El aluvión inmigratorio las había colmado de desconocidos. La Bolsa era el escenario de especulaciones donde se movían advenedizos y aventureros que urdían operaciones colosales aprovechando o agravando, por ejemplo, la crisis de 1890 en la capital argentina. Se multiplicaron los falsificadores de dinero, los cuenteros del tío y los tratantes de blancas, pero veinte años después, para la celebración del Centenario, las calles y avenidas porteñas exhibían un lujo que asombraba a los europeos.
Sin embargo, el periodista español Miguel Toledano (cuyo seudónimo era Manuel Gil de Oto) señaló que la Argentina era el país de la quimera y la mentira, donde "todos fingían un bienestar inexistente para inspirar confianza y conseguir plata en relación con su solvencia aparente".
Los numerosos estafadores, punguistas y ladrones de guante blanco eran perseguidos por la policía y, cuando eran identificados, terminaban en la cárcel. Salían al poco tiempo. Llegaban a tener múltiples entradas sirviéndose de documentos falsos, hasta que no les quedaba otra opción que el viaje al extranjero. Los argentinos iban a Brasil y los brasileños, a la Argentina. Pero las policías de los dos países empezaron a pasarse las fichas de los criminales.
La nueva tecnología ayudaba a los detectives, pero también a los ladrones, que fueron aplicando los adelantos científicos a sus propias actividades. Cuando a un estafador se le ocurría un nuevo engaño, este no tardaba demasiado en diseminarse gracias a los delincuentes viajeros.
Los hoteles de lujo de todo el mundo se convirtieron en el espacio ideal de los criminales de guante blanco, que debían tener muy buena presencia, cierta cultura, ser elegantes y saber varias lenguas para infiltrarse entre los huéspedes ricos y aristocráticos.
En el epílogo de Delincuentes viajeros, Galeano pone como epígrafe una cita del sociólogo y economista noruego Thorstein Veblen, tomada de su libro Theory of the Leisure Class (de 1899). Es una comparación inquietante.
"El tipo ideal de hombre de negocio es como el ideal de delincuente: por su aprovechamiento inescrupuloso de bienes y personas para sus propios fines, por la insensibilidad con los sentimientos y deseos de los otros y con los efectos futuros de sus acciones".
Es curioso cómo ese crudo párrafo escrito por un extranjero hace casi ciento veinte años parece describir la catadura moral de los poderosos personajes que circulan por Comodoro Py desde hace veinte días (¿o que existen desde 1880, para poner un límite?).
Sunday, August 19, 2018
The following information is used for educational purposes only.
Pablo Bernasconi
19 de Agosto de 2018
Bebés bailando en el espejo
Published on Dec 19, 2013
A todos los niños y niñas que llevamos en algún lugar de
nuestro corazón, quiero hacerles una invitación especial
hoy que celebramos el DÍA DEL NIÑO:
Por ello, los invito a:
*buscar esa inocencia (para redescubrir su fuerza)
*reforzar esa esperanza (para seguir en el camino)
*renovar esa energía (para no dejarnos abatir)
* despertar esas ansias (para creer que siempre podemos
hacer algo)
*recuperar esa curiosidad (para seguir buscando, creando
*volver a los juegos (para distraernos de algunas tristezas o
malos momentos)
*creer en imposibles (para que confiemos en nuestras
*pedir por nuestros deseos (para que sepamos pedir una
mano y así cumplirlos)
*soñar a lo grande (para que ampliemos nuestra
*imaginar el futuro (para darle una mirada más optimista)
*disfrutar de la vida (para que la vivamos con todas nuestras
ganas, aún cuando nos tiran o caemos). C.M. Images/Palabras de Clara Moras.
Pablo Bernasconi
19 de Agosto de 2018
Bebés bailando en el espejo
Published on Dec 19, 2013
A todos los niños y niñas que llevamos en algún lugar de
nuestro corazón, quiero hacerles una invitación especial
hoy que celebramos el DÍA DEL NIÑO:
Por ello, los invito a:
*buscar esa inocencia (para redescubrir su fuerza)
*reforzar esa esperanza (para seguir en el camino)
*renovar esa energía (para no dejarnos abatir)
* despertar esas ansias (para creer que siempre podemos
hacer algo)
*recuperar esa curiosidad (para seguir buscando, creando
*volver a los juegos (para distraernos de algunas tristezas o
malos momentos)
*creer en imposibles (para que confiemos en nuestras
*pedir por nuestros deseos (para que sepamos pedir una
mano y así cumplirlos)
*soñar a lo grande (para que ampliemos nuestra
*imaginar el futuro (para darle una mirada más optimista)
*disfrutar de la vida (para que la vivamos con todas nuestras
ganas, aún cuando nos tiran o caemos). C.M. Images/Palabras de Clara Moras.
Saturday, August 18, 2018
OPINIÓN-La voz valiente de los profetas, por Marcos Aguinis
The following information is used for educational purposes only.
La voz valiente de los profetas
Marcos Aguinis
18 de Agosto de 2018
"Locos de Dios" es una expresión hebrea, Mishugue Elohim, que refiere a los profetas del antiguo Israel. Y ese es precisamente el título que eligió Santiago Kovadloff para su nuevo libro, un texto breve y rico en reflexiones, bellamente escrito y bien documentado, que permite comprender la figura de estos hombres legendarios, devotos de la ley y, como se lee en sus páginas, "voceros de un ideal inédito en su tiempo: el de conciliar el ejercicio del poder político con la justicia social".
Los profetas han sido personajes curiosos, poderosos, elocuentes. Aparecieron unos siete siglos antes de Cristo en Israel, en coincidencia con el volcánico fenómeno intelectual de la Antigua Grecia. Tardaron en conectarse, pero cuando eso ocurrió cimentaron las bases de la civilización occidental.
A Santiago Kovadloff le llevó cinco años escribir este libro, con períodos de diversa inspiración. Lejos de retratar al profeta como en su versión más popular y conocida, como un simple adivinador del futuro, este libro esclarece con pruebas abundantes que la prédica de estos hombres apuntaba en otra dirección, hacia una ética poderosa que al principio fue rechazada, pero que se afirmó con el correr de los siglos. El profeta no solo condena, sino que llama a la autocrítica, implora sensatez y arriesga su vida para que el pueblo llano y los ensoberbecidos dueños del poder caminen por la senda de la moral. Todos los profetas emergen de súbito, iluminan y conmocionan. No hay fuerza en la Tierra que los detenga, porque su palabra deriva del inconmensurable Dios que ama, pero al mismo tiempo exige.
El profetismo ha dado lugar a muchos estudios teológicos. Los debates han cambiado de tono y color según las épocas y las intenciones. En la Biblia, se suceden los libros que reproducen sus frases. Algunos parecen reiterativos y breves, pero en la realidad no habrán sido así, porque se transmitieron de boca en boca. Los escribas comprimieron los párrafos centrales, pero han tenido el mérito de hacerlos inmortales. Ocurrió algo semejante a los textos que recitó Homero y luego se fijaron en el papiro. A esas analogías Kovadloff dedica párrafos iluminadores. Compara la profecía nacida en Israel con la poesía también nacida en Israel y en otras regiones. El poeta casi siempre encanta a sus auditorios. Pero no sucede lo mismo con el profeta, porque este genera desconfianza, irrita, desasosiega y atemoriza, inquieta y desagrada. El profeta es un alma atormentada que embiste contra la sociedad entera, su objetivo no se reduce a encantar.
No obstante, a estas dos enormes manifestaciones que aparecieron en el amanecer del lenguaje las une el hecho de que tienen una sola fuente: para el poeta, la musa, y Dios, para el profeta.
En la segunda parte de Locos de Dios se despliega un análisis sobre los vínculos entre el profetismo y algunas personalidades de enorme repercusión como Jesús, Pablo, Maquiavelo, Camus y Nelson Mandela. Kovadloff traza un arco que va desde la teología hasta la política. Y suma un análisis sobre el desconcertante papel profético del bufón. Así, señala que el profeta, igual que el bufón con el rey, mantiene con Dios una relación de privilegio, íntima y directa. Puede oírlo como nadie y hablarle como ninguno. En consecuencia, puede expresarse en su nombre con un énfasis y una espontaneidad que sorprenden y desorientan. El profeta y el bufón, en efecto, no parecen de entrada ser voceros genuinos de Dios y del rey. Por eso sus audiencias son reacias a creer que son verdaderos mensajeros. Si uno es el loco de la corte y el otro es el loco de Dios, no cabe duda de que el bufón y el profeta introducen en sus respectivas comunidades palabras que enhebran el delirio y la verdad con inusual filo analítico. Como el profeta, el bufón desenmascara al simulador. Lo consigue, porque el bufón está protegido por el rey, del mismo modo que el profeta cuenta con el escudo de Dios. Por eso, no los arredra manifestarse con libertad, franqueza y energía. El bufón tiene apariencia inofensiva y hasta grotesca. Pero mantiene una recíproca lealtad con el monarca, así como el profeta con Dios. En sus aspectos externos, al profeta y al bufón nada los distingue como seres singulares. Pero su aparente simpleza o debilidad permiten que su acción y sus expresiones calen hondo en las desprevenidas audiencias.
En nuestro tiempo de creciente peligro universal vuelven a ser necesarios los profetas, esos seres singulares y potentes que trascienden, hacen temblar y llevan hacia la buena senda. También en nuestra época, y pese a la existencia de líderes irresponsables e inescrupulosos, pueden encontrarse algunas pocas voces limpias, como la de Nelson Mandela. Voces que no temen contrariar, porque ven con claridad el camino moral y terminan por conseguir amplio consenso. Como nos recuerda Kovadloff en Locos de Dios, los profetas, con sus ejemplos del pasado, enseñan al presente el camino que debe labrarse para nuestro futuro.
La voz valiente de los profetas
Marcos Aguinis
18 de Agosto de 2018
"Locos de Dios" es una expresión hebrea, Mishugue Elohim, que refiere a los profetas del antiguo Israel. Y ese es precisamente el título que eligió Santiago Kovadloff para su nuevo libro, un texto breve y rico en reflexiones, bellamente escrito y bien documentado, que permite comprender la figura de estos hombres legendarios, devotos de la ley y, como se lee en sus páginas, "voceros de un ideal inédito en su tiempo: el de conciliar el ejercicio del poder político con la justicia social".
Los profetas han sido personajes curiosos, poderosos, elocuentes. Aparecieron unos siete siglos antes de Cristo en Israel, en coincidencia con el volcánico fenómeno intelectual de la Antigua Grecia. Tardaron en conectarse, pero cuando eso ocurrió cimentaron las bases de la civilización occidental.
A Santiago Kovadloff le llevó cinco años escribir este libro, con períodos de diversa inspiración. Lejos de retratar al profeta como en su versión más popular y conocida, como un simple adivinador del futuro, este libro esclarece con pruebas abundantes que la prédica de estos hombres apuntaba en otra dirección, hacia una ética poderosa que al principio fue rechazada, pero que se afirmó con el correr de los siglos. El profeta no solo condena, sino que llama a la autocrítica, implora sensatez y arriesga su vida para que el pueblo llano y los ensoberbecidos dueños del poder caminen por la senda de la moral. Todos los profetas emergen de súbito, iluminan y conmocionan. No hay fuerza en la Tierra que los detenga, porque su palabra deriva del inconmensurable Dios que ama, pero al mismo tiempo exige.
El profetismo ha dado lugar a muchos estudios teológicos. Los debates han cambiado de tono y color según las épocas y las intenciones. En la Biblia, se suceden los libros que reproducen sus frases. Algunos parecen reiterativos y breves, pero en la realidad no habrán sido así, porque se transmitieron de boca en boca. Los escribas comprimieron los párrafos centrales, pero han tenido el mérito de hacerlos inmortales. Ocurrió algo semejante a los textos que recitó Homero y luego se fijaron en el papiro. A esas analogías Kovadloff dedica párrafos iluminadores. Compara la profecía nacida en Israel con la poesía también nacida en Israel y en otras regiones. El poeta casi siempre encanta a sus auditorios. Pero no sucede lo mismo con el profeta, porque este genera desconfianza, irrita, desasosiega y atemoriza, inquieta y desagrada. El profeta es un alma atormentada que embiste contra la sociedad entera, su objetivo no se reduce a encantar.
No obstante, a estas dos enormes manifestaciones que aparecieron en el amanecer del lenguaje las une el hecho de que tienen una sola fuente: para el poeta, la musa, y Dios, para el profeta.
En la segunda parte de Locos de Dios se despliega un análisis sobre los vínculos entre el profetismo y algunas personalidades de enorme repercusión como Jesús, Pablo, Maquiavelo, Camus y Nelson Mandela. Kovadloff traza un arco que va desde la teología hasta la política. Y suma un análisis sobre el desconcertante papel profético del bufón. Así, señala que el profeta, igual que el bufón con el rey, mantiene con Dios una relación de privilegio, íntima y directa. Puede oírlo como nadie y hablarle como ninguno. En consecuencia, puede expresarse en su nombre con un énfasis y una espontaneidad que sorprenden y desorientan. El profeta y el bufón, en efecto, no parecen de entrada ser voceros genuinos de Dios y del rey. Por eso sus audiencias son reacias a creer que son verdaderos mensajeros. Si uno es el loco de la corte y el otro es el loco de Dios, no cabe duda de que el bufón y el profeta introducen en sus respectivas comunidades palabras que enhebran el delirio y la verdad con inusual filo analítico. Como el profeta, el bufón desenmascara al simulador. Lo consigue, porque el bufón está protegido por el rey, del mismo modo que el profeta cuenta con el escudo de Dios. Por eso, no los arredra manifestarse con libertad, franqueza y energía. El bufón tiene apariencia inofensiva y hasta grotesca. Pero mantiene una recíproca lealtad con el monarca, así como el profeta con Dios. En sus aspectos externos, al profeta y al bufón nada los distingue como seres singulares. Pero su aparente simpleza o debilidad permiten que su acción y sus expresiones calen hondo en las desprevenidas audiencias.
En nuestro tiempo de creciente peligro universal vuelven a ser necesarios los profetas, esos seres singulares y potentes que trascienden, hacen temblar y llevan hacia la buena senda. También en nuestra época, y pese a la existencia de líderes irresponsables e inescrupulosos, pueden encontrarse algunas pocas voces limpias, como la de Nelson Mandela. Voces que no temen contrariar, porque ven con claridad el camino moral y terminan por conseguir amplio consenso. Como nos recuerda Kovadloff en Locos de Dios, los profetas, con sus ejemplos del pasado, enseñan al presente el camino que debe labrarse para nuestro futuro.
EL MUNDO | ONU-R.I.P.: Kofi Annan, exsecretario general de la ONU y Premio Nobel de la Paz
The following information is used for educational purposes only.
Murió Kofi Annan, exsecretario general de la ONU y Premio Nobel de la Paz
Annan tenía 80 años y además de Secretario General de la ONU fue Premio Nobel de la Paz Fuente: Reuters - Crédito: Denis Balibouse
18 de Agosto de 2018
GINEBRA.- Kofi Annan, uno de los más célebres diplomáticos del mundo y exsecretario general de Naciones Unidas ( ONU ), murió hoy en Berna, Suiza, a los 80 años. Su fundación anunció la muerte a través de su cuenta en Twitter: "Murió en paz este sábado 18 de agosto tras una breve enfermedad. Su mujer Nane y sus hijos Ama, Kojo y Nina estuvieron a su lado sus últimos días".
El diplomático ghanés y Premio Nobel de la Paz fue un símbolo de lucha de los derechos humanos y un ferviente defensor del desarrollo en África. "Un internacionalista profundamente comprometido que luchó durante toda su vida por un mundo más justo y pacífico", destaca el comunicado que se difundió tras su muerte.
(Ver imagen en Twitter/Artículo fuente)
It is with immense sadness that the Annan family and the Kofi Annan Foundation announce that Kofi Annan, former Secretary General of the United Nations and Nobel Peace Laureate, passed away peacefully on Saturday 18th August after a short illness...
El secretario general de la ONU, Antonio Guterres, expresó su tristeza por la muerte de su predecesor al frente de Naciones Unidas: "Kofi Annan era una fuerza que guiaba hacia el bien", afirmó Guterres en un comunicado poco después de que fuera anunciado en Ginebra el fallecimiento de Annan.
Nacido el 8 de abril de 1938, Annan fue el primer secretario general de la ONU originario de África subsahariana. El ghanés dirigió el organismo internacional entre 1997 y 2006 y enfrentó el difícil período de la guerra en Irak, pero su balance quedó ensombrecido por acusaciones de corrupción en el caso de " petróleo por alimentos".
Junto con la organización, Annan recibió en 2001 el Premio Nobel de la Paz por sus "esfuerzos en favor de un mundo mejor organizado y más pacífico". Al aceptar el premio, dijo: "He intentado situar al ser humano en el centro de todo lo que emprendemos: de la prevención de los conflictos al desarrollo, pasando por los derechos humanos".
En febrero de 2012, fue elegido por la ONU y por la Liga Árabe para llevar a cabo una mediación en la guerra en Siria, pero tiró la toalla cinco meses después. Acusó entonces a las grandes potencias de mantener persistentes divergencias que transformaron su mediación en una "misión imposible".
Annan creó una fundación dedicada al desarrollo duradero y a la paz, y formó parte del grupo de los Elders (término inglés que significa los "mayores" o "ancianos" pero también los "sabios"), creado por Nelson Mandela para promover la paz y los derechos humanos.
(Ver imagen en Twitter/Artículo fuente)
We are shocked and deeply saddened at the passing of our dear friend, colleague and Chair, Kofi Annan. Statement: …
Agencias AP y AFP
Murió Kofi Annan, exsecretario general de la ONU y Premio Nobel de la Paz
Annan tenía 80 años y además de Secretario General de la ONU fue Premio Nobel de la Paz Fuente: Reuters - Crédito: Denis Balibouse
18 de Agosto de 2018
GINEBRA.- Kofi Annan, uno de los más célebres diplomáticos del mundo y exsecretario general de Naciones Unidas ( ONU ), murió hoy en Berna, Suiza, a los 80 años. Su fundación anunció la muerte a través de su cuenta en Twitter: "Murió en paz este sábado 18 de agosto tras una breve enfermedad. Su mujer Nane y sus hijos Ama, Kojo y Nina estuvieron a su lado sus últimos días".
El diplomático ghanés y Premio Nobel de la Paz fue un símbolo de lucha de los derechos humanos y un ferviente defensor del desarrollo en África. "Un internacionalista profundamente comprometido que luchó durante toda su vida por un mundo más justo y pacífico", destaca el comunicado que se difundió tras su muerte.
(Ver imagen en Twitter/Artículo fuente)
It is with immense sadness that the Annan family and the Kofi Annan Foundation announce that Kofi Annan, former Secretary General of the United Nations and Nobel Peace Laureate, passed away peacefully on Saturday 18th August after a short illness...
El secretario general de la ONU, Antonio Guterres, expresó su tristeza por la muerte de su predecesor al frente de Naciones Unidas: "Kofi Annan era una fuerza que guiaba hacia el bien", afirmó Guterres en un comunicado poco después de que fuera anunciado en Ginebra el fallecimiento de Annan.
Nacido el 8 de abril de 1938, Annan fue el primer secretario general de la ONU originario de África subsahariana. El ghanés dirigió el organismo internacional entre 1997 y 2006 y enfrentó el difícil período de la guerra en Irak, pero su balance quedó ensombrecido por acusaciones de corrupción en el caso de " petróleo por alimentos".
Junto con la organización, Annan recibió en 2001 el Premio Nobel de la Paz por sus "esfuerzos en favor de un mundo mejor organizado y más pacífico". Al aceptar el premio, dijo: "He intentado situar al ser humano en el centro de todo lo que emprendemos: de la prevención de los conflictos al desarrollo, pasando por los derechos humanos".
En febrero de 2012, fue elegido por la ONU y por la Liga Árabe para llevar a cabo una mediación en la guerra en Siria, pero tiró la toalla cinco meses después. Acusó entonces a las grandes potencias de mantener persistentes divergencias que transformaron su mediación en una "misión imposible".
Annan creó una fundación dedicada al desarrollo duradero y a la paz, y formó parte del grupo de los Elders (término inglés que significa los "mayores" o "ancianos" pero también los "sabios"), creado por Nelson Mandela para promover la paz y los derechos humanos.
(Ver imagen en Twitter/Artículo fuente)
We are shocked and deeply saddened at the passing of our dear friend, colleague and Chair, Kofi Annan. Statement: …
Agencias AP y AFP
La columna de Lanata-Su Majestad, la coima, por Jorge Lanata
The following information is used for educational purposes only.
La columna de Lanata
Su Majestad, la coima
Los negocios con el Estado comenzaron cuando éste era el Virreinato del Río de la Plata
Claudio Uberti, con José López y Julio De Vido, en 2006 (Enrique Cabrera/Télam)
Jorge Lanata
El “mecanismo” tiene tres partes: gobierno, empresas y Justicia.No funciona sin alguna de ellas. El gobierno avala, las empresas cobran y la Justicia disimula.En el mecanismo el Estado construye la barrera y decide donde ubicarla. Cada barrera lleva consigo un peaje: no pueden concebirse la una sin el otro. Frente al cobro, la justicia es ciega. ¿Es así en todos los casos? No, claro. Las excepciones existen. Es así en los casos que importan. Mayoría o no, esos casos forman una cultura. Esa cultura reina en la Argentina desde antes del nacimiento de la Nación.
Los negocios con el Estado comenzaron cuando éste era el Virreinato: la barrera se puso en el puerto, cerrado al comercio, a excepción de los barcos españoles. Excepción es sinónimo de barrera, nuestra historia describe un largo camino paralelo entre la excepción y la ley. Tan viejo como aquel chiste de “la gilada y el laburo”. Con el puerto cerrado por la ley, los barcos extranjeros llegaban igual, amparados por la excepción. Debían pagar un “donativo gracioso” al erario local, a cambio del cual se les emitía un “permiso especial”. En teoría, los barcos extranjeros solo podían solicitarlo si estaban en peligro de inminente hundimiento, ante una “arribada forzosa”.
Y así fue: el peligro de hundimiento se volvió tan común que vivíamos entonces en un Triángulo de las Bermudas. Un cargamento sorprendido en las lanchas del navío Wootle, en 1727 -para dar solo un ejemplo- arrojó en el inventario: cuchillos,cucharas, limpiadientes, anteojos de larga visa, peinetas de asta y marfil, tijeras, navajas, tornillos, bastones de metal y de vidrio, cajitas de polvillo, medias de hombre y de mujer, medias de seda,vasos, saleros, sombreros finos, encajes, zapatos, chinelas pañuelos de seda, hojalata para faroles, relojes de plata, hachas y todo tipo de baratijas. En la primera mitad del siglo XVII Buenos Aires fue un centro de contrabandistas que formaron un poder dentro del poder del Estado ,con vínculos y representantes establecidos en Brasil, Portugal, Angola, Holanda y otros puertos de esclavos.
Frente al contrabando ningún gobernador era fuerte: cuando Hernandarias no quiso transigir con aquel ambiente fue perseguido, acusado de crímenes que no cometió y condenado por jueces afines a los contrabandistas. No se trataba de corromper a los que ya estaban sino de contar con “tropa propia”: adquirían en subasta pública los cargos de concejales que eran puestos a remate, ganando así con facilidad la mayoría en el Cabildo. La venta de cargos públicos –incluyendo gobernadores, cargos militares, municipales, etc.- se hacía por remate o como “donativo gracioso” al Rey. Esta costumbre comenzó bajo el reinado de Felipe II.
Como una maestra del secundario, me permito avanzar 300 años de un plumazo: según Michael Mulhall en 1895 el ingreso por habitante de Argentina igualaba al de Bélgica, Alemania y Holanda, y superaba a Austria, España, Italia, Suiza, Suecia y Noruega, quedando por debajo del de Australia, Estados Unidos y Canada. Desde 1880 hasta 1930 la tasa de crecimiento de la Argentina tiene pocos antecedentes en la historia de la economía. Agrega León Pomer en “Argentina historia de negocios lícitos e ilícitos” que “cuando en 1910 la Argentina celebró el Centenario era el primer exportador mundial de trigo y el primer exportador mundial de carne”.
Zeballos citado por Pomer afirmó que en 1906 “la Nación entera trabaja para dos docenas de familias y sus clientelas que gozan de los favores oficiales sin reservas”. Seis años después Jules Huret anota que ”el poder está concentrado en doscientas familias, pero el país tiene siete millones de habitantes. Las abejas que viven en tal panal son excluyentes. Jamás en la historia ni aún bajo los Césares férreos de Roma, duraron tanto las dominaciones personales o las de los círculos cual se perpetuan entre nosotros. ¿La finalidad? Garantizarse el mayor número de ventajas públicas”.
Sobre la Argentina del Centeranario publica La Stampa de Turín : “La propina es una institución, tiene un nombre solemne, de resonancia griega: coima. Todos coimean, desde quienes desempeñan cargos superiores hasta el ultimo inspector”.
Los únicos tres edificios que interrumpen la traza de la avenida 9 de julio pueden dar una idea de los mojones del poder: el Palacio Alzaga Unzué (hoy hotel Four Seasons), la embajada de Francia (antes Palacio Ortiz Basualdo), el Obelisco y el mítico Ministerio de Obras Públicas, hoy de Salud. El edificio es el único con dirección en la Avenida 9 de Julio,1925, y posee dos estatuas art-decó ubicadas en el lado este: un mito asegura que fueron diseñadas por José Hortal y que simbolizan el pago de coimas. Una lleva entre sus manos un pequeño cofre y la otra extiende el revés de su mano hacia atrás, dispuesta a recoger el dinero.
En enero de 1929, durante la segunda presidencia de Yrigoyen, escribió Roberto Arlt en el diario El Mundo: “La coima es la polilla que roe el mecanismo de nuestra administración, la rémora que detiene la marcha de la nave del Estado (…) la coima es la que moviliza los escritos en un juzgado, la coima es la que arranca un certificado de buena conducta para un específico fascineroso, la coima es la que ablanda y humaniza al inspector, al oficial de justicia,al médico. La coima, invisible, penetrante, ardua e infalible, penetra por todas partes y compra al grande,al cogotudo y al severo como al pequeño, al modesto y al humilde que se conforma y transige con tal que le den para un café con leche”. El texto de Arlt se titula “Su Majestad, la coima”. Somos súbditos de la coima desde nuestro nacimiento como Nación, y antes aún. Hoy la justicia tiene ante sí la posibilidad de empezar a cambiarlo para siempre.
La columna de Lanata
Su Majestad, la coima
Los negocios con el Estado comenzaron cuando éste era el Virreinato del Río de la Plata
Claudio Uberti, con José López y Julio De Vido, en 2006 (Enrique Cabrera/Télam)
Jorge Lanata
El “mecanismo” tiene tres partes: gobierno, empresas y Justicia.No funciona sin alguna de ellas. El gobierno avala, las empresas cobran y la Justicia disimula.En el mecanismo el Estado construye la barrera y decide donde ubicarla. Cada barrera lleva consigo un peaje: no pueden concebirse la una sin el otro. Frente al cobro, la justicia es ciega. ¿Es así en todos los casos? No, claro. Las excepciones existen. Es así en los casos que importan. Mayoría o no, esos casos forman una cultura. Esa cultura reina en la Argentina desde antes del nacimiento de la Nación.
Los negocios con el Estado comenzaron cuando éste era el Virreinato: la barrera se puso en el puerto, cerrado al comercio, a excepción de los barcos españoles. Excepción es sinónimo de barrera, nuestra historia describe un largo camino paralelo entre la excepción y la ley. Tan viejo como aquel chiste de “la gilada y el laburo”. Con el puerto cerrado por la ley, los barcos extranjeros llegaban igual, amparados por la excepción. Debían pagar un “donativo gracioso” al erario local, a cambio del cual se les emitía un “permiso especial”. En teoría, los barcos extranjeros solo podían solicitarlo si estaban en peligro de inminente hundimiento, ante una “arribada forzosa”.
Y así fue: el peligro de hundimiento se volvió tan común que vivíamos entonces en un Triángulo de las Bermudas. Un cargamento sorprendido en las lanchas del navío Wootle, en 1727 -para dar solo un ejemplo- arrojó en el inventario: cuchillos,cucharas, limpiadientes, anteojos de larga visa, peinetas de asta y marfil, tijeras, navajas, tornillos, bastones de metal y de vidrio, cajitas de polvillo, medias de hombre y de mujer, medias de seda,vasos, saleros, sombreros finos, encajes, zapatos, chinelas pañuelos de seda, hojalata para faroles, relojes de plata, hachas y todo tipo de baratijas. En la primera mitad del siglo XVII Buenos Aires fue un centro de contrabandistas que formaron un poder dentro del poder del Estado ,con vínculos y representantes establecidos en Brasil, Portugal, Angola, Holanda y otros puertos de esclavos.
Frente al contrabando ningún gobernador era fuerte: cuando Hernandarias no quiso transigir con aquel ambiente fue perseguido, acusado de crímenes que no cometió y condenado por jueces afines a los contrabandistas. No se trataba de corromper a los que ya estaban sino de contar con “tropa propia”: adquirían en subasta pública los cargos de concejales que eran puestos a remate, ganando así con facilidad la mayoría en el Cabildo. La venta de cargos públicos –incluyendo gobernadores, cargos militares, municipales, etc.- se hacía por remate o como “donativo gracioso” al Rey. Esta costumbre comenzó bajo el reinado de Felipe II.
Como una maestra del secundario, me permito avanzar 300 años de un plumazo: según Michael Mulhall en 1895 el ingreso por habitante de Argentina igualaba al de Bélgica, Alemania y Holanda, y superaba a Austria, España, Italia, Suiza, Suecia y Noruega, quedando por debajo del de Australia, Estados Unidos y Canada. Desde 1880 hasta 1930 la tasa de crecimiento de la Argentina tiene pocos antecedentes en la historia de la economía. Agrega León Pomer en “Argentina historia de negocios lícitos e ilícitos” que “cuando en 1910 la Argentina celebró el Centenario era el primer exportador mundial de trigo y el primer exportador mundial de carne”.
Zeballos citado por Pomer afirmó que en 1906 “la Nación entera trabaja para dos docenas de familias y sus clientelas que gozan de los favores oficiales sin reservas”. Seis años después Jules Huret anota que ”el poder está concentrado en doscientas familias, pero el país tiene siete millones de habitantes. Las abejas que viven en tal panal son excluyentes. Jamás en la historia ni aún bajo los Césares férreos de Roma, duraron tanto las dominaciones personales o las de los círculos cual se perpetuan entre nosotros. ¿La finalidad? Garantizarse el mayor número de ventajas públicas”.
Sobre la Argentina del Centeranario publica La Stampa de Turín : “La propina es una institución, tiene un nombre solemne, de resonancia griega: coima. Todos coimean, desde quienes desempeñan cargos superiores hasta el ultimo inspector”.
Los únicos tres edificios que interrumpen la traza de la avenida 9 de julio pueden dar una idea de los mojones del poder: el Palacio Alzaga Unzué (hoy hotel Four Seasons), la embajada de Francia (antes Palacio Ortiz Basualdo), el Obelisco y el mítico Ministerio de Obras Públicas, hoy de Salud. El edificio es el único con dirección en la Avenida 9 de Julio,1925, y posee dos estatuas art-decó ubicadas en el lado este: un mito asegura que fueron diseñadas por José Hortal y que simbolizan el pago de coimas. Una lleva entre sus manos un pequeño cofre y la otra extiende el revés de su mano hacia atrás, dispuesta a recoger el dinero.
En enero de 1929, durante la segunda presidencia de Yrigoyen, escribió Roberto Arlt en el diario El Mundo: “La coima es la polilla que roe el mecanismo de nuestra administración, la rémora que detiene la marcha de la nave del Estado (…) la coima es la que moviliza los escritos en un juzgado, la coima es la que arranca un certificado de buena conducta para un específico fascineroso, la coima es la que ablanda y humaniza al inspector, al oficial de justicia,al médico. La coima, invisible, penetrante, ardua e infalible, penetra por todas partes y compra al grande,al cogotudo y al severo como al pequeño, al modesto y al humilde que se conforma y transige con tal que le den para un café con leche”. El texto de Arlt se titula “Su Majestad, la coima”. Somos súbditos de la coima desde nuestro nacimiento como Nación, y antes aún. Hoy la justicia tiene ante sí la posibilidad de empezar a cambiarlo para siempre.
TED TALKS-Kai-Fu Lee: How AI can save our humanity
The following information is used for educational purposes only.
TED2018 | April 2018
Kai-Fu Lee: How AI can save our humanity
AI is massively transforming our world, but there's one thing it cannot do: love. In a visionary talk, computer scientist Kai-Fu Lee details how the US and China are driving a deep learning revolution -- and shares a blueprint for how humans can thrive in the age of AI by harnessing compassion and creativity. "AI is serendipity," Lee says. "It is here to liberate us from routine jobs, and it is here to remind us what it is that makes us human."
I'm going to talk about how AI and mankind can coexist, but first, we have to rethink about our human values. So let me first make a confession about my errors in my values.
It was 11 o'clock, December 16, 1991. I was about to become a father for the first time. My wife, Shen-Ling, lay in the hospital bed going through a very difficult 12-hour labor. I sat by her bedside but looked anxiously at my watch, and I knew something that she didn't. I knew that if in one hour, our child didn't come, I was going to leave her there and go back to work and make a presentation about AI to my boss, Apple's CEO. Fortunately, my daughter was born at 11:30 --
sparing me from doing the unthinkable, and to this day, I am so sorry for letting my work ethic take precedence over love for my family.
My AI talk, however, went off brilliantly.
Apple loved my work and decided to announce it at TED1992, 26 years ago on this very stage. I thought I had made one of the biggest, most important discoveries in AI, and so did the "Wall Street Journal" on the following day.
But as far as discoveries went, it turned out, I didn't discover India, or America. Perhaps I discovered a little island off of Portugal. But the AI era of discovery continued, and more scientists poured their souls into it. About 10 years ago, the grand AI discovery was made by three North American scientists, and it's known as deep learning.
Deep learning is a technology that can take a huge amount of data within one single domain and learn to predict or decide at superhuman accuracy. For example, if we show the deep learning network a massive number of food photos, it can recognize food such as hot dog or no hot dog.
Or if we show it many pictures and videos and sensor data from driving on the highway, it can actually drive a car as well as a human being on the highway. And what if we showed this deep learning network all the speeches made by President Trump? Then this artificially intelligent President Trump, actually the network --
can --
You like double oxymorons, huh?
So this network, if given the request to make a speech about AI, he, or it, might say --
(Recording) Donald Trump: It's a great thing to build a better world with artificial intelligence.
Kai-Fu Lee: And maybe in another language?
DT: (Speaking Chinese)
KFL: You didn't know he knew Chinese, did you?
So deep learning has become the core in the era of AI discovery, and that's led by the US. But we're now in the era of implementation, where what really matters is execution, product quality, speed and data. And that's where China comes in. Chinese entrepreneurs, who I fund as a venture capitalist, are incredible workers, amazing work ethic. My example in the delivery room is nothing compared to how hard people work in China. As an example, one startup tried to claim work-life balance: "Come work for us because we are 996." And what does that mean? It means the work hours of 9am to 9pm, six days a week. That's contrasted with other startups that do 997.
And the Chinese product quality has consistently gone up in the past decade, and that's because of a fiercely competitive environment. In Silicon Valley, entrepreneurs compete in a very gentlemanly fashion, sort of like in old wars in which each side took turns to fire at each other.
But in the Chinese environment, it's truly a gladiatorial fight to the death. In such a brutal environment, entrepreneurs learn to grow very rapidly, they learn to make their products better at lightning speed, and they learn to hone their business models until they're impregnable. As a result, great Chinese products like WeChat and Weibo are arguably better than the equivalent American products from Facebook and Twitter.
And the Chinese market embraces this change and accelerated change and paradigm shifts. As an example, if any of you go to China, you will see it's almost cashless and credit card-less, because that thing that we all talk about, mobile payment, has become the reality in China. In the last year, 18.8 trillion US dollars were transacted on mobile internet, and that's because of very robust technologies built behind it. It's even bigger than the China GDP. And this technology, you can say, how can it be bigger than the GDP? Because it includes all transactions: wholesale, channels, retail, online, offline, going into a shopping mall or going into a farmers market like this. The technology is used by 700 million people to pay each other, not just merchants, so it's peer to peer, and it's almost transaction-fee-free. And it's instantaneous, and it's used everywhere. And finally, the China market is enormous. This market is large, which helps give entrepreneurs more users, more revenue, more investment, but most importantly, it gives the entrepreneurs a chance to collect a huge amount of data which becomes rocket fuel for the AI engine. So as a result, the Chinese AI companies have leaped ahead so that today, the most valuable companies in computer vision, speech recognition, speech synthesis, machine translation and drones are all Chinese companies.
So with the US leading the era of discovery and China leading the era of implementation, we are now in an amazing age where the dual engine of the two superpowers are working together to drive the fastest revolution in technology that we have ever seen as humans. And this will bring tremendous wealth, unprecedented wealth: 16 trillion dollars, according to PwC, in terms of added GDP to the worldwide GDP by 2030. It will also bring immense challenges in terms of potential job replacements. Whereas in the Industrial Age it created more jobs because craftsman jobs were being decomposed into jobs in the assembly line, so more jobs were created. But AI completely replaces the individual jobs in the assembly line with robots. And it's not just in factories, but truckers, drivers and even jobs like telesales, customer service and hematologists as well as radiologists over the next 15 years are going to be gradually replaced by artificial intelligence. And only the creative jobs --
I have to make myself safe, right? Really, the creative jobs are the ones that are protected, because AI can optimize but not create.
But what's more serious than the loss of jobs is the loss of meaning, because the work ethic in the Industrial Age has brainwashed us into thinking that work is the reason we exist, that work defined the meaning of our lives. And I was a prime and willing victim to that type of workaholic thinking. I worked incredibly hard. That's why I almost left my wife in the delivery room, that's why I worked 996 alongside my entrepreneurs. And that obsession that I had with work ended abruptly a few years ago when I was diagnosed with fourth stage lymphoma. The PET scan here shows over 20 malignant tumors jumping out like fireballs, melting away my ambition. But more importantly, it helped me reexamine my life. Knowing that I may only have a few months to live caused me to see how foolish it was for me to base my entire self-worth on how hard I worked and the accomplishments from hard work. My priorities were completely out of order. I neglected my family. My father had passed away, and I never had a chance to tell him I loved him. My mother had dementia and no longer recognized me, and my children had grown up.
During my chemotherapy, I read a book by Bronnie Ware who talked about dying wishes and regrets of the people in the deathbed. She found that facing death, nobody regretted that they didn't work hard enough in this life. They only regretted that they didn't spend enough time with their loved ones and that they didn't spread their love.
So I am fortunately today in remission.
So I can be back at TED again to share with you that I have changed my ways. I now only work 965 -- occasionally 996, but usually 965. I moved closer to my mother, my wife usually travels with me, and when my kids have vacation, if they don't come home, I go to them. So it's a new form of life that helped me recognize how important it is that love is for me, and facing death helped me change my life, but it also helped me see a new way of how AI should impact mankind and work and coexist with mankind, that really, AI is taking away a lot of routine jobs, but routine jobs are not what we're about.
Why we exist is love. When we hold our newborn baby, love at first sight, or when we help someone in need, humans are uniquely able to give and receive love, and that's what differentiates us from AI.
Despite what science fiction may portray, I can responsibly tell you that AI has no love. When AlphaGo defeated the world champion Ke Jie, while Ke Jie was crying and loving the game of go, AlphaGo felt no happiness from winning and certainly no desire to hug a loved one.
So how do we differentiate ourselves as humans in the age of AI? We talked about the axis of creativity, and certainly that is one possibility, and now we introduce a new axis that we can call compassion, love, or empathy. Those are things that AI cannot do. So as AI takes away the routine jobs, I like to think we can, we should and we must create jobs of compassion. You might ask how many of those there are, but I would ask you: Do you not think that we are going to need a lot of social workers to help us make this transition? Do you not think we need a lot of compassionate caregivers to give more medical care to more people? Do you not think we're going to need 10 times more teachers to help our children find their way to survive and thrive in this brave new world? And with all the newfound wealth, should we not also make labors of love into careers and let elderly accompaniment or homeschooling become careers also?
This graph is surely not perfect, but it points at four ways that we can work with AI. AI will come and take away the routine jobs and in due time, we will be thankful. AI will become great tools for the creatives so that scientists, artists, musicians and writers can be even more creative. AI will work with humans as analytical tools that humans can wrap their warmth around for the high-compassion jobs. And we can always differentiate ourselves with the uniquely capable jobs that are both compassionate and creative, using and leveraging our irreplaceable brains and hearts. So there you have it: a blueprint of coexistence for humans and AI.
AI is serendipity. It is here to liberate us from routine jobs, and it is here to remind us what it is that makes us human. So let us choose to embrace AI and to love one another.Thank you.
TED2018 | April 2018
Kai-Fu Lee: How AI can save our humanity
AI is massively transforming our world, but there's one thing it cannot do: love. In a visionary talk, computer scientist Kai-Fu Lee details how the US and China are driving a deep learning revolution -- and shares a blueprint for how humans can thrive in the age of AI by harnessing compassion and creativity. "AI is serendipity," Lee says. "It is here to liberate us from routine jobs, and it is here to remind us what it is that makes us human."
I'm going to talk about how AI and mankind can coexist, but first, we have to rethink about our human values. So let me first make a confession about my errors in my values.
It was 11 o'clock, December 16, 1991. I was about to become a father for the first time. My wife, Shen-Ling, lay in the hospital bed going through a very difficult 12-hour labor. I sat by her bedside but looked anxiously at my watch, and I knew something that she didn't. I knew that if in one hour, our child didn't come, I was going to leave her there and go back to work and make a presentation about AI to my boss, Apple's CEO. Fortunately, my daughter was born at 11:30 --
sparing me from doing the unthinkable, and to this day, I am so sorry for letting my work ethic take precedence over love for my family.
My AI talk, however, went off brilliantly.
Apple loved my work and decided to announce it at TED1992, 26 years ago on this very stage. I thought I had made one of the biggest, most important discoveries in AI, and so did the "Wall Street Journal" on the following day.
But as far as discoveries went, it turned out, I didn't discover India, or America. Perhaps I discovered a little island off of Portugal. But the AI era of discovery continued, and more scientists poured their souls into it. About 10 years ago, the grand AI discovery was made by three North American scientists, and it's known as deep learning.
Deep learning is a technology that can take a huge amount of data within one single domain and learn to predict or decide at superhuman accuracy. For example, if we show the deep learning network a massive number of food photos, it can recognize food such as hot dog or no hot dog.
Or if we show it many pictures and videos and sensor data from driving on the highway, it can actually drive a car as well as a human being on the highway. And what if we showed this deep learning network all the speeches made by President Trump? Then this artificially intelligent President Trump, actually the network --
can --
You like double oxymorons, huh?
So this network, if given the request to make a speech about AI, he, or it, might say --
(Recording) Donald Trump: It's a great thing to build a better world with artificial intelligence.
Kai-Fu Lee: And maybe in another language?
DT: (Speaking Chinese)
KFL: You didn't know he knew Chinese, did you?
So deep learning has become the core in the era of AI discovery, and that's led by the US. But we're now in the era of implementation, where what really matters is execution, product quality, speed and data. And that's where China comes in. Chinese entrepreneurs, who I fund as a venture capitalist, are incredible workers, amazing work ethic. My example in the delivery room is nothing compared to how hard people work in China. As an example, one startup tried to claim work-life balance: "Come work for us because we are 996." And what does that mean? It means the work hours of 9am to 9pm, six days a week. That's contrasted with other startups that do 997.
And the Chinese product quality has consistently gone up in the past decade, and that's because of a fiercely competitive environment. In Silicon Valley, entrepreneurs compete in a very gentlemanly fashion, sort of like in old wars in which each side took turns to fire at each other.
But in the Chinese environment, it's truly a gladiatorial fight to the death. In such a brutal environment, entrepreneurs learn to grow very rapidly, they learn to make their products better at lightning speed, and they learn to hone their business models until they're impregnable. As a result, great Chinese products like WeChat and Weibo are arguably better than the equivalent American products from Facebook and Twitter.
And the Chinese market embraces this change and accelerated change and paradigm shifts. As an example, if any of you go to China, you will see it's almost cashless and credit card-less, because that thing that we all talk about, mobile payment, has become the reality in China. In the last year, 18.8 trillion US dollars were transacted on mobile internet, and that's because of very robust technologies built behind it. It's even bigger than the China GDP. And this technology, you can say, how can it be bigger than the GDP? Because it includes all transactions: wholesale, channels, retail, online, offline, going into a shopping mall or going into a farmers market like this. The technology is used by 700 million people to pay each other, not just merchants, so it's peer to peer, and it's almost transaction-fee-free. And it's instantaneous, and it's used everywhere. And finally, the China market is enormous. This market is large, which helps give entrepreneurs more users, more revenue, more investment, but most importantly, it gives the entrepreneurs a chance to collect a huge amount of data which becomes rocket fuel for the AI engine. So as a result, the Chinese AI companies have leaped ahead so that today, the most valuable companies in computer vision, speech recognition, speech synthesis, machine translation and drones are all Chinese companies.
So with the US leading the era of discovery and China leading the era of implementation, we are now in an amazing age where the dual engine of the two superpowers are working together to drive the fastest revolution in technology that we have ever seen as humans. And this will bring tremendous wealth, unprecedented wealth: 16 trillion dollars, according to PwC, in terms of added GDP to the worldwide GDP by 2030. It will also bring immense challenges in terms of potential job replacements. Whereas in the Industrial Age it created more jobs because craftsman jobs were being decomposed into jobs in the assembly line, so more jobs were created. But AI completely replaces the individual jobs in the assembly line with robots. And it's not just in factories, but truckers, drivers and even jobs like telesales, customer service and hematologists as well as radiologists over the next 15 years are going to be gradually replaced by artificial intelligence. And only the creative jobs --
I have to make myself safe, right? Really, the creative jobs are the ones that are protected, because AI can optimize but not create.
But what's more serious than the loss of jobs is the loss of meaning, because the work ethic in the Industrial Age has brainwashed us into thinking that work is the reason we exist, that work defined the meaning of our lives. And I was a prime and willing victim to that type of workaholic thinking. I worked incredibly hard. That's why I almost left my wife in the delivery room, that's why I worked 996 alongside my entrepreneurs. And that obsession that I had with work ended abruptly a few years ago when I was diagnosed with fourth stage lymphoma. The PET scan here shows over 20 malignant tumors jumping out like fireballs, melting away my ambition. But more importantly, it helped me reexamine my life. Knowing that I may only have a few months to live caused me to see how foolish it was for me to base my entire self-worth on how hard I worked and the accomplishments from hard work. My priorities were completely out of order. I neglected my family. My father had passed away, and I never had a chance to tell him I loved him. My mother had dementia and no longer recognized me, and my children had grown up.
During my chemotherapy, I read a book by Bronnie Ware who talked about dying wishes and regrets of the people in the deathbed. She found that facing death, nobody regretted that they didn't work hard enough in this life. They only regretted that they didn't spend enough time with their loved ones and that they didn't spread their love.
So I am fortunately today in remission.
So I can be back at TED again to share with you that I have changed my ways. I now only work 965 -- occasionally 996, but usually 965. I moved closer to my mother, my wife usually travels with me, and when my kids have vacation, if they don't come home, I go to them. So it's a new form of life that helped me recognize how important it is that love is for me, and facing death helped me change my life, but it also helped me see a new way of how AI should impact mankind and work and coexist with mankind, that really, AI is taking away a lot of routine jobs, but routine jobs are not what we're about.
Why we exist is love. When we hold our newborn baby, love at first sight, or when we help someone in need, humans are uniquely able to give and receive love, and that's what differentiates us from AI.
Despite what science fiction may portray, I can responsibly tell you that AI has no love. When AlphaGo defeated the world champion Ke Jie, while Ke Jie was crying and loving the game of go, AlphaGo felt no happiness from winning and certainly no desire to hug a loved one.
So how do we differentiate ourselves as humans in the age of AI? We talked about the axis of creativity, and certainly that is one possibility, and now we introduce a new axis that we can call compassion, love, or empathy. Those are things that AI cannot do. So as AI takes away the routine jobs, I like to think we can, we should and we must create jobs of compassion. You might ask how many of those there are, but I would ask you: Do you not think that we are going to need a lot of social workers to help us make this transition? Do you not think we need a lot of compassionate caregivers to give more medical care to more people? Do you not think we're going to need 10 times more teachers to help our children find their way to survive and thrive in this brave new world? And with all the newfound wealth, should we not also make labors of love into careers and let elderly accompaniment or homeschooling become careers also?
This graph is surely not perfect, but it points at four ways that we can work with AI. AI will come and take away the routine jobs and in due time, we will be thankful. AI will become great tools for the creatives so that scientists, artists, musicians and writers can be even more creative. AI will work with humans as analytical tools that humans can wrap their warmth around for the high-compassion jobs. And we can always differentiate ourselves with the uniquely capable jobs that are both compassionate and creative, using and leveraging our irreplaceable brains and hearts. So there you have it: a blueprint of coexistence for humans and AI.
AI is serendipity. It is here to liberate us from routine jobs, and it is here to remind us what it is that makes us human. So let us choose to embrace AI and to love one another.Thank you.
TED TALKS-Tina Seelig: The little risks you can take to increase your luck
The following information is used for educational purposes only.
TED Salon Brightline | June 2018
Tina Seelig: The little risks you can take to increase your luck
Luck is rarely a lightning strike, isolated and dramatic -- it's much more like the wind, blowing constantly. Catching more of it is easy but not obvious. In this insightful talk, Stanford engineering school professor Tina Seelig shares three unexpected ways to increase your luck -- and your ability to see and seize opportunities.
I've spent nearly two decades observing what makes people luckier than others and trying to help people increase their luck. You see, I teach entrepreneurship, and we all know that most new ventures fail, and innovators and entrepreneurs need all the luck they can get.
So what is luck? Luck is defined as success or failure apparently caused by chance. Apparently. That's the operative word. It looks like it's chance because we rarely see all the levers that come into play to make people lucky. But I've realized, by watching so long, that luck is rarely a lightning strike, isolated and dramatic. It's much more like the wind, blowing constantly. Sometimes it's calm, and sometimes it blows in gusts, and sometimes it comes from directions that you didn't even imagine.
So how do you catch the winds of luck? It's easy, but it's not obvious. So I'm going to share three things with you that you can do to build a sail to capture the winds of luck. The first thing you want to do is to change your relationship with yourself. Be willing to take small risks that get you out of your comfort zone. Now, when we're children, we do this all the time. We have to do this if we're going to learn how to walk or talk or ride a bike or even quantum mechanics. Right? We need to go from someone one week who doesn't ride a bike to, next week, someone who does. And this requires us to get out of our comfort zone and take some risks. The problem is, as we get older, we rarely do this. We sort of lock down the sense of who we are and don't stretch anymore.
Now, with my students, I spend a lot of time giving them encouragement to get out of their comfort zone and take some risks. How do I do this? Well, I start out by having them fill out a risk-o-meter. Now, it's basically a fun thing we developed in our class where they map out what risks they're willing to take. And it becomes clear very quickly to them that risk-taking is not binary. There are intellectual risks and physical risks and financial risks and emotional risks and social risks and ethical risks and political risks. And once they do this, they compare their risk profiles with others, and they quickly realize that they're all really different.
I then encourage them to stretch, to take some risks that get them out of their comfort zone. For example, I might ask them to do an intellectual risk and try to tackle a problem they haven't tried before; or a social risk, talking to someone sitting next to them on the train; or an emotional risk, maybe telling someone they really care about how they feel.
I do this myself all the time. About a dozen years ago, I was on an airplane, early, early morning flight on my way to Ecuador. And normally, I would just put on my headphones and go to sleep, wake up, do some work, but I decided to take a little risk, and I started a conversation with the man sitting next to me. I introduced myself, and I learned that he was a publisher. Interesting. We ended up having a fascinating conversation. I learned all about the future of the publishing industry. So about three quarters of the way through the flight, I decided to take another risk, and I opened up my laptop and I shared with him a book proposal I put together for something I was doing in my class. And he was very polite, he read it, and he said, "You know what, Tina, this isn't right for us, but thank you so much for sharing." It's OK. That risk didn't work out. I shut my laptop. At the end of the flight, we exchanged contact information.
A couple of months later, I reached out to him, and I said, "Mark, would you like to come to my class? I'm doing a project on reinventing the book, the future of publishing." And he said, "Great. I'd love to come." So he came to my class. We had a great experience.
A few months later, I wrote to him again. This time, I sent him a bunch of video clips from another project my students had done. He was so intrigued by one of the projects the students had done, he thought there might be a book in it, and he wanted to meet those students.
I have to tell you, I was a little bit hurt.
I mean, he wanted to do a book with my students and not with me, but OK, it's all right. So I invited him to come down, and he and his colleagues came to Stanford and met with the students, and afterwards, we had lunch together. And one of his editors said to me, "Hey, have you ever considered writing a book?"
I said, "Funny you should ask." And I pulled out the exact same proposal that I had showed his boss a year earlier. Within two weeks, I had a contract, and within two years, the book had sold over a million copies around the world.
Now, you might say, "Oh, you're so lucky." But of course I was lucky, but that luck resulted from a series of small risks I took, starting with saying hello. And anyone can do this, no matter where you are in your life, no matter where you are in the world -- even if you think you're the most unlucky person, you can do this by taking little risks that get you out of your comfort zone. You start building a sail to capture luck.
The second thing you want to do is to change your relationship with other people. You need to understand that everyone who helps you on your journey is playing a huge role in getting you to your goals. And if you don't show appreciation, not only are you not closing the loop, but you're missing an opportunity. When someone does something for you, they're taking that time that they could be spending on themselves or someone else, and you need to acknowledge what they're doing.
Now, I run three fellowship programs at Stanford, and they are very competitive to get into, and when I send out the letters to those students who don't get in, I always know there are going to be people who are disappointed. Some of the people who are disappointed send me notes, complaining. Some of them send notes saying what could I do to make myself more successful next time around? And every once in a while, someone sends me a note thanking me for the opportunity.
This happened about seven years ago. A young man named Brian sent me a beautiful note saying, "I know I've been rejected from this program twice, but I want to thank you for the opportunity. I learned so much through the process of applying."
I was so taken by the graciousness of his message that I invited him to come and meet me. And we spent some time chatting and cooked up an idea for an independent study project together. He was on the football team at Stanford, and he decided to do a project on looking at leadership in that context. We got to know each other incredibly well through that quarter, and he took the project that he started working on in the independent study and turned it, ultimately, into a company called Play for Tomorrow, where he teaches kids from disadvantaged backgrounds how to, essentially, craft the lives they dream to live.
Now, the important thing about this story is that we both ended up catching the winds of luck as a result of his thank-you note. But it was the winds that we didn't expect in the first place.
Over the course of the last couple of years, I've come up with some tactics for my own life to help me really foster appreciation. My favorite is that at the end of every single day, I look at my calendar and I review all the people I met with, and I send thank-you notes to every single person. It only takes a few minutes, but at the end of every day, I feel incredibly grateful and appreciative, and I promise you it has increased my luck.
So first, you need to take some risks and get out of your comfort zone. Second, you need to show appreciation. And third, you want to change your relationship with ideas. Most people look at new ideas that come there way and they judge them. "That's a great idea" or "That's a terrible idea." But it's actually much more nuanced. Ideas are neither good or bad. And in fact, the seeds of terrible ideas are often something truly remarkable.
One of my favorite exercises in my classes on creativity is to help students foster an attitude of looking at terrible ideas through the lens of possibilities. So I give them a challenge: to create an idea for a brand new restaurant. They have to come up with the best ideas for a new restaurant and the worst ideas for a new restaurant. So the best ideas are things like a restaurant on a mountaintop with a beautiful sunset, or a restaurant on a boat with a gorgeous view. And the terrible ideas are things like a restaurant in a garbage dump, or a restaurant with terrible service that's really dirty, or a restaurant that serves cockroach sushi.
So they hand all the ideas to me, I read the great ideas out loud, and then I rip them up and throw them away. I then take the horrible ideas and redistribute them. Each team now has an idea that another team thought was horrible, and their challenge is to turn it into something brilliant.
Here's what happens. Within about 10 seconds, someone says, "This is a fabulous idea." And they have about three minutes before they pitch the idea to the class. So the restaurant in the garbage dump? What does that turn into? Well, they collect all the extra food from Michelin star restaurants that was going to get thrown out, and they have another restaurant at a much lower price, with all the leftovers. Pretty cool? Or the restaurant that's dirty with terrible service? Well, that turns into a restaurant that's a training ground for future restauranteurs to figure out how to avoid all the pitfalls. And the restaurant with cockroach sushi? It turns into a sushi bar with all sorts of really interesting and exotic ingredients.
If you look around at the companies, the ventures that are really innovative around you, the ones that we now take for granted that have changed our life, well, you know what? They all started out as crazy ideas. They started ideas that when they pitched to other people, most people said, "That's crazy, it will never work."
So, yes, sometimes people were born into terrible circumstances, and sometimes, luck is a lightning bolt that hits us with something wonderful or something terrible. But the winds of luck are always there, and if you're willing to take some risks, if you're willing to really go out and show appreciation and willing to really look at ideas, even if they're crazy, through the lens of possibilities, you can build a bigger and bigger sail to catch the winds of luck.Thank you.
TED Salon Brightline | June 2018
Tina Seelig: The little risks you can take to increase your luck
Luck is rarely a lightning strike, isolated and dramatic -- it's much more like the wind, blowing constantly. Catching more of it is easy but not obvious. In this insightful talk, Stanford engineering school professor Tina Seelig shares three unexpected ways to increase your luck -- and your ability to see and seize opportunities.
I've spent nearly two decades observing what makes people luckier than others and trying to help people increase their luck. You see, I teach entrepreneurship, and we all know that most new ventures fail, and innovators and entrepreneurs need all the luck they can get.
So what is luck? Luck is defined as success or failure apparently caused by chance. Apparently. That's the operative word. It looks like it's chance because we rarely see all the levers that come into play to make people lucky. But I've realized, by watching so long, that luck is rarely a lightning strike, isolated and dramatic. It's much more like the wind, blowing constantly. Sometimes it's calm, and sometimes it blows in gusts, and sometimes it comes from directions that you didn't even imagine.
So how do you catch the winds of luck? It's easy, but it's not obvious. So I'm going to share three things with you that you can do to build a sail to capture the winds of luck. The first thing you want to do is to change your relationship with yourself. Be willing to take small risks that get you out of your comfort zone. Now, when we're children, we do this all the time. We have to do this if we're going to learn how to walk or talk or ride a bike or even quantum mechanics. Right? We need to go from someone one week who doesn't ride a bike to, next week, someone who does. And this requires us to get out of our comfort zone and take some risks. The problem is, as we get older, we rarely do this. We sort of lock down the sense of who we are and don't stretch anymore.
Now, with my students, I spend a lot of time giving them encouragement to get out of their comfort zone and take some risks. How do I do this? Well, I start out by having them fill out a risk-o-meter. Now, it's basically a fun thing we developed in our class where they map out what risks they're willing to take. And it becomes clear very quickly to them that risk-taking is not binary. There are intellectual risks and physical risks and financial risks and emotional risks and social risks and ethical risks and political risks. And once they do this, they compare their risk profiles with others, and they quickly realize that they're all really different.
I then encourage them to stretch, to take some risks that get them out of their comfort zone. For example, I might ask them to do an intellectual risk and try to tackle a problem they haven't tried before; or a social risk, talking to someone sitting next to them on the train; or an emotional risk, maybe telling someone they really care about how they feel.
I do this myself all the time. About a dozen years ago, I was on an airplane, early, early morning flight on my way to Ecuador. And normally, I would just put on my headphones and go to sleep, wake up, do some work, but I decided to take a little risk, and I started a conversation with the man sitting next to me. I introduced myself, and I learned that he was a publisher. Interesting. We ended up having a fascinating conversation. I learned all about the future of the publishing industry. So about three quarters of the way through the flight, I decided to take another risk, and I opened up my laptop and I shared with him a book proposal I put together for something I was doing in my class. And he was very polite, he read it, and he said, "You know what, Tina, this isn't right for us, but thank you so much for sharing." It's OK. That risk didn't work out. I shut my laptop. At the end of the flight, we exchanged contact information.
A couple of months later, I reached out to him, and I said, "Mark, would you like to come to my class? I'm doing a project on reinventing the book, the future of publishing." And he said, "Great. I'd love to come." So he came to my class. We had a great experience.
A few months later, I wrote to him again. This time, I sent him a bunch of video clips from another project my students had done. He was so intrigued by one of the projects the students had done, he thought there might be a book in it, and he wanted to meet those students.
I have to tell you, I was a little bit hurt.
I mean, he wanted to do a book with my students and not with me, but OK, it's all right. So I invited him to come down, and he and his colleagues came to Stanford and met with the students, and afterwards, we had lunch together. And one of his editors said to me, "Hey, have you ever considered writing a book?"
I said, "Funny you should ask." And I pulled out the exact same proposal that I had showed his boss a year earlier. Within two weeks, I had a contract, and within two years, the book had sold over a million copies around the world.
Now, you might say, "Oh, you're so lucky." But of course I was lucky, but that luck resulted from a series of small risks I took, starting with saying hello. And anyone can do this, no matter where you are in your life, no matter where you are in the world -- even if you think you're the most unlucky person, you can do this by taking little risks that get you out of your comfort zone. You start building a sail to capture luck.
The second thing you want to do is to change your relationship with other people. You need to understand that everyone who helps you on your journey is playing a huge role in getting you to your goals. And if you don't show appreciation, not only are you not closing the loop, but you're missing an opportunity. When someone does something for you, they're taking that time that they could be spending on themselves or someone else, and you need to acknowledge what they're doing.
Now, I run three fellowship programs at Stanford, and they are very competitive to get into, and when I send out the letters to those students who don't get in, I always know there are going to be people who are disappointed. Some of the people who are disappointed send me notes, complaining. Some of them send notes saying what could I do to make myself more successful next time around? And every once in a while, someone sends me a note thanking me for the opportunity.
This happened about seven years ago. A young man named Brian sent me a beautiful note saying, "I know I've been rejected from this program twice, but I want to thank you for the opportunity. I learned so much through the process of applying."
I was so taken by the graciousness of his message that I invited him to come and meet me. And we spent some time chatting and cooked up an idea for an independent study project together. He was on the football team at Stanford, and he decided to do a project on looking at leadership in that context. We got to know each other incredibly well through that quarter, and he took the project that he started working on in the independent study and turned it, ultimately, into a company called Play for Tomorrow, where he teaches kids from disadvantaged backgrounds how to, essentially, craft the lives they dream to live.
Now, the important thing about this story is that we both ended up catching the winds of luck as a result of his thank-you note. But it was the winds that we didn't expect in the first place.
Over the course of the last couple of years, I've come up with some tactics for my own life to help me really foster appreciation. My favorite is that at the end of every single day, I look at my calendar and I review all the people I met with, and I send thank-you notes to every single person. It only takes a few minutes, but at the end of every day, I feel incredibly grateful and appreciative, and I promise you it has increased my luck.
So first, you need to take some risks and get out of your comfort zone. Second, you need to show appreciation. And third, you want to change your relationship with ideas. Most people look at new ideas that come there way and they judge them. "That's a great idea" or "That's a terrible idea." But it's actually much more nuanced. Ideas are neither good or bad. And in fact, the seeds of terrible ideas are often something truly remarkable.
One of my favorite exercises in my classes on creativity is to help students foster an attitude of looking at terrible ideas through the lens of possibilities. So I give them a challenge: to create an idea for a brand new restaurant. They have to come up with the best ideas for a new restaurant and the worst ideas for a new restaurant. So the best ideas are things like a restaurant on a mountaintop with a beautiful sunset, or a restaurant on a boat with a gorgeous view. And the terrible ideas are things like a restaurant in a garbage dump, or a restaurant with terrible service that's really dirty, or a restaurant that serves cockroach sushi.
So they hand all the ideas to me, I read the great ideas out loud, and then I rip them up and throw them away. I then take the horrible ideas and redistribute them. Each team now has an idea that another team thought was horrible, and their challenge is to turn it into something brilliant.
Here's what happens. Within about 10 seconds, someone says, "This is a fabulous idea." And they have about three minutes before they pitch the idea to the class. So the restaurant in the garbage dump? What does that turn into? Well, they collect all the extra food from Michelin star restaurants that was going to get thrown out, and they have another restaurant at a much lower price, with all the leftovers. Pretty cool? Or the restaurant that's dirty with terrible service? Well, that turns into a restaurant that's a training ground for future restauranteurs to figure out how to avoid all the pitfalls. And the restaurant with cockroach sushi? It turns into a sushi bar with all sorts of really interesting and exotic ingredients.
If you look around at the companies, the ventures that are really innovative around you, the ones that we now take for granted that have changed our life, well, you know what? They all started out as crazy ideas. They started ideas that when they pitched to other people, most people said, "That's crazy, it will never work."
So, yes, sometimes people were born into terrible circumstances, and sometimes, luck is a lightning bolt that hits us with something wonderful or something terrible. But the winds of luck are always there, and if you're willing to take some risks, if you're willing to really go out and show appreciation and willing to really look at ideas, even if they're crazy, through the lens of possibilities, you can build a bigger and bigger sail to catch the winds of luck.Thank you.
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