Tuesday, February 28, 2017

GralInt-Mensaje del Papa Francisco para la Cuaresma 2017

The following information is used for educational purposes only.

La Palabra es un don. El otro es un don

Mensaje del papa Francisco para la cuaresma 2017 

Queridos hermanos y hermanas: 

La Cuaresma es un nuevo comienzo, un camino que nos lleva a un destino seguro: la Pascua de Resurrección, la victoria de Cristo sobre la muerte. Y en este tiempo recibimos siempre una fuerte llamada a la conversión: el cristiano está llamado a volver a Dios «de todo corazón» (Jl 2,12), a no contentarse con una vida mediocre, sino a crecer en la amistad con el Señor. Jesús es el amigo fiel que nunca nos abandona, porque incluso cuando pecamos espera pacientemente que volvamos a él y, con esta espera, manifiesta su voluntad de perdonar (cf. Homilía, 8 enero 2016). 

La Cuaresma es un tiempo propicio para intensificar la vida del espíritu a través de los medios santos que la Iglesia nos ofrece: el ayuno, la oración y la limosna. En la base de todo está la Palabra de Dios, que en este tiempo se nos invita a escuchar y a meditar con mayor frecuencia. En concreto, quisiera centrarme aquí en la parábola del hombre rico y el pobre Lázaro (cf. Lc 16,19-31). Dejémonos guiar por este relato tan significativo, que nos da la clave para entender cómo hemos de comportarnos para alcanzar la verdadera felicidad y la vida eterna, exhortándonos a una sincera conversión. 

1. El otro es un don
La parábola comienza presentando a los dos personajes principales, pero el pobre es el que viene descrito con más detalle: él se encuentra en una situación desesperada y no tiene fuerza ni para levantarse, está echado a la puerta del rico y come las migajas que caen de su mesa, tiene llagas por todo el cuerpo y los perros vienen a lamérselas (cf. vv. 20-21). El cuadro es sombrío, y el hombre degradado y humillado. 

La escena resulta aún más dramática si consideramos que el pobre se llama Lázaro: un nombre repleto de promesas, que significa literalmente «Dios ayuda». Este no es un personaje anónimo, tiene rasgos precisos y se presenta como alguien con una historia personal. Mientras que para el rico es como si fuera invisible, para nosotros es alguien conocido y casi familiar, tiene un rostro; y, como tal, es un don, un tesoro de valor incalculable, un ser querido, amado, recordado por Dios, aunque su condición concreta sea la de un desecho humano (cf. Homilía, 8 enero 2016). 

Lázaro nos enseña que el otro es un don. La justa relación con las personas consiste en reconocer con gratitud su valor. Incluso el pobre en la puerta del rico, no es una carga molesta, sino una llamada a convertirse y a cambiar de vida. La primera invitación que nos hace esta parábola es la de abrir la puerta de nuestro corazón al otro, porque cada persona es un don, sea vecino nuestro o un pobre desconocido. La Cuaresma es un tiempo propicio para abrir la puerta a cualquier necesitado y reconocer en él o en ella el rostro de Cristo. Cada uno de nosotros los encontramos en nuestro camino. Cada vida que encontramos es un don y merece acogida, respeto y amor. La Palabra de Dios nos ayuda a abrir los ojos para acoger la vida y amarla, sobre todo cuando es débil. Pero para hacer esto hay que tomar en serio también lo que el Evangelio nos revela acerca del hombre rico. 

2. El pecado nos ciega
La parábola es despiadada al mostrar las contradicciones en las que se encuentra el rico (cf. v. 19). Este personaje, al contrario que el pobre Lázaro, no tiene un nombre, se le califica sólo como «rico». Su opulencia se manifiesta en la ropa que viste, de un lujo exagerado. La púrpura, en efecto, era muy valiosa, más que la plata y el oro, y por eso estaba reservada a las divinidades (cf. Jr 10,9) y a los reyes (cf. Jc 8,26). La tela era de un lino especial que contribuía a dar al aspecto un carácter casi sagrado. Por tanto, la riqueza de este hombre es excesiva, también porque la exhibía de manera habitual todos los días: «Banqueteaba espléndidamente cada día» (v. 19). En él se vislumbra de forma patente la corrupción del pecado, que se realiza en tres momentos sucesivos: el amor al dinero, la vanidad y la soberbia (cf. Homilía, 20 septiembre 2013). 

El apóstol Pablo dice que «la codicia es la raíz de todos los males» (1 Tm 6,10). Esta es la causa principal de la corrupción y fuente de envidias, pleitos y recelos. El dinero puede llegar a dominarnos hasta convertirse en un ídolo tiránico (cf. Exh. ap. Evangelii gaudium, 55). En lugar de ser un instrumento a nuestro servicio para hacer el bien y ejercer la solidaridad con los demás, el dinero puede someternos, a nosotros y a todo el mundo, a una lógica egoísta que no deja lugar al amor e impide la paz. 

La parábola nos muestra cómo la codicia del rico lo hace vanidoso. Su personalidad se desarrolla en la apariencia, en hacer ver a los demás lo que él se puede permitir. Pero la apariencia esconde un vacío interior. Su vida está prisionera de la exterioridad, de la dimensión más superficial y efímera de la existencia (cf. ibíd., 62). 

El peldaño más bajo de esta decadencia moral es la soberbia. El hombre rico se viste como si fuera un rey, simula las maneras de un dios, olvidando que es simplemente un mortal. Para el hombre corrompido por el amor a las riquezas, no existe otra cosa que el propio yo, y por eso las personas que están a su alrededor no merecen su atención. El fruto del apego al dinero es una especie de ceguera: el rico no ve al pobre hambriento, llagado y postrado en su humillación. 

Cuando miramos a este personaje, se entiende por qué el Evangelio condena con tanta claridad el amor al dinero: «Nadie puede estar al servicio de dos amos. Porque despreciará a uno y querrá al otro; o, al contrario, se dedicará al primero y no hará caso del segundo. No podéis servir a Dios y al dinero» (Mt6,24). 

3. La Palabra es un don
El Evangelio del rico y el pobre Lázaro nos ayuda a prepararnos bien para la Pascua que se acerca. La liturgia del Miércoles de Ceniza nos invita a vivir una experiencia semejante a la que el rico ha vivido de manera muy dramática. El sacerdote, mientras impone la ceniza en la cabeza, dice las siguientes palabras: «Acuérdate de que eres polvo y al polvo volverás». El rico y el pobre, en efecto, mueren, y la parte principal de la parábola se desarrolla en el más allá. Los dos personajes descubren de repente que «sin nada vinimos al mundo, y sin nada nos iremos de él» (1 Tm 6,7). 

También nuestra mirada se dirige al más allá, donde el rico mantiene un diálogo con Abraham, al que llama «padre» (Lc 16,24.27), demostrando que pertenece al pueblo de Dios. Este aspecto hace que su vida sea todavía más contradictoria, ya que hasta ahora no se había dicho nada de su relación con Dios. En efecto, en su vida no había lugar para Dios, siendo él mismo su único dios. 

El rico sólo reconoce a Lázaro en medio de los tormentos de la otra vida, y quiere que sea el pobre quien le alivie su sufrimiento con un poco de agua. Los gestos que se piden a Lázaro son semejantes a los que el rico hubiera tenido que hacer y nunca realizó. Abraham, sin embargo, le explica: «Hijo, recuerda que recibiste tus bienes en vida, y Lázaro, a su vez, males: por eso encuentra aquí consuelo, mientras que tú padeces» (v. 25). En el más allá se restablece una cierta equidad y los males de la vida se equilibran con los bienes. 

La parábola se prolonga, y de esta manera su mensaje se dirige a todos los cristianos. En efecto, el rico, cuyos hermanos todavía viven, pide a Abraham que les envíe a Lázaro para advertirles; pero Abraham le responde: «Tienen a Moisés y a los profetas; que los escuchen» (v. 29). Y, frente a la objeción del rico, añade: «Si no escuchan a Moisés y a los profetas, no harán caso ni aunque resucite un muerto» (v. 31). 

De esta manera se descubre el verdadero problema del rico: la raíz de sus males está en no prestar oído a la Palabra de Dios; esto es lo que le llevó a no amar ya a Dios y por tanto a despreciar al prójimo. La Palabra de Dios es una fuerza viva, capaz de suscitar la conversión del corazón de los hombres y orientar nuevamente a Dios. Cerrar el corazón al don de Dios que habla tiene como efecto cerrar el corazón al don del hermano. 

Queridos hermanos y hermanas, la Cuaresma es el tiempo propicio para renovarse en el encuentro con Cristo vivo en su Palabra, en los sacramentos y en el prójimo. El Señor ―que en los cuarenta días que pasó en el desierto venció los engaños del Tentador― nos muestra el camino a seguir. Que el Espíritu Santo nos guíe a realizar un verdadero camino de conversión, para redescubrir el don de la Palabra de Dios, ser purificados del pecado que nos ciega y servir a Cristo presente en los hermanos necesitados. Animo a todos los fieles a que manifiesten también esta renovación espiritual participando en las campañas de Cuaresma que muchas organizaciones de la Iglesia promueven en distintas partes del mundo para que aumente la cultura del encuentro en la única familia humana. Oremos unos por otros para que, participando de la victoria de Cristo, sepamos abrir nuestras puertas a los débiles y a los pobres. Entonces viviremos y daremos un testimonio pleno de la alegría de la Pascua. 

Vaticano, 18 de octubre de 2016, fiesta de San Lucas Evangelista.


Fuente: http://www.aica.org/documentos-s-RnJhbmNpc2NvLiBNZW5zYWplIHBhcmEgbGEgQ3VhcmVzbWE=-6361

Monday, February 27, 2017

EDUC/GralInt-Cartas al pais: "Necesito que las autoridades me dejen ser docente"

The following information is used for educational purposes only.

25/02/2017 - Cartas al país

EL COMENTARIO. Una maestra valiente que grita sus verdades

"Necesito que las autoridades me dejen ser docente"

Osvaldo Pepe


Soy docente… O eso creo. Escribo cuando acabo de finalizar mi jornada laboral en la escuela donde me desempeño como profesora de Inglés desde hace casi dieciséis años, pero no fue un día más.

Antes de retirarme, la profesora a cargo de la vice dirección me preguntó qué pensaba hacer con el alto número de desaprobados que tengo en mi materia. Porque de la misma manera que sentí una daga invisible presionándome, también la sienten los directivos cada vez que tienen que arrojar resultados que aunque no sean los reales, lo importante es que sean “agradables” a la vista de sus superiores.

Mientras tanto, los docentes somos los que salimos al campo de batalla, a defender los castillos sin ventanas, para no ver lo que pasa allá afuera, en los que se apoltronan los nobles dirigentes. Mientras ellos dibujan y pintan con colores una realidad cada vez más utópica, los directivos escolares son los que intentan mediar, pero se ven “tironeados” entre nosotros, los soldados, y la “nobleza dirigente”.

Señores ministros, más que un mayor número de días de clase, que no discuto son importantes, necesitamos desesperadamente que se redefina nuestro rol. Que se nos diga qué somos y qué tenemos que hacer. En lo personal, he sufrido el día que escribí esta carta “una crisis de identidad de rol”. Ya no estoy segura de cuál es mi función en mi lugar de trabajo. Creí haber estudiado y haberme formado para eso, para formar personas en una materia específica. Pero parece que con el correr de los años, el paso de las autoridades ministeriales y sus disparatados proyectos, nosotros hemos padecido en carne propia la abismal distancia que se generó entre el discurso y la práctica docente.

Por lo tanto hoy, estamos frente a alumnos sin hábitos de estudio, hijos de padres que aducen “no saber qué hacer con ellos”, chicos que por un proyecto de nivelación ”milagroso” pasaron de quinto grado a primer año de la escuela secundaria, y hoy sentados en nuestras aulas siguen sin entender cómo llegaron ahí. Tenemos alumnos que fuman, que a pesar de estar en los primeros años del nivel medio, ya tienen prontuario por haber cometido delitos de diversa índole. Y eso que la escuela donde trabajo está emplazada en un ámbito rural, en el que los conflictos que afrontamos no se comparan con los que se viven en las grandes ciudades.

En fin, la lista es casi interminable. Pero el mandato no ha cambiado: seamos guardería, para que por lo menos así los chicos no estén en la calle, no fumen, no se droguen, no delincan. Seamos honestos, al igual que ocurre en nuestros hogares, si nosotros no estamos atentos y ponemos límites, los chicos que tengan intención, se van a salir con la suya.

Por otra parte, de los que se esfuerzan, de los que hacen las cosas bien, ¿quién se acuerda? Cómo se les explica a esos chicos que esforzarse tiene su mérito, si ven cómo frente a sus narices las notas se dibujan, las infracciones se perdonan y todo se disfraza detrás de una inclusión que se fue transformando en deliberada impunidad ¿Cómo se les inculca a estos niños y adolescentes el sentido de la justicia, si a diario, comprueban que en realidad son los que menos se esfuerzan, los más justificados, contemplados y hasta a veces premiados? ¿Cómo les explico a mis hijos que estudiar es meritorio y nos hace mejores personas y futuros profesionales? Creo que no sólo el rol docente debe ser redefinido para sanear nuestra sociedad. Todos y cada uno de los argentinos debemos replantearnos qué estamos haciendo por nuestro presente y nuestro futuro, desde el lugar que ocupamos.

Por eso pido a las máximas autoridades: yo quiero desempeñar mi rol de manera responsable, pero necesito que me dejen hacerlo como corresponde. A mí no me competen las estadísticas. Estudié para formar personas de bien y competentes, para que los que vengan, reciban un país justo, visionario y promisorio.

María Diana Martínez


Una maestra valiente que grita sus verdades

Aclaración imprescindible. Esta carta fue escrita con anterioridad al nuevo paro docente que amenaza con dejar sin clases a unos 12 millones de alumnos en todo el país el lunes 6 y el martes 7 de marzo, en el arranque del año lectivo. El texto es un ramalazo a la hipocresía social y a las conciencias perezosas de quienes proclaman la importancia de la educación y no hacen nada por mejorarla o restituirla a sus momentos de antiguo brillo. Debería ser bien leída por dirigentes gremiales, funcionarios, políticos y los propios docentes. No habla del paro, sino de una cuestión trascendente que poco se aborda: el facilismo demagógico de la educación. Quizá duele, quizá moleste. Pero en la política, en las familias y en las escuelas se ha perdido el respeto por la institución de la enseñanza, sobre todo de visualizar ese proceso como una forma de progreso personal y de cohesión social. Ese bajo nivel de exigencia es de autoridades y directivos, pero también de algunos padres que se han transformado en cómplices de sus propios hijos cuando éstos le sacan el cuerpo al esfuerzo, y aquéllos culpan a los docentes por algún aplazo o alguna reprimenda.

Hay una frase de la docente Martínez que es de un tremendo impacto:“La inclusión se fue transformando en deliberada impunidad”. Es cierto: se hizo un culto del facilismo en nombre de “no estigmatizar” al alumno y no demorar su paso por la escuela para que de ese modo las estadísticas oficiales fuesen indulgentes con la realidad de las aulas. El kirchnerismo dibujó con malicia esos números de la educación. Le realidad es otra: una primaria que es más contención social que el comienzo de la educación sistemática; una secundaria con altos niveles de repitencia; una universidad cada vez con menos graduados y de una menor excelencia.

A través de las pruebas PISA, el mundo ha tomado nota de tanta decadencia en nuestras aulas. Contra eso, no hay paro que valga. No soluciona los problemas. Más bien los profundiza, porque no aporta soluciones y politiza el reclamo con un fervor ausente durante la anterior gestión. Extraña actitud gremial, ¿en favor de quién? De la escuela pública, que dicen defender, seguro que no. Al margen de la polémica, las verdades que grita la maestra Martínez son un llamado de atención a toda la sociedad: explican con lucidez porqué estamos como estamos.

Fuente: www.clarin.com

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

TECH/GralInt-TED Talks-Ray Kurzweil: The accelerating power of technology

The following information is used for educational purposes only.

Filmed February 2005 at TED2005

Ray Kurzweil: The accelerating power of technology

Inventor, entrepreneur and visionary Ray Kurzweil explains in abundant, grounded detail why, by the 2020s, we will have reverse-engineered the human brain and nanobots will be operating your consciousness.


Well, it's great to be here. We've heard a lot about the promise of technology, and the peril. I've been quite interested in both. If we could convert 0.03 percent of the sunlight that falls on the earth into energy, we could meet all of our projected needs for 2030. We can't do that today because solar panels are heavy, expensive and very inefficient. There are nano-engineered designs, which at least have been analyzed theoretically, that show the potential to be very lightweight, very inexpensive, very efficient, and we'd be able to actually provide all of our energy needs in this renewable way. Nano-engineered fuel cells could provide the energy where it's needed. That's a key trend, which is decentralization, moving from centralized nuclear power plants and liquid natural gas tankers to decentralized resources that are environmentally more friendly, a lot more efficient and capable and safe from disruption.
Bono spoke very eloquently, that we have the tools, for the first time, to address age-old problems of disease and poverty. Most regions of the world are moving in that direction. In 1990, in East Asia and the Pacific region, there were 500 million people living in poverty — that number now is under 200 million. The World Bank projects by 2011, it will be under 20 million, which is a reduction of 95 percent. I did enjoy Bono's comment linking Haight-Ashbury to Silicon Valley. Being from the Massachusetts high-tech community myself, I'd point out that we were hippies also in the 1960s, although we hung around Harvard Square. But we do have the potential to overcome disease and poverty, and I'm going to talk about those issues, if we have the will.
Kevin Kelly talked about the acceleration of technology. That's been a strong interest of mine, and a theme that I've developed for some 30 years. I realized that my technologies had to make sense when I finished a project. That invariably, the world was a different place when I would introduce a technology. And, I noticed that most inventions fail, not because the R&D department can't get it to work — if you look at most business plans, they will actually succeed if given the opportunity to build what they say they're going to build — and 90 percent of those projects or more will fail, because the timing is wrong — not all the enabling factors will be in place when they're needed.
So I began to be an ardent student of technology trends, and track where technology would be at different points in time, and began to build the mathematical models of that. It's kind of taken on a life of its own. I've got a group of 10 people that work with me to gather data on key measures of technology in many different areas, and we build models. And you'll hear people say, well, we can't predict the future. And if you ask me, will the price of Google be higher or lower than it is today three years from now, that's very hard to say. Will WiMax CDMA G3 be the wireless standard three years from now? That's hard to say. But if you ask me, what will it cost for one MIPS of computing in 2010, or the cost to sequence a base pair of DNA in 2012, or the cost of sending a megabyte of data wirelessly in 2014, it turns out that those are very predictable.
There are remarkably smooth exponential curves that govern price performance, capacity, bandwidth. And I'm going to show you a small sample of this, but there's really a theoretical reason why technology develops in an exponential fashion. And a lot of people, when they think about the future, think about it linearly. They think they're going to continue to develop a problem or address a problem using today's tools, at today's pace of progress, and fail to take into consideration this exponential growth.
The Genome Project was a controversial project in 1990. We had our best Ph.D. students, our most advanced equipment around the world, we got 1/10,000th of the project done, so how're we going to get this done in 15 years? And 10 years into the project, the skeptics were still going strong — says, "You're two-thirds through this project, and you've managed to only sequence a very tiny percentage of the whole genome." But it's the nature of exponential growth that once it reaches the knee of the curve, it explodes. Most of the project was done in the last few years of the project. It took us 15 years to sequence HIV — we sequenced SARS in 31 days. So we are gaining the potential to overcome these problems.
I'm going to show you just a few examples of how pervasive this phenomena is. The actual paradigm-shift rate, the rate of adopting new ideas, is doubling every decade, according to our models. These are all logarithmic graphs, so as you go up the levels it represents, generally multiplying by factor of 10 or 100. It took us half a century to adopt the telephone, the first virtual-reality technology. Cell phones were adopted in about eight years. If you put different communication technologies on this logarithmic graph, television, radio, telephone were adopted in decades. Recent technologies — like the PC, the web, cell phones — were under a decade. Now this is an interesting chart, and this really gets at the fundamental reason why an evolutionary process — and both biology and technology are evolutionary processes — accelerate. They work through interaction — they create a capability, and then it uses that capability to bring on the next stage.
So the first step in biological evolution, the evolution of DNA — actually it was RNA came first — took billions of years, but then evolution used that information-processing backbone to bring on the next stage. So the Cambrian Explosion, when all the body plans of the animals were evolved, took only 10 million years. It was 200 times faster. And then evolution used those body plans to evolve higher cognitive functions, and biological evolution kept accelerating. It's an inherent nature of an evolutionary process. So Homo sapiens, the first technology-creating species, the species that combined a cognitive function with an opposable appendage — and by the way, chimpanzees don't really have a very good opposable thumb — so we could actually manipulate our environment with a power grip and fine motor coordination, and use our mental models to actually change the world and bring on technology.
But anyway, the evolution of our species took hundreds of thousands of years, and then working through interaction, evolution used, essentially, the technology-creating species to bring on the next stage, which were the first steps in technological evolution. And the first step took tens of thousands of years — stone tools, fire, the wheel — kept accelerating. We always used then the latest generation of technology to create the next generation. Printing press took a century to be adopted; the first computers were designed pen-on-paper — now we use computers. And we've had a continual acceleration of this process.
Now by the way, if you look at this on a linear graph, it looks like everything has just happened, but some observer says, "Well, Kurzweil just put points on this graph that fall on that straight line." So, I took 15 different lists from key thinkers, like the Encyclopedia Britannica, the Museum of Natural History, Carl Sagan's Cosmic Calendar on the same — and these people were not trying to make my point; these were just lists in reference works, and I think that's what they thought the key events were in biological evolution and technological evolution. And again, it forms the same straight line. You have a little bit of thickening in the line because people do have disagreements, what the key points are, there's differences of opinion when agriculture started, or how long the Cambrian Explosion took. But you see a very clear trend. There's a basic, profound acceleration of this evolutionary process. Information technologies double their capacity, price performance, bandwidth, every year. And that's a very profound explosion of exponential growth. A personal experience, when I was at MIT — computer taking up about the size of this room, less powerful than the computer in your cell phone. But Moore's Law, which is very often identified with this exponential growth, is just one example of many, because it's basically a property of the evolutionary process of technology.
I put 49 famous computers on this logarithmic graph — by the way, a straight line on a logarithmic graph is exponential growth — that's another exponential. It took us three years to double our price performance of computing in 1900, two years in the middle; we're now doubling it every one year. And that's exponential growth through five different paradigms. Moore's Law was just the last part of that, where we were shrinking transistors on an integrated circuit, but we had electro-mechanical calculators, relay-based computers that cracked the German Enigma Code, vacuum tubes in the 1950s predicted the election of Eisenhower, discreet transistors used in the first space flights and then Moore's Law. Every time one paradigm ran out of steam, another paradigm came out of left field to continue the exponential growth. They were shrinking vacuum tubes, making them smaller and smaller. That hit a wall. They couldn't shrink them and keep the vacuum. Whole different paradigm — transistors came out of the woodwork. In fact, when we see the end of the line for a particular paradigm, it creates research pressure to create the next paradigm. And because we've been predicting the end of Moore's Law for quite a long time — the first prediction said 2002, until now it says 2022. But by the teen years, the features of transistors will be a few atoms in width, and we won't be able to shrink them any more. That'll be the end of Moore's Law, but it won't be the end of the exponential growth of computing, because chips are flat. We live in a three-dimensional world; we might as well use the third dimension. We will go into the third dimension and there's been tremendous progress, just in the last few years, of getting three-dimensional, self-organizing molecular circuits to work. We'll have those ready well before Moore's Law runs out of steam. Supercomputers — same thing. Processor performance on Intel chips, the average price of a transistor — 1968, you could buy one transistor for a dollar. You could buy 10 million in 2002.
It's pretty remarkable how smooth an exponential process that is. I mean, you'd think this is the result of some tabletop experiment, but this is the result of worldwide chaotic behavior — countries accusing each other of dumping products, IPOs, bankruptcies, marketing programs. You would think it would be a very erratic process, and you have a very smooth outcome of this chaotic process. Just as we can't predict what one molecule in a gas will do — it's hopeless to predict a single molecule — yet we can predict the properties of the whole gas, using thermodynamics, very accurately. It's the same thing here. We can't predict any particular project, but the result of this whole worldwide, chaotic, unpredictable activity of competition and the evolutionary process of technology is very predictable. And we can predict these trends far into the future. Unlike Gertrude Stein's roses, it's not the case that a transistor is a transistor. As we make them smaller and less expensive, the electrons have less distance to travel. They're faster, so you've got exponential growth in the speed of transistors, so the cost of a cycle of one transistor has been coming down with a halving rate of 1.1 years. You add other forms of innovation and processor design, you get a doubling of price performance of computing every one year.
And that's basically deflation — 50 percent deflation. And it's not just computers. I mean, it's true of DNA sequencing; it's true of brain scanning; it's true of the World Wide Web. I mean, anything that we can quantify, we have hundreds of different measurements of different, information-related measurements — capacity, adoption rates — and they basically double every 12, 13, 15 months, depending on what you're looking at. In terms of price performance, that's a 40 to 50 percent deflation rate. And economists have actually started worrying about that. We had deflation during the Depression, but that was collapse of the money supply, collapse of consumer confidence, a completely different phenomena. This is due to greater productivity, but the economist says, "But there's no way you're going to be able to keep up with that. If you have 50 percent deflation, people may increase their volume 30, 40 percent, but they won't keep up with it." But what we're actually seeing is that we actually more than keep up with it. We've had 28 percent per year compounded growth in dollars in information technology over the last 50 years. I mean, people didn't build iPods for 10,000 dollars 10 years ago. As the price performance makes new applications feasible, new applications come to the market. And this is a very widespread phenomena. Magnetic data storage — that's not Moore's Law, it's shrinking magnetic spots, different engineers, different companies, same exponential process.
A key revolution is that we're understanding our own biology in these information terms. We're understanding the software programs that make our body run. These were evolved in very different times — we'd like to actually change those programs. One little software program, called the fat insulin receptor gene, basically says, "Hold onto every calorie, because the next hunting season may not work out so well." That was in the interests of the species tens of thousands of years ago. We'd like to actually turn that program off. They tried that in animals, and these mice ate ravenously and remained slim and got the health benefits of being slim. They didn't get diabetes; they didn't get heart disease; they lived 20 percent longer; they got the health benefits of caloric restriction without the restriction. Four or five pharmaceutical companies have noticed this, felt that would be interesting drug for the human market, and that's just one of the 30,000 genes that affect our biochemistry.
We were evolved in an era where it wasn't in the interests of people at the age of most people at this conference, like myself, to live much longer, because we were using up the precious resources which were better deployed towards the children and those caring for them. So, life — long lifespans — like, that is to say, much more than 30 — weren't selected for, but we are learning to actually manipulate and change these software programs through the biotechnology revolution. For example, we can inhibit genes now with RNA interference. There are exciting new forms of gene therapy that overcome the problem of placing the genetic material in the right place on the chromosome. There's actually a — for the first time now, something going to human trials, that actually cures pulmonary hypertension — a fatal disease — using gene therapy. So we'll have not just designer babies, but designer baby boomers. And this technology is also accelerating. It cost 10 dollars per base pair in 1990, then a penny in 2000. It's now under a 10th of a cent. The amount of genetic data — basically this shows that smooth exponential growth doubled every year, enabling the genome project to be completed.
Another major revolution: the communications revolution. The price performance, bandwidth, capacity of communications measured many different ways; wired, wireless is growing exponentially. The Internet has been doubling in power and continues to, measured many different ways. This is based on the number of hosts.
Miniaturization — we're shrinking the size of technology at an exponential rate, both wired and wireless. These are some designs from Eric Drexler's book — which we're now showing are feasible with super-computing simulations, where actually there are scientists building molecule-scale robots. One has one that actually walks with a surprisingly human-like gait, that's built out of molecules. There are little machines doing things in experimental bases. The most exciting opportunity is actually to go inside the human body and perform therapeutic and diagnostic functions. And this is less futuristic than it may sound. These things have already been done in animals.
There's one nano-engineered device that cures type 1 diabetes. It's blood cell-sized. They put tens of thousands of these in the blood cell — they tried this in rats — it lets insulin out in a controlled fashion, and actually cures type 1 diabetes. What you're watching is a design of a robotic red blood cell, and it does bring up the issue that our biology is actually very sub-optimal, even though it's remarkable in its intricacy. Once we understand its principles of operation, and the pace with which we are reverse-engineering biology is accelerating, we can actually design these things to be thousands of times more capable. An analysis of this respirocyte, designed by Rob Freitas, indicates if you replace 10 percent of your red blood cells with these robotic versions, you could do an Olympic sprint for 15 minutes without taking a breath. You could sit at the bottom of your pool for four hours — so, "Honey, I'm in the pool," will take on a whole new meaning. It will be interesting to see what we do in our Olympic trials. Presumably we'll ban them, but then we'll have the specter of teenagers in their high schools gyms routinely out-performing the Olympic athletes. Freitas has a design for a robotic white blood cell. These are 2020-circa scenarios, but they're not as futuristic as it may sound. There are four major conferences on building blood cell-sized devices; there are many experiments in animals. There's actually one going into human trial, so this is feasible technology.
If we come back to our exponential growth of computing, 1,000 dollars of computing is now somewhere between an insect and a mouse brain. It will intersect human intelligence in terms of capacity in the 2020s, but that'll be the hardware side of the equation. Where will we get the software? Well, it turns out we can see inside the human brain, and in fact not surprisingly, the spatial and temporal resolution of brain scanning is doubling every year. And with the new generation of scanning tools, for the first time we can actually see individual inter-neural fibers and see them processing and signaling in real time — but then the question is, OK, we can get this data now, but can we understand it? Doug Hofstadter wonders, well, maybe our intelligence just isn't great enough to understand our intelligence, and if we were smarter, well, then our brains would be that much more complicated, and we'd never catch up to it. It turns out that we can understand it.
This is a block diagram of a model and simulation of the human auditory cortex that actually works quite well — in applying psychoacoustic tests, gets very similar results to human auditory perception. There's another simulation of the cerebellum — that's more than half the neurons in the brain — again, works very similarly to human skill formation. This is at an early stage, but you can show with the exponential growth of the amount of information about the brain and the exponential improvement in the resolution of brain scanning, we will succeed in reverse-engineering the human brain by the 2020s. We've already had very good models and simulation of about 15 regions out of the several hundred.
All of this is driving exponentially growing economic progress. We've had productivity go from 30 dollars to 150 dollars per hour of labor in the last 50 years. E-commerce has been growing exponentially. It's now a trillion dollars. You might wonder, well, wasn't there a boom and a bust? That was strictly a capital-markets phenomena. Wall Street noticed that this was a revolutionary technology, which it was, but then six months later, when it hadn't revolutionized all business models, they figured, well, that was wrong, and then we had this bust.
All right, this is a technology that we put together using some of the technologies we're involved in. This will be a routine feature in a cell phone. It would be able to translate from one language to another.
So let me just end with a couple of scenarios. By 2010 computers will disappear. They'll be so small, they'll be embedded in our clothing, in our environment. Images will be written directly to our retina, providing full-immersion virtual reality, augmented real reality. We'll be interacting with virtual personalities.
But if we go to 2029, we really have the full maturity of these trends, and you have to appreciate how many turns of the screw in terms of generations of technology, which are getting faster and faster, we'll have at that point. I mean, we will have two-to-the-25th-power greater price performance, capacity and bandwidth of these technologies, which is pretty phenomenal. It'll be millions of times more powerful than it is today. We'll have completed the reverse-engineering of the human brain, 1,000 dollars of computing will be far more powerful than the human brain in terms of basic raw capacity. Computers will combine the subtle pan-recognition powers of human intelligence with ways in which machines are already superior, in terms of doing analytic thinking, remembering billions of facts accurately. Machines can share their knowledge very quickly. But it's not just an alien invasion of intelligent machines. We are going to merge with our technology.
These nano-bots I mentioned will first be used for medical and health applications: cleaning up the environment, providing powerful fuel cells and widely distributed decentralized solar panels and so on in the environment. But they'll also go inside our brain, interact with our biological neurons. We've demonstrated the key principles of being able to do this. So, for example, full-immersion virtual reality from within the nervous system, the nano-bots shut down the signals coming from your real senses, replace them with the signals that your brain would be receiving if you were in the virtual environment, and then it'll feel like you're in that virtual environment. You can go there with other people, have any kind of experience with anyone involving all of the senses. "Experience beamers," I call them, will put their whole flow of sensory experiences in the neurological correlates of their emotions out on the Internet. You can plug in and experience what it's like to be someone else. But most importantly, it'll be a tremendous expansion of human intelligence through this direct merger with our technology, which in some sense we're doing already. We routinely do intellectual feats that would be impossible without our technology. Human life expectancy is expanding. It was 37 in 1800, and with this sort of biotechnology, nano-technology revolutions, this will move up very rapidly in the years ahead.
My main message is that progress in technology is exponential, not linear. Many — even scientists — assume a linear model, so they'll say, "Oh, it'll be hundreds of years before we have self-replicating nano-technology assembly or artificial intelligence." If you really look at the power of exponential growth, you'll see that these things are pretty soon at hand. And information technology is increasingly encompassing all of our lives, from our music to our manufacturing to our biology to our energy to materials.
We'll be able to manufacture almost anything we need in the 2020s, from information, in very inexpensive raw materials, using nano-technology. These are very powerful technologies. They both empower our promise and our peril. So we have to have the will to apply them to the right problems.
Thank you very much.

TECH/GralInt-TED Talks-Kevin Kelly: How technology evolves

The following information is used for educational purposes only.

Filmed February 2005 at TED2005

Kevin Kelly: How technology evolves

Tech enthusiast Kevin Kelly asks "What does technology want?" and discovers that its movement toward ubiquity and complexity is much like the evolution of life.


I don't know about you, but I haven't quite figured out exactly what technology means in my life. I've spent the past year thinking about what it really should be about. Should I be pro-technology? Should I embrace it full arms? Should I be wary? Like you, I'm very tempted by the latest thing. But at the other hand, a couple of years ago I gave up all of my possessions, sold all my technology — except for a bicycle — and rode across 3,000 miles on the U.S. back roads under the power of my one body, fuelled mostly by Twinkies and junk food.
And I've since then tried to keep technology at arm's length in many ways, so it doesn't master my life. At the same time, I run a website on cool tools, where I issue a daily obsession of the latest things in technology. So I'm still perplexed about what the true meaning of technology is as it relates to humanity, as it relates to nature, as it relates to the spiritual. And I'm not even sure we know what technology is. And one definition of technology is that which is first recorded. This is the first example of the modern use of technology that I can find. It was the suggested syllabus for dealing with the Applied Arts and Science at Cambridge University in 1829.
Before that, obviously, technology didn't exist. But obviously it did. I like one of the definitions that Alan Kay has for technology. He says technology is anything that was invented after you were born.
So it sums up a lot of what we're talking about. Danny Hillis actually has an update on that — he says technology is anything that doesn't quite work yet.
Which also, I think, gets into a little bit of our current idea. But I was interested in another definition of technology. Something, again, that went back to something more fundamental. Something that was deeper. And as I struggled to understand that, I came up with a way of framing the question that seemed to work for me in my investigations. And I'm, this morning, going to talk about this for the first time. So this is a very rough attempt to think out loud.
The question that I came up with was this question: what does technology want? And by that, I don't mean, does it want chocolate or vanilla? By what it wants, I mean, what are its inherent trends and biases? What are its tendencies over time? One way to think about this is thinking about biological organisms, which we've heard a lot about. And the trick that Richard Dawkins does, which is to say, to look at them as simply as genes, as vehicles for genes. So he's saying, what do genes want? The selfish gene. And I'm applying a similar trick to say, what if we looked at the universe in our culture through the eyes of technology? What does technology want? Obviously, this in an incomplete question, just as looking at an organism as only a gene is an incomplete way of looking at it. But it's still very, very productive. So I'm attempting to say, if we take technology's view of the world, what does it want? And I think once we ask that question we have to go back, actually, to life. Because obviously, if we keep extending the origins of technology far back, I think we come back to life at some point.
So that's where I want to begin my little exploration, is in life. And like you heard from the previous speakers, we don't really know what life there is on Earth right now. We have really no idea. Craig Venter's tremendous and brilliant attempt to DNA sequence things in the ocean is great. Brian Farrell's work is all part of this agenda to try and actually discover all the species on Earth. And one of the things that we should do is just make a grid of the globe and randomly go and inspect all the places that the grid intersects, just to see what's on life. And if we did that with our little Martian probe, which we have not done on Earth, we would begin to see some incredible species.
This is not on another planet. These are things that are hidden away on our planet. This is an ant that stores its colleagues' honey in its abdomen. Each one of these organisms that we've described — that you've seen from Jamie and others, these magnificent things — what they're doing, each one of them, is they're hacking the rules of life. I can't think of a single general principle of biology that does not have an exception somewhere by some organism. Every single thing that we can think of — and if you heard Olivia's talk about the sexual habits, you'll realize that there isn't anything we can say that's true for all life, because every single one of them is hacking something about it. This is a solar-powered sea slug. It's a nudibranch that has incorporated chloroplast inside it to drive its energy. This is another version of that. This is a sea dragon, and the one on the bottom, the blue one, is a juvenile that has not yet swallowed the acid, has not yet taken in the brown-green algae pond scum into its body to give it energy.
These are hacks, and if we looked at the general shape of the approaches to hacking life there are, current consensus, six kingdoms. Six different broad approaches: the plants, the animals, the fungi, the protests — the little things — the bacteria and the Archaea bacteria. The Archaeas. Those are the general approaches to life. That's one way to look at life on Earth today.
But a more interesting way, the current way to take the long view, is to look at it in an evolutionary perspective. And here we have a view of evolution where rather than having evolution go over the linear time, we have it coming out from the center. So in the center is the most primitive, and this is a genealogical chart of all life on earth. This is all the same six kingdoms. You see 4,000 representative species, and you can see where we are. But what I like about this is it shows that every living organism on Earth today is equally evolved. Those fungi and bacteria are as highly evolved as humans. They've been around just as long and gone through just the same kind of trial and error to get here. But we see that each one of these is actually hacking, and has a different way of finding out how to do life.
And if we take the long-term trends of life, if we begin to say, what does evolution want? There's several things that we see. One of the things about evolution is that nowhere on Earth have we ever been where we don't find life. We find life at the bottom of every long-term, long-distance drilling core into the center of rock that we bring up — and there's bacteria in the pores of that rock. And wherever life is, it never retreats. It's ubiquitous and it wants to be more. More and more of the inert matter of the globe is being touched and animated by life.
The second thing is is we see diversity. We also see specialization. We see the movement from a general-purpose cell to the more specific and specialized. And we see a drift towards complexity that's very intuitive. And actually, we have current data that does show that there is an actual drift towards complexity over time. And the last thing, I bring back this nudibranch. One of the things we see about life is that it moves from the inner to increasing sociability. And by that it means that there is more and more of life whose entire environment is other life. Like those chloroplast cells — they're completely surrounded by other life. They never touch the inner matter. There is more and more co-evolution. And so the general, long-term trends of evolution are roughly these five: ubiquity, diversity, specialization, complexity and socialization. Now, I took that and said, OK, what are the long-term trends in technology?
And again, my question is, what does technology want? And so, remarkably, I discovered that there's also a drift toward specialization. That we see there's a general hammer, and hammers become more and more specific over time. There's obviously diversity. Huge numbers of things. This is all the contents of a Japanese home. I actually had my daughter — gave her a tally counter, and I gave her an assignment last summer to go around and count the number of species of technology in our household. And it came up with 6,000 different species of products. I did some research and found out that the King of England, Henry VIII, had only about 7,000 items in his household. And he was the King of England, and that was the entire wealth of England at the time. So we're seeing huge numbers of diversity in the kinds of things.
This is a scene from Star Wars where the 3PO comes out and he sees machines making machines. How depraved! Well, this is actually what we're headed towards: world machines. And the technology is only being thrown out by other technologies. Most machines will only ever be in contact with other technology and not non-technology, or even life.
And thirdly, the idea that machines are becoming biological and complex is at this point a cliche. And I'm happy to say, I was partly responsible for that cliche that machines are becoming biological, but that's pretty evident. So the major trends in technology evolution actually are the same as in biological evolution. The same drives that we see towards ubiquity, towards diversity, towards socialization, towards complexity. That is maybe not a big surprise because if we map out, say, the evolution of armor, you can actually follow a sort of an evolutionary-type cladistic tree. I suggest that, in fact, technology is the seventh kingdom of life. That its operations and how it works is so similar that we can think of it as the seventh kingdom. And so it would be sort of approximately up there, coming out of the animal kingdom. And if we were to do that, we would find out — we could actually approach technology in this way.
This is Niles Eldredge. He was the co-developer with Stephen Jay Gould of the theory of punctuated equilibrium. But as a sideline, he happens to collect cornets. He has one of the world's largest collections — about 500 of them. And he has decided to treat them as if they were trilobites, or snails, and to do a morphological analysis, and try to derive their genealogical history over time. This is his chart, which is not quite published yet. But the most interesting aspect about this is that if you look at those red lines at the bottom, those indicate basically a parentage of a type of cornet that was no longer made. That does not happen in biology. When something is extinct, you can't have it as your parent. But that does happen in technology. And it turns out that that's so distinctive that you can actually look at this tree, and you can actually use it to determine that this is a technological system versus a biological system.
In fact, this idea of resurrecting the whole idea is so important that I began to think about what happens with old technology. And it turns out that, in fact, technologies don't die. So I suggested this to an historian of science, and he said, "Well, what about, you know, come on, what about steam cars? They're not around anymore." Well actually, they are. In fact, they're so around that you can buy new parts for a Stanley steam automobile. And this is a website of a guy who's selling brand new parts for the Stanley automobile. And the thing that I liked is sort of this one-click, add-to-your-cart button —
(Laughter) —
for buying steam valves. I mean, it was just — it was really there. And so, I began to think about, well, maybe that's just a random sample. Maybe I should do this sort of in a more conservative way.
So I took the great big 1895 Montgomery Ward's catalog and I randomly went through it. And I took a page — not quite a random page — I took a page that was actually more difficult than others because lots of the pages are filled with things that are still being made. But I took this page and I said, how many of these things are still being made? And not antiques. I want to know how many of these things are still in production. And the answer is: all of them. All of them are still being produced. So you've got corn shellers. I don't know who needs a corn sheller. Be it corn shellers — you've got ploughs; you've got fan mills; all these things — and these are not, again, antiques. These are — you can order these. You can go to the web and you can buy them now, brand-new made. So in a certain sense, technologies don't die. In fact, you can buy, for 50 bucks, a stone-age knife made exactly the same way that they were made 10,000 years ago. It's short, bone handle, 50 bucks. And in fact, what's important is that this information actually never died out. It's not just that it was resurrected. It's continued all along. And in Papua New Guinea, they were making stone axes until two decades ago, just as a course of practical matters.
Even when we try to get rid of a technology, it's actually very hard. So we've all heard about the Amish giving up cars. We've heard about the Japanese giving up guns. We've heard about this and that. But I actually went back and took what I could find, the examples in history where there have been prohibitions against technology, and then I tried to find out when they came back in, because they always came back in. And it turns out that the time, the duration of when they were outlawed and prohibited, is decreasing over time. And that basically, you can delay technology, but you can't kill it. So this makes sense, because in a certain sense what culture is, is the accumulation of ideas. That's what it's for. It's so that ideas don't die out. And when we take that, we take this idea of what culture is doing and add it to what the long-term trajectory — again, in life's evolution — we find that each case — each of the major transitions in life — what they're really about is accelerating and changing the way in which evolution happens. They're actually changing the way in which ideas are generated.
So all these steps in evolution are increasing, basically, the evolution of evolvability. So what's happening over time in life is that the ways in which you generate these new ideas, these new hacks, are increasing. And the real tricks are ways in which you kind of explore the way of exploring. And then what we see in the singularity, that prophesized by Kurzweil and others — his idea that technology is accelerating evolution. It's accelerating the way in which we search for ideas. So if you have life hacking — life means hacking, the game of survival — then evolution is a way to extend the game by changing the rules of the game. And what technology is really about is better ways to evolve. That is what we call an "infinite game." That's the definition of "infinite game." A finite game is play to win, and an infinite game is played to keep playing. And I believe that technology is actually a cosmic force.
The origins of technology was not in 1829, but was actually at the beginning of the Big Bang, and at that moment the entire huge billions of stars in the universe were compressed. The entire universe was compressed into a little quantum dot, and it was so tight in there, there was no room for any difference at all. That's the definition. There was no temperature. There was no difference whatsoever. And at the Big Bang, what it expanded was the potential for difference. So as it expands and as things expand what we have is the potential for differences, diversity, options, choices, opportunities, possibilities and freedoms. Those are all basically the same thing. And those are the things that technology brings us. That's what technology is bringing us: choices, possibilities, freedoms. That's what it's about. It's this expansion of room to make differences. And so a hammer, when we grab a hammer, that's what we're grabbing. And that's why we continue to grab technology — because we want those things. Those things are good. Differences, freedom, choices, possibilities. And each time we make a new opportunity place, we're allowing a platform to make new ones.
And I think it's really important. Because if you can imagine Mozart before the technology of the piano was invented — what a loss to society there would be. Imagine Van Gogh being born before the technologies of cheap oil paints. Imagine Hitchcock before the technologies of film. Somewhere, today, there are millions of young children being born whose technology of self-expression has not yet been invented. We have a moral obligation to invent technology so that every person on the globe has the potential to realize their true difference. We want a trillion zillion species of one individuals. That's what technology really wants.
I'm going to skip through some of the objections because I don't have answers to why there's deforestation. I don't have an answer to the fact that there seem to be bad technologies. I don't have an answer to how this impacts on our dignity, other than to suggest that maybe the seventh kingdom, because it's so close to what life is about, maybe we can bring it back and have it help us monitor life. Maybe in some ways the fact that what we're trying to do with technology is find a good home for it. It's a terrible thing to spray DDT on cotton fields, but it's a really good thing to use to eliminate millions of cases of death due to malaria in a small village.
Our humanity is actually defined by technology. All the things that we think that we really like about humanity is being driven by technology. This is the infinite game. That's what we're talking about. You see, technology is a way to evolve the evolution. It's a way to explore possibilities and opportunities and create more. And it's actually a way of playing the game, of playing all the games. That's what technology wants. And so when I think about what technology wants, I think that it has to do with the fact that every person here — and I really believe this — every person here has an assignment. And your assignment is to spend your life discovering what your assignment is. That recursive nature is the infinite game. And if you play that well, you'll have other people involved, so even that game extends and continues even when you're gone. That is the infinite game. And what technology is is the medium in which we play that infinite game. And so I think that we should embrace technology because it is an essential part of our journey in finding out who we are.
Thank you.

TECH/GralInt-TED Talks-Amber Case: We are all cyborgs now

The following information is used for educational purposes only.

Filmed December 2010 at TEDWomen 2010

Amber Case: We are all cyborgs now

Technology is evolving us, says Amber Case, as we become a screen-staring, button-clicking new version of homo sapiens. We now rely on "external brains" (cell phones and computers) to communicate, remember, even live out secondary lives. But will these machines ultimately connect or conquer us? Case offers surprising insight into our cyborg selves.


I would like to tell you all that you are all actually cyborgs, but not the cyborgs that you think. You're not RoboCop, and you're not Terminator, but you're cyborgs every time you look at a computer screen or use one of your cell phone devices. So what's a good definition for cyborg? Well, traditional definition is "an organism to which exogenous components have been added for the purpose of adapting to new environments." That came from a 1960 paper on space travel, because, if you think about it, space is pretty awkward. People aren't supposed to be there. But humans are curious, and they like to add things to their bodies so they can go to the Alps one day and then become a fish in the sea the next.
So let's look at the concept of traditional anthropology. Somebody goes to another country, says, "How fascinating these people are, how interesting their tools are, how curious their culture is." And then they write a paper, and maybe a few other anthropologists read it, and we think it's very exotic. Well, what's happening is that we've suddenly found a new species. I, as a cyborg anthropologist, have suddenly said, "Oh, wow. Now suddenly we're a new form of Homo sapiens, and look at these fascinating cultures,and look at these curious rituals that everybody's doing around this technology. They're clicking on things and staring at screens."
Now there's a reason why I study this, versus traditional anthropology. And the reason is that tool use, in the beginning — for thousands and thousands of years, everything has been a physical modification of self. It has helped us to extend our physical selves, go faster, hit things harder, and there's been a limit on that. But now what we're looking at is not an extension of the physical self, but an extension of the mental self, and because of that, we're able to travel faster, communicate differently. And the other thing that happens is that we're all carrying around little Mary Poppins technology. We can put anything we want into it, and it doesn't get heavier, and then we can take anything out. What does the inside of your computer actually look like? Well, if you print it out, it looks like a thousand pounds of material that you're carrying around all the time. And if you actually lose that information, it means that you suddenly have this loss in your mind, that you suddenly feel like something's missing, except you aren't able to see it, so it feels like a very strange emotion.
The other thing that happens is that you have a second self. Whether you like it or not, you're starting to show up online, and people are interacting with your second self when you're not there. And so you have to be careful about leaving your front lawn open, which is basically your Facebook wall, so that people don't write on it in the middle of the night — because it's very much the equivalent. And suddenly we have to start to maintain our second self. You have to present yourself in digital life in a similar way that you would in your analog life. So, in the same way that you wake up, take a shower and get dressed, you have to learn to do that for your digital self. And the problem is that a lot of people now, especially adolescents, have to go through two adolescences.
They have to go through their primary one, that's already awkward, and then they go through their second self's adolescence, and that's even more awkward because there's an actual history of what they've gone through online. And anybody coming in new to technology is an adolescent online right now, and so it's very awkward, and it's very difficult for them to do those things.
So when I was little, my dad would sit me down at night and he would say, "I'm going to teach you about time and space in the future." And I said, "Great." And he said one day, "What's the shortest distance between two points?" And I said, "Well, that's a straight line. You told me that yesterday." I thought I was very clever. He said, "No, no, no. Here's a better way." He took a piece of paper, drew A and B on one side and the other and folded them together so where A and B touched. And he said, "That is the shortest distance between two points." And I said, "Dad, dad, dad, how do you do that?" He said, "Well, you just bend time and space, it takes an awful lot of energy, and that's just how you do it." And I said, "I want to do that." And he said, "Well, okay." And so, when I went to sleep for the next 10 or 20 years, I was thinking at night, "I want to be the first person to create a wormhole, to make things accelerate faster. And I want to make a time machine." I was always sending messages to my future self using tape recorders.
But then what I realized when I went to college is that technology doesn't just get adopted because it works. It gets adopted because people use it and it's made for humans. So I started studying anthropology. And when I was writing my thesis on cell phones, I realized that everyone was carrying around wormholes in their pockets. They weren't physically transporting themselves; they were mentally transporting themselves. They would click on a button, and they would be connected as A to B immediately. And I thought, "Oh, wow. I found it. This is great."
So over time, time and space have compressed because of this. You can stand on one side of the world,whisper something and be heard on the other. One of the other ideas that comes around is that you have a different type of time on every single device that you use. Every single browser tab gives you a different type of time. And because of that, you start to dig around for your external memories — where did you leave them? So now we're all these paleontologists that are digging for things that we've lost on our external brains that we're carrying around in our pockets. And that incites a sort of panic architecture —"Oh no, where's this thing?" We're all "I Love Lucy" on a great assembly line of information, and we can't keep up.
And so what happens is, when we bring all that into the social space, we end up checking our phones all the time. So we have this thing called ambient intimacy. It's not that we're always connected to everybody, but at anytime we can connect to anyone we want. And if you were able to print out everybody in your cell phone, the room would be very crowded.
These are the people that you have access to right now, in general — all of these people, all of your friends and family that you can connect to.
And so there are some psychological effects that happen with this. One I'm really worried about is that people aren't taking time for mental reflection anymore, and that they aren't slowing down and stopping,being around all those people in the room all the time that are trying to compete for their attention on the simultaneous time interfaces, paleontology and panic architecture. They're not just sitting there. And really, when you have no external input, that is a time when there is a creation of self, when you can do long-term planning, when you can try and figure out who you really are. And then, once you do that, you can figure out how to present your second self in a legitimate way, instead of just dealing with everything as it comes in — and oh, I have to do this, and I have to do this, and I have to do this. And so this is very important. I'm really worried that, especially kids today, they're not going to be dealing with this down-time, that they have an instantaneous button-clicking culture, and that everything comes to them, and that they become very excited about it and very addicted to it.
So if you think about it, the world hasn't stopped either. It has its own external prosthetic devices, and these devices are helping us all to communicate and interact with each other. But when you actually visualize it, all the connections that we're doing right now — this is an image of the mapping of the Internet — it doesn't look technological. It actually looks very organic. This is the first time in the entire history of humanity that we've connected in this way. And it's not that machines are taking over. It's that they're helping us to be more human, helping us to connect with each other.
The most successful technology gets out of the way and helps us live our lives. And really, it ends up being more human than technology, because we're co-creating each other all the time. And so this is the important point that I like to study: that things are beautiful, that it's still a human connection — it's just done in a different way. We're just increasing our humanness and our ability to connect with each other, regardless of geography. So that's why I study cyborg anthropology.
Thank you. (Applause).

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

GralInt- 14 de Febrero: San Valentín:¡Feliz Día de los Enamorados!

The following information is used for educational purposes only.

                                            SAN VALENTÍN


Se han escrito, se escriben y se seguirán  escribiendo tantas líneas sobre el amor como 

todo lo que significa, provoca, moviliza, conmueve, lastima, y desalienta  esa constante 

permanente ola de adrenalina, "mariposas en la panza", impulsos, latidos acelerados, 

dudas, ansiedades, contradicciones, torpezas, errores, y muchas otras maravillosas

-y algunas, no tanto- sensaciones y experiencias que nos provoca el estar enamorado, 

AMAR a alguien con AMOR verdadero, puro e inocente muchas veces.

Tan inocente que uno cree que puede cambiar a la otra persona, que el otro va a estar

siempre a tu lado para cuidarte y protegerte-como alguna vez te lo escribiera en una 

hoja de cuaderno toda ajada y arrugada-,que ese amor que vos le das le resulta 

suficiente-pero estás tan ciego que no ves que algo está faltando, o si lo sentís te decís a 

vos mismo, mi AMOR lo calmará, lo  dejará satisfecho, lo colmará. El AMOR nos hace 

creer superiores y nos hace sentir inferiores, y sumisos, nos eleva y nos tira bruscamente 

al piso,nos fortalece y nos debilita, nos anula.

El AMOR nos equilibra y nos hace incoherentes, listos y tontos, alegres y tristes. 

La lista podría continuar hasta el infinito por todo lo único e individual de cada uno de 

los seres humanos que podemos SENTIR AMOR. C.M.

Alfred Tennyson. «Es mejor haber amado y perdido que 

jamás haber amado». 

Deleite y dolor
Ilusión e ira
Alegría y amargura

Diversión y desconfianza
Esperanza y desazón

Libertad y ataduras
Osadía y precaución
Satisfacción y utilización

Encuentro y enojo
Naturalización y sumisión
Altruismo y egoísmo
Música y silencios
Orden y manipulación
Risas y llantos
Amor y angustia
Deseo y desamor
Obligaciones y abandono
Salud y enfermedad

Fuente: Google Imges/Palabras de C.M.

La vejez. Drama y tarea, pero también una oportunidad, por Santiago Kovadloff

The following information is used for educational purposes only. La vejez. Drama y tarea, pero también una oportunidad Los años permiten r...